A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Tee Cee

By Jimmy Johnson

Do you remember Top Cat? I suppose Hanna Barbera cartoons were among the first animated cartoons produced exclusively for television as opposed to airing repurposed movie cartoons. I’m not saying they all were great, although many of them were clever, but they were ubiquitous. As a professional cartoonist, their influence on me probably was far greater than I realize. I wish you a contemplative, restorative and happy Memorial Day. Tomorrow, I will try to return to a more reliable routine around here.
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97 responses to “Tee Cee”

  1. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Yes, Jimmy I remember Hanna-Barbera cartoons. I was the oldest in a big family, I saw a lot of stuff I wouldn’t , if I had been an only child. I remember Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. Huckleberry Hound. Quickdraw McDraw. I enjoyed them all, but my favorite cartoons will always be the one created by Jay Ward. Rocky and Bullwinkle,George of the Jungle,Dudley Doright,even Super chicken

  2. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    Snow Sez. On GoComics is very moving. Especially appropriate today.

  3. Ghost Avatar

    What? ML’s hair? Sorry; I got distracted by her spaghetti-strap top.

  4. Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone Avatar
    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone

    Symply loved my Saturday mornings as a lad. Would Fargone laugh and laugh and my father (from Switzerland) would come up shake his head and wonder what I found so funny…..he did not like the stooges either!

  5. joe d Avatar
    joe d

    Yes those were great cartoons in the “good old days” of TV. Also a prayer & remembrance on this Memorial Day to all those who served our country and especially those that made the ultimate sacrifice.

  6. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    I imagine that you are aware that I recently wrote that seeing or hearing, “Happy Memorial Day!” profoundly saddens me.

    Now, because of your phrasing, I can see that “happy” can indeed be used with “Memorial Day.”

    It opens a multitude of meanings.

    Thank you.

  7. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    I admit I was always-and still am-a Looney Tunes girl, but I do love Rocky and Bullwinkle.

  8. TruckerRon Avatar

    I found a graphic being passed around on FB. I summarize it here. I hope it’s correct.

    Armed Forces Day honors those currently serving. (Third Saturday in May)
    Veterans Day honors those who served and are still living. (November 11)
    Memorial Day honors those who served and have died. (Last Monday in May)


    Good morning. Recovery moves apace.

    I am up in kitchen sorting lingerie with Terrie the new cleaner. Ghost likes her and they work well. He is acquiring new harem girls.

    Ghost is off in search of kitty food for the Never Ending Kitty Buffet. Dickens is on kitchen table supervising.

  10. Bonnie from Gloucester MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester MA

    Great. Now I’ve got the Top Cat theme song rolling around in my head. Thanks, JJ!

  11. JrzyGrrl Avatar

    Spent many an hour watching Saturday AM cartoons – TC was definitely one of them. Does anyone else remember Crusader Rabbit? There was also another odd one about a spaceman and his caveman buddy…

  12. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Loved Blondie’s strip today. Memorial Day is for the fallen, but the sentiment is there.


    Stayed up from 9 a.m. when Jesus called until just now. He says my leg is amazing as it has almost no swelling, no bruising, no discolor ingredients, no bleeding or weeping. I am 100 for mobility so far. Am not walking outside, just in house yet but go back Thursday to have staples removed.

    My female orthopedist will definitely get to do the second knee as soon as we can schedule in fall. Ghost likes her a lot but her Hobby is running cross country firing rifles competively as well as shooting competively. I suspect she could double as a sniper if need be while doing a field amputation under fire.

    I admire her a lot.


    Skip ingredient above. Hal added that.

  15. Ghost Avatar

    We never did see Mary Lou’s “50% tip” waitress blouse, did we?

    And yes, I have calculated tips on that basis. 😉

  16. Sideburns Avatar

    Another cartoon cat who lived life her own way was Rita, from Rita and Runt on Animaniacs.


    Just read most amazing tribute to the great WWII cartoonist, sent to me by a friend as an email. I will get Ghost to post it her.

  18. Smigz Avatar

    Happy belated birthday, Galliglo…I hope it was a great one for you!

    Jackie, was the cartoonist you mentioned Bill Mauldin?

  19. Burns Avatar

    re Top Cat: I very often have the theme song go through my head. Funny thing is that I *never* understood all the words until I looked it up on line a while ago:

    Close friends get to call him T. C.
    Pro-vid-ing it’s la la la la.

    I just found out that la la la la is “with dig-ni-ty”.

    I had the same problem with “Gee our old LaSalle ran great” on “All In The Family”. Of course I don’t know that I ever heard of a LaSalle at the time.

  20. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Bill Mauldin is the only one I can think of who had a major reputation during the war. But there are several others who made a name afterwards: Charles Schulz, Mort Walker (Beetle Bailey), Dave Breger (Private Breger), George Baker (Sad Sack) were all in the Army during WWII and Hank Ketcham (Dennis the Menace) was a sailor. Some of these also had comics in military publications during the war.


    It was the great Bill Mauldin. My friend knew how much I loved comics and my personal history so he knew I’d enjoy it.

    It was about how in 2002 Mauldin lay dying alone in a nursing home in a single room in Southern California in his 80s. When his readers found out he was flooded with cards and visitors.

    Very touching article.

  22. Morphy Avatar

    I have mentioned before Peter Grant’s blog, and how I came to it. [hattip, Ghost, via Lawdog] He has here the text of this year’s proclamation: http://bayourenaissanceman.blogspot.com/2017/05/memorial-day.html It was written earlier last week, in advance of the event. No matter how you may feel about the president, it is a good read. If you like him, you will feel good. If you do not, you may find fodder there.

    The proclamation is an annual event, by all presidents since inception. And there are many others, through the year, that are similarly pro forma. And unless an individual is really good with words, or particularly passionate on a subject, it can be assumed it is prepared in advance by a professional writer, often from a template. Still it is good to review the ‘official’ position of our current administration, as part of the observation.

    Mr. Grant is also a published author of Old West Fiction, enjoy.

  23. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Jackie, did you know about this place? they have material from Bill Mauldin and Doug Marlette, among others.


  24. Ghost Avatar

    Still working on the Mauldin post. Meanwhile…different remembrance day, but still..


  25. Dave Avatar

    I was a big fan of Top Cat, and also of the Wacky Races and many other Hanna Barbera characters, not to mention of course Tom and Jerry. Those were good times.