Speaking of Anne Murray and female singers often confused with Anne Murray, Helen Reddy died in 2020. This deserves mention here, because I recently produced an A&J strip noting the passing of K.T. Oslin. Both Ms. Reddy and Ms. Oslin died within months of one another, and both probably are best known for songs that became feminist anthems, “I Am Woman” and “80s Ladies” respectively. We, especially we of a certain age, mourn their passing. I am happy to report Ms. Murray is alive and, I hope, well.

‘Snowbird, take me with you’
By Jimmy Johnson
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94 responses to “‘Snowbird, take me with you’”
And I missed the news about both of them.
Where has my mind been the last year or so?
Thank you Jimmy. “We sure could use a little good news today”
I quit reading the news so miss just about everything. After returning from hospital I decided to face some but have discovered I have no idea who the “trending” names belong to. And really couldn’t care when I do.
Anne Hathaway doesn’t like her name Anne was major news?
At least its innocuous news! I don’t like being called Ronald; Ron is good enough for me.
For me, news about actors, actresses, and athletes is of no importance unless they have done something of great consequence to help others.
**Helen Reddy.** In case you couldn’t hear me, I sang it with my hat held over my heart, the way the townspeople sang the name of “Randolf Scott” in “Blazing Saddles.”
Where’s that “Like” button!
Amazingly I remember Helen Reddy singing I Don’t Know How To Love Hi!m and know all the words to Delta Dawn. However today was first time I heard I Am Woman. Where was I? That was year I gave birth to my oldest daughter and I don’t remember driving nor radios nor music.
Today’s (1/14/21) retro cartoon caption reminds of the annual Great Northern Snow Bird migration to Lower Alabama (Orange Beach and Gulf Shores). Those are the many (mostly) Rust Belt (mostly) retirees that descend on the Alabama Gulf Coast each fall to winter-over until they head back north in the Spring. It’s a mixed blessing for the locals…the Yankee dollars are most welcome, but you can hardly get around at times for the heavy traffic, especially in OBA. Of course, it will be just as bad this summer, and don’t even mention Spring Break. (Although that could be different this year due to the ‘Rona.)
I have not been to OBA since January 21, 2017, the day after my friend who lived there passed away. I’m not sure what it’s like down there now, due to COVID and following the recent storm damage. I always enjoyed visiting there, and I hope the community is faring well.
My wife and I went to Charleston, SC, a couple of years ago and had a conversation with one of the local shopkeepers. She echoed your comment about the money but also claimed they have a Go Back to Ohio Club.
Bumper sticker I saw on a pickup with TX plates several years ago:
Good one!
And especially appropriate, considering how rapidly it’s changing.
We/I have been to Charleston several times and found the place quite nice. Another enjoyable city in the area is Savannah. Never heard any comments about leaving, but, then, I/we lay in the obvious tourist class.
Fully agree. It’s a great city. I especially enjoy the old waterfront and the railroad roundhouse.
Helen Reddy did “Delta Dawn” – but I didn’t know so until now. Hitherto, I rather figured it to be a Neil Diamond creation along the lines of “Sweet Caroline” and “Cracklin’ Rose”. Those three I find very enjoyable, and have since they came out.
How was stew? Many times it is better the second (and third) day – the seasonings have a chance to infuse.
No stew is bad – just a “Work In Progress” {^¿^}
The stew morphed into bone in pork chops with sauteed summer squash.
I personally would transform the remaining beef into soup. With more vegetables.
I always thought it weird that Helen Reddy did the greatest feminist anthem of all time, one which was frequently referenced and parodied in TV shows and movies, and then went on to sing three other songs about women going crazy: Delta Dawn, Leave Me Alone and Angie Baby. So, women can do anything as long as a guy doesn’t dump them because that’ll drive them nuts? (In fairness, Angie Baby wasn’t that theme; it was just … odd.)
Anne Murray is alive and well and has recently moved back to her home province of Nova Scotia. I believe she’s living in the Halifax area rather than the more rural community of Springhill where she grew up.
I always thought it weird that Helen Reddy did the greatest feminist anthem of all time, one which was frequently referenced and parodied in TV shows and movies, and then went on to sing three other songs about women going crazy: Delta Dawn, Leave Me Alone and Angie Baby. So, women can do anything as long as a guy doesn’t dump them because that’ll drive them nuts? (In fairness, Angie Baby wasn’t that theme; it was just … odd.)
Anne Murray is alive and well and has recently moved back to her home province of Nova Scotia. I believe she’s living in the Halifax area rather than the more rural community of Springhill where she grew up.
No Arlo, but an enjoyable strip….
I get the feeling that there’s one person missing, but I’m not sure who; maybe Lil’ Abner?
Alley Oop.
I never followed him so I wouldn’t have thought of having him there. Is he that big an eater?
