A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Skyrockets in Flight

By Jimmy Johnson

I never set out to draw a dirty comic. I set out to draw a comic about two married people. If you’re honest, a lot of what goes on in Arlo & Janis of a carnal nature is suggested. There’s a lot of fill-in-the-blank, and a lot of my readers, for my taste, are far too imaginative. However, looking through strips from the Fourth of July, it struck me that this simple black and white doodle may very well be the most overtly sensual comic strip I’ve ever drawn. You figure it out. Speaking of the holiday, I’m sorry I missed posting the past couple of days. My work week was compressed to meet holiday deadlines. It’s all done now, though! Let’s go have some fun.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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67 responses to “Skyrockets in Flight”

  1. Jay & Jeannie Avatar
    Jay & Jeannie

    This is a great strip! And the best part about it, is that you don’t know who’s doing the talking. Is Arlo saying it to Janis, or the other way around.

    Love your work Jimmy!

  2. domaucan1 Avatar

    At least “we” still have MEMORIES! Great retro strip, as usual, JJ.

    I hope everyone has a very happy 4th of July. God bless America!

    God bless us every one.

  3. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Good Morning All! I am feeling much better now… After 11 hours of sleep and a day of rest, I am as good as new. Sometimes I feel like such a wuss… a 12-hour (intense) day should not lay me low like that. But then I think – how many other 73 YO could take up the fiscal reins of a multi-million dollar organization and do a halfway decent job? Probably lots, but I am pleased to count myself one of them.

    I worked on Memorial Day because I had a huge deadline to meet. Not happening on the 4th!

    Hope EVERYONE has a wonderful day tomorrow. Thank you to all who have served this wonderful country in whatever capacity. “We who wait also serve…”

  4. emb Avatar

    Today’s Luann comic. And she seemed like such a sweet girl!



  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Good morning, folks. Hope things are better for those with problems and that the rest of you are having a good weekend before the holiday. Galliglo, I would say you are doing very well for someone of any age, much less 73. Take pride in your accomplishments and take the rest when you need it.

    I am working on the 4th, since I work for a hospital and they don’t run on bankers hours. There is no family get-together or other group activity for me to join in, so no reason not to work. And the holiday pay differential is good too.

    Have a safe and Happy 4th, and think of the reason for the Holiday. As one of my FB friends put yesterday.


  6.  Avatar

    Good one Mark. And let’s remember all those like Mindy who make travel and beer and soda drinking possible on a holiday. And the cops like my resident deputy who have to pick them up. And the hospitals like Marks who go on working. Lots don’t get a holiday.

    Thanks to all who serve no matter how. America is a great country already thanks to them.

  7. Steve From Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    Had to sing at Mass this morning,even though I’ve been fighting a cold/allergies. My wife never made it out of bed as she barely slept due to congestion.

    I sang OK. I guess knowing that I’m not 100% made me go s on using my diaphragm more. Wish it didn’t take a sore throat to help me do that. We sang America the Beautiful and backed off the mike as everyone knew the song and were singing well.
    Going to lay around and do nothing today. Maybe watch the from Fort Bragg tonight on TV.

  8. emb Avatar

    People should read all the verses. Peace,

  9. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    For Debbe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HHe32bXPf0

    From The Good Dinosaur, Arlo feeds the chickens.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Also for Debbe, watch this to the end to get it.


  11.  Avatar

    Mark and Village just discovered great healthy frozen whole grains and protein, vegetables for microwave, Birdseye Steam fresh Proteins. I had a package of the Asian style with package of Thai tuna mixed in, low calorie, low sodium, low sugar, high fiber, low fat, all good and totalled 36 protein grams. One bowl fast food dish.

  12. Sideburns Avatar

    I just sent a link to this strip to a friend of mine who works fireworks displays. He doesn’t have a pyrotechnics license, but works for a friend who does. Whenever anybody asks the tech if he’s any good, he holds up both hands and replies, “Ten.”

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, I’ve been buying the Asian blend and other veggie steamers for a while, but I haven’t seen the Protein version. I’ll check to see if it’s available in my area.

    As I’ve mentioned before, it’s important to replenish one’s proteins. πŸ˜‰

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I maxed out at a 7.6 pound gain since the first of the year when things started going sideways with my mom’s health, not due to diet so much as lack of regular exercise at the gym. Started back at gym, then strained my lower back a couple of weeks ago lifting and pulling on her; had lost 3.0, now have gained it back. Easing back into workouts tomorrow.

    But, as always…” Non deficere.”

  15.  Avatar

    Ghost I am so glad you are back. When you disappear I hope you have a date but I worry more that the date is your mother. And that she is not doing well. Funny, I have met neither you nor her yet I think of her daily and hope for a respite in her illness.

    The Chinese laundry has been going all day. I am picky about clothes, I could pack for a month and never run out of anything. Perhaps a year if I didn’t change climates and went where the weather suits my clothes.

    I’ve no excuse because when I began to exercise and follow my eating plan I did great. Then I got side tracked in a rush to get to Canada and buy Stella Maris and I am retaining fluid and weight again. Lack of exercise is worse thing. You need exercise partners. I used to have female friends that I would bond with to compete and stick with it. Well, they were women’s health clubs.

    There are two weeks worth of clothes to put into suit cases and add accessories. Tried to stick with peach and turquoise but July 4 cries out for red white and blue.

  16.  Avatar

    About Stella, I will probably shorten her name to that. But I dislike the character in Streetcar Named Desire. Stella, like all the others, is weak and pathetic and the name brings that memory.

    Marlon Brando died this week according to Sirius or else I was listening to a rerun of an old show because I thought he’d been dead as long as Elvis. Am I not right? They said aged 80 and that seemed odd.

  17. Indiana Sam Avatar
    Indiana Sam

    Marlon Brando died July 1st, 2004 at the age of eighty. FYI

  18. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Debbe – Many hugs to you and your family.

  19.  Avatar

    So I was listening to a rerun of a show from 2004 on Sirius then, a retro music show.

    Here’s another song sent to me via YouTube from a blues artist named Louisiana Red. Someone is choosing these and sharing to me via YouTube to my email address. I think they know me pretty well. This one came today.


  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No reason for this, other than Jackie played a blues song and I like blues songs and this is one of my favorites, since high school.


  21. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I’ll never forget Brock Peters singing this song on the Tonight Show.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ I know it was a tough week, hon. Perhaps this smooth voice will help ease you into a new and better week. Guy had some chops, didn’t he?


  23. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    More than 5 hours since last posting. It must be my turn to write “good morning”….

  24. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Once again, thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.

    No, Jerry, I didn’t sleep in yesterday….I went into work. I’m also working today…time and a half, plus hens don’t stop laying because it’s a holiday…and it’s also the only time I get paid what I’m worth πŸ™‚ Glad Tippy is doing better.

    Visitation begins at 4….I pray there’s no drama.

    Mark, thanks you for those links…had never heard of the movie…cute.

    Jackie, stay safe on those road…glad you have a traveling companion.

    Gal…you are one go getter…..

    gotta go

    Ya’ll have a Blessed 4th of July…..this County is great and I thank all who have made it so.

    love, debbe

  25. Debbe Avatar

    GR πŸ˜‰ was curious about her version
