A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Tackling Dummy

By Jimmy Johnson

I didn’t update Tuesday, because I was traveling back from viewing the total eclipse with some friends. I won’t say a lot about that, because so much has already been said, but it was a very interesting experience. The weather in north central Tennessee was perfect, and I feel lucky to have seen the full effect. I will say that I am now an eclipse snob. I have known about the coming of this solar event for several years and long ago made plans to be in its direct path. What I did not know until recently was that my own hometown and surrounding area would experience something like 95% totality. I couldn’t help thinking, “I’m driving six hours for an additional five percent?!” However, when that sun winked out completely, as if a celestial switch had been thrown, I knew it was worth it. The difference was dramatic, and I’m going to rub it in with all my buddies who thought they saw the eclipse.
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173 responses to “Tackling Dummy”

  1. John in Houston Texas Avatar
    John in Houston Texas

    I recall experiencing one decades ago and do remember the eerieness. I strongly considered spending some hours on the road to get into more than the 65% we had, but I didn’t get any glasses and am just too scared I may accidentally look at it.

  2. Alan Johnson Avatar
    Alan Johnson

    My friends from Richmond drove 10 hours to come to Nashville, and we drove 40 miles to see a two minute thirty second eclipse instead of a one minute eclipse. It was one of the most amazing things I’ve experienced. Glad you could come to Tennessee for the event.

  3. Whistling Rufus Avatar
    Whistling Rufus

    Where I am-Bristol Tenn./Va it was a little over %90. I thought it would get darker than it did, but it was still an interesting experience.

  4. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Totality in central Missouri was great! Weather was a near miss with some high clouds early. Very thin high clouds cleared just enough to have no effect on visibility. Having seen other partials, total is entirely different.

  5. oclvroadbikerider Avatar

    Two + minute Totality on the Great Smokey Mountains Foothills Parkway Look Rock Tower totally worth the effort. Only 3 hours home.

  6. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    It is supposed to be 90+% in the Detroit area in April 2024, but I am driving to either Van Wert Ohio or Indianapolis, where I have family (in both places) so I can see the full total eclipse. My old hometown of Fort Wayne will be at 99% but like you Jimmy, that just isn’t going to be good enough.

    A co-worker has a wife who works for Delta and he flies for free. He flew to Nashville and had planned to to out to the parking garage, but discovered a great vantage point in the terminal where it was cool and he had a seat. Flying home was delayed as so many private planes were in the sky that it delayed the commercial flights.

  7. Ghost Avatar

    I won’t go so far as someone Jackie saw on Book of Faces (“75% totality; 100% boredom.”), but a partial eclipse is actually not all that impressive, especially if one is driving a vehicle without a sun roof (“eclipse roof”?) and only notices a slight transitory dimness. Proof, I suppose, of how really bright our sun is, that only a slight crescent of it still manages to light up Earth pretty well.

  8. Bonnie from Gloucester MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester MA

    JJ – Lucky you got to experience the full eclipse enchilada. Everyone says that the final slide into totality is jaw dropping. The Apr 2024 eclipse will come close to Boston. I hope to get to northern VT, NH or ME to experience it. It will be chilly. On a less cosmic note, I love today’s retro cartoon and especially loved the Eclipse & Kisses cartoon that appeared in newspapers on Monday. Is the A&J “After Dark” book that some of us ordered coming soon?????????

  9. Mark from Maine Avatar
    Mark from Maine

    We’ll get 99.83% in 2024. I hope that’s enough . . .

  10. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    When it comes to tackling Janis, Arlo’s no dummy!

  11. TruckerRon Avatar

    Mark from Maine: Unless you’d have to shell out a LOT of cash to rent a boat or fly somewhere, it’d be well worth your while to travel a few (30 – 50) miles to see it. Trust me. Trust JJ!

  12. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    I’m envious.

    Here, it was interesting but disappointing.

  13. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Janis: I doubt, though, that she will call illegal use of hands.

  14.  Avatar

    I am not at my computer so Old Bear will be a nonny mouse.

    Mizz Charlotte is a gracious fun lady and her daughter is also.

    GM Debbe from NH


    Envy you meeting Miz Charlotte.

    Anyone on Facebook, go watch my movie of Dickens the Adventure Dog called Dog Tails.

    It is hilarious and Ghost and I are both in it, along with a lot of our trips, autos, hotels and beds. I did NOT do the video, Google did. I ain’t that smart.

  16. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Aw thanks for the kind words, Old Bear. We had a really nice time at the “drive in” sitting at a picnic table getting acquainted and eating delicious fried seafood. He and his family are lively and interesting. They had a long day, flying out here, but they were holding up well.

  17. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Oh boy, Jackie, I want to see it. Tomorrow.

    Friends on Facebook can see a nice photo of us at the restaurant and read what I said, and some family comments. I look good in the picture, and you know how often when you see yourself in a pic, you don’t like it? So I am happy to see a pleasing photo.

  18. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin

    Mark in Maine, my wife wasn’t excited about traveling for the eclipse at first. After seeing totality, the corona and the visible solar flares, she changed her mind. “Totally worth it.” When we got home today (camping trailer enroute) she said, “This was a great trip.”


    Miz Charlotte that is a nice photo of all of you.
    At first I was just wishing we were there to meet YOU but everyone kept talking about scallops and clams and lobster rolls.

    You know how much Ghost and I love seafood?

  20. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    For those without FB, here’s the pic of Charlotte and her friends: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1858490024167043&set=p.1858490024167043&type=3

  21. emb Avatar

    Having trouble with an innocuous post. This is a test.