Wimpy -“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”
So it goes again:
See if it shows up twice.
J. Wellington Wimpy “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”
Re 1-15-21 real-time cartoon: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-gley.” Including Arlo’s, obviously.
Also, “…while we shave our legs.” Really? Who does Janis have in there with her, Blondie?
The “royal” we… 🙂
She’s texting like a business would, saying things like “we appreciate your business.” Even very small ones with only one person behind the counter there will still say “we.”
Just curious: Do women consider shaving their legs as being so personal that even a husband may not observe? [Especially a husband like Arlo, who observes his wife in the tub so frequently?]
I ran across a retro strip with Janis bathing that would go with today’s real time strip. The last panel has a box of bubble bath with Blondie’s picture on it, and labeled as opaque bubble bath. I posted it on about three different places in Facebook. And commented that Janis must have run out to send Arlo that text.
Not necessarily. I have Siri send texts for me by just speaking to “her.” I’m sure Android offers that?
I don’t think it does, but, even if it did, I wouldn’t use it.
Because I consider a smartphone to be an NSA-approved personal surveillance device, I have disabled or deleted as much as I possibly can, such as location and Google assistant. I did the same thing with the few apps that I put on the phone.
BTW, @Jimmy Johnson, you might want to know: At least in the Boston Globe’s paper comics, the colors made the text message unreadable. I had to go online where it seems fine. Now it’s possible that the color printing was wrong in the Globe, but everything else looked ok. Just FYI. Not complaining!
A true gentleman would volunteer to assist with various and sundry* female shaving chores. Although, come to think of it, no woman has ever offered to shave me.
*Yes, I realize “various and sundry” is redundant, but it’s an old figure of speech. And perhaps, many years ago, it wasn’t redundant.
I found one older strip where Arlo is knocking on the bathroom door, and Janis tells him to go away. He offers several things but doesn’t get in. As he walks away he is thinking, “I’ve never see her shave her legs.” So I guess that answers any questions about today’s strip.
I fondly remember being offered (and getting) shaves by barbers of both sexes many years ago. In Japan they didn’t cost much at all, maybe 1/4 the price of the haircut.
Shave and a hair gut = two bits.
In my younger days occasionally treated myself to a barber shave.
It got increasingly harder to find a shaving barber.
Cut not gut
Women think of shaving legs as degrading, not sexy. The results may seem sexy, the smooth hairless skin like a juvenile young girl. I hated shaving legs and began using deplitatories in my early teens. Interestingly the hair on my body disappeared and rarely grew.
And, of course, there’s the C&W song “Did I Shave My Legs for This?”, written and performed by Deana Carter.
Re the 1-16-21 real-time cartoon: Arlo has obviously never spent the winter in the interior of Alaska.
About cats, Skipper who came to me in lieu of going to vet (from previous owner) to be put down, has always had a distinctive personality.
He dislikes outdoors and is only cat who gets to live indoors fulltime. He loves Ghost who tolerates him.
Skipper is becoming more and more loveable as he ages, wedging his body under me, sleeping in my hair, exposing his stomach for belly rubs, sleeping in Ghost’s spot on bed.
Lots of cat lovers here. Anyone else have behavior changes like this?
If you want to read about a cat with a very definite personality, check out the “In Death” series of future mysteries by J.D. Robb. The protagonist, Lieutenant Dallas, Eve, acquires a big tom cat with eyes of different colors in the first book and names it Galahad, after he saves her life. He’s very much a real cat and I wonder if the author has one or more cats.
BTW, that anonymous comment about not ready Ally Oop was mine; my computer lost my name, etc.
Old Bear: According to a friend who was in the business at the time, barbershop and salon shaves basically went away in the early 80s due to the increased concern about the spread of blood-born diseases.
I’ve been using a mail-delivery subscription service for my saving products for the past year or so. Excellent razors and shaving gel; less expensive than store-bought for comparable items; and no fighting my way through crowds of people wearing their masks down around their chins in retail establishments.
I support buying local when it’s practical, but the major manufacturers have driven the price of razorblades to ridiculous levels. You’ve probably noticed that many convenience stores either have them behind the counter or in cabinets that alarm when opened.
Yep. They have to protect them from being stolen and then resold at flea markets or online. The prices have gotten so ridiculous that it became economically viable for thieves to do this, just like the organized gangs stealing designer lingerie from Victoria’s Secret and such stores.
Re 1-17-21 real-time cartoon: I stopped watching them sometime back, but is The Weather Channel still playing that silly game with naming winter storms?
I suppose the ultimate name for one would be “Margie”, for Gale Storm.
And their next hurricane should be named Hattie.
Since they started using men’s names for hurricanes, when do we get one named Pat O’Brien?
If there’s a Hurricane Galahad, perhaps it will be too gallant and well-mannered to do any damage.
Now it’s me looking for a “Like” button. 🙂