A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!


By Jimmy Johnson

Late fall is beginning to arrive around here. After several days of blustery wind and rain, bright blue skies and seasonably cool temperatures finally have arrived. I’ll be driving again today, and it’s looking like conditions will be excellent. In my opinion, we’re due for a milder winter; the past three have been harsh by our admittedly low standard. I guess that’s about all the news around here. Be sure to come back soon!

Recent Posts

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Dark Passage

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What’s old is old, again

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Back to the ol’ drawing board

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Thursday’s Child

On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...

171 responses to “Tees”

  1. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Mindy, that car could get someone in trouble. Know a guy who got his car towed and impounded over unpaid parking tickets. Car with the tickets belonged to his ex. She never changed the registration and was parking allover Chicago merrily collecting tickets.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sand, I thought I’d mention…when having dinner (not in a parking lot) last night prior to my return trip, I struck up a friendly conversation with my server (OK, I was flirting with her; so sue me). I thought I recognized her accent, so I asked, and sure enough, she is a Russian émigré. She made me promise to come see her the next time I was in town, so I thought about saying “Do svidaniya!” as I was leaving, but with my pronunciation, I feared she might have thought I was saying, “I’d like to get into your pants next time.” Although, on refection, that might have been a good move. 😉

  3. sandcastler™ Avatar

    GR6, those Russians are very persuasive interigators; they leave no stone unturned and you feeling drained.

  4. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Today is Jodie Foster’s birthday, 53rd.

  5. emb Avatar

    sand: The girl with the dog and tattoo has attached ear lobes. Nothing abnormal, to my knowledge. Seem to remember it in old texts as a simple recessive, but there’s lots of variation among unattached ear lobes. Best do a search. Peace, emb

  6. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Thanks for the correction – of course it was/is
    30 days hath September.
    but Feb. still has Peanut Butter

    A friend in need is a pest. Tom Holt

    For the Norwegians

  7. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    My ears are on the side of my head – does that count for something?
    I 94 was closed for Glare Ice for a while this morning.
    A few flake reported – I did not see them.

    Thanks for the correction – of course it was/is
    30 days hath September.
    but Feb. still has Peanut Butter

    A friend in need is a pest. Tom Holt

    For the Norwegians

  8. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    That is what I get for not heeding warnings-
    It was not there then twice.

  9. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    sandcastler™ – The only person Herbie gets in trouble is me. The mixup is limited to the tire place’s database. Unless all three of us are getting our tires changed at once, we are fine. Even if we were, and they did, it is no big deal – we’ve swapped vehicles before. My aunt and I drove my cousin’s Charger to Austin for his daughter’s wedding, and drove his Ram back.

    Mark – Not really troubles, just mild exasperation. It happens there every time. Sorry about your alternator, getting those replaced isn’t cheap either.

  10. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Brrr…it’s 28 degrees on my front porch…arrgghhhh!!!! Just called the hen house and it’s 62 degrees inside….that’s good.

    So GR 😉 ….you did leave a tip, right? And not the one “brush your teeth, comb your hair, and don’t go out with cowboys” tip.

    Mark, I asked Andrew if I had that plug in for that cassette adapter, and he said no. I need to find the rest of my cassettes, and I will…someday. Good luck on that alternator $$$

    Very restless night, fretting and worrying about Dad. Sisters and I are meeting on Sunday. After yesterday at work, I was wigged out. I’ve thought about taking Saturday and Sunday off, but there’s so much prepping to do to get ready for the new flock on the 22nd of December. Taking Sunday off.

    Emb…I learned something again from you….attached earlobes. Never knew that.

    Sandcastler, yesterday it was also Meg Ryan’s birthday. Jodie Foster is one great actress, she’s going to tell who the father of her two sons are when they turn 21. I can wait.

    Old Bear…cute pic 🙂

    Glad Indy Mindy is posting….and you’re up early too!

    Jerry, you left me no donuts……

    Have a blessed day……

  11. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 before Penn got too political he did great movies….such as “The Falcon and the Snowman”, “At Close Range”, the music from the later is the only song I liked from her……


  12. Debbe Avatar

    I can identify with this……


  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Debbe, on the Cheezburger pic, so can I.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 I haven’t heard that joke, but I believe I may have figured it out. And I always give good tips. If for no other reason, Tamara will remember me for the size of my tip. 😉

    Re Meg Ryan: “I’ll have what she’s having.”

    Good luck with your dad.

  15. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Debbe, I just looked in my kitchen and there are still some donuts left. You should have had Ghost drop you off on his way to P’cola. He must be on your schedule. It rained early and then was a beautiful day.

  16. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Wife swears my ears don’t work. Doctor says hearing is fine. Wonder if our resident audiologist has any comments on my problem.


    Eh! What did you say?

  17. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    sand, my Dad called that “selective hearing disorder”. One only hears what one wants to hear. He figured that out when I was two. I could not hear my Mom telling me to pick up my toy when she was right in front of me, but I could hear Daddy asking if I wanted a piece of candy from across the room, with his back to me, and he whispered, or so the story goes.

    Ghost Sweetie, I love Ray Charles, so thanks for the song!

    Debbe, I AM that cat!

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    You’re welcome, Jean dear. In fact, have another…


  19. emb Avatar

    This appeared with today’s gocomics email.


    Back here later to read this morning’s earlier posts. Peace, emb

  20.  Avatar

    Good morning. It is to be 28 here soon this weekend. I will bring in all the cats to sleep on bed. The heating repairmen aren’t here yet.

  21. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Where has the link to the new comic gone?

  22. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar


    28? I know that you are feeling well but to be 28 again?