Tender in the Grass
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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61 responses to “Tender in the Grass”
In the snow, barefoot, five miles, uphill, both ways.
The current “Unstrange Phenomena” cartoon – been showing since Ap 10th – is a real hoot! I like it so much that I don’t mind it’s not being replaced for a few days.
I spent quite a bit of time barefoot when I was a child, and wouldn’t mind doing so now. Alas, I’ve been warned that going barefoot is a Very Bad Idea when you’re diabetic because of the danger of stepping on something sharp and not realizing it until it’s Too Late. Of course, that’s only a problem if you have diabetic (or other) neuropathy in your feet, and I still haven’t developed that fifteen years after I was diagnosed. I’ve always been careful about keeping my blood sugar under proper control because I spent over five years as a care giver to a friend who’d lost his vision because he didn’t take proper care of himself or try hard enough to control his diabetes.
Three Morning Meanderings:
Tool users should never think that they are as smart as the tool creator.
Everything, of course, depends upon your perspective. For example, “A coward may die 1,000 deaths, but that also means 999 more lives than a brave man.”
At my age, it’s better to need having a plumber work on my pipes than to need having a doctor work on my plumbing.
Good morning Villagers……
I remember popping tar bubbles on the road in front of house with my bare toes….lighter fluid got the tar off. Grass stained feet too.
Don’t go barefoot now as it hurts to much. Bony feet~~
Jeep update: Definitely next Tuesday 🙂
Geez, I hate five weeks inbetween SS checks….GR was right, one does not get rich off of SS retirement.
GM Old Bear
Hippos coming down to river. Pied crow just flew across and [presumably] landed on rock in river just R of cam frame. Peacem
Sorry about another post about my sister.
There has been a lot of talk about United’s treatment of passengers, but Delta was SO kind to my sister Mary. They upgraded her seats to first class and the Captain of the plane personally took her off the plane and through customs where Marianne and I could meet up with her. I thanked him and shook his hand. He just said “Just doing my job”.
No Sir. That was beyond the call of duty.
2 of her daughters were with her they drove her home to Fort Wayne. Funeral will be next Tuesday. My son is running the Boston Marathon on Monday. He gets home about midnight and then will turn around and drive to Fort Wayne on Tuesday. When I suggested that he did not need to do this, he said that he would not miss this at all.
Steve, don’t apologize, glad you are keeping us updated on your family.
Also, good to read that Delta went beyond the call of duty, it’s called respect.
Here, in a funeral procession on the highways, roads, oncoming traffic pull off to the side and stop, put their lights. We, out of respect, don’t pull off and get back on the road until the procession passes.
Again Steve, you and yours have my sympathy and a prayer……Amen
Thanks Debbe. I remember when my brother-in-law’s father passed away in 1988. I was in the procession, but a car did not honor it and went through the intersection. I had to stop and lost my way. Fortunately my Dad was riding with me and knew the directions to the cemetery. We had about 10 people behind me who where grateful too. My Dad told me that in the rural area where he grew up, other cars ALWAYS pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. Now days we are lucky to have people pull over for an ambulance!
Steve, that was good of Delta to do those things for Mary. Thank you for sharing them with us; it is comforting to know they were concerned for her welfare.
ursen, you mentioned living in Michigan’s UP for awhile. Where in the Yoop did you live, and when?
Elands, I think. Peace,
Steve, no, don’t apologize. I’m glad your sister got home safely and was treated well.
The latest in eye makeup -blue eye shadow. Nooo! Shades of high school.
Hey, Laura…check these out 🙂
…and another warm, fuzzy and good feeling.
TR: Saw your comment right after I saw this – https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap170413.html
I remember running barefoot through the grass when I was about 12 or 13 and stepping on a bunch of bees. My foot was swollen and my eyes were nearly swollen shut. Didn’t know I had any allergies to bees until then. The worst part of the whole ordeal was it was in the summer, the same week the Carnival came to town (which was a really BIG DEAL in the late 50’s and early 60’s) and I couldn’t go.
Menominee, Bark River, and longest in Ishpeming. Moved into da Yoo P in early 80’s, moved out late 90’s. Amazing that if you drove into Ishpeming at that time it still looked like the opening scene in Anatomy of a Murder. One of the most famous movies ever filmed in da Yoo P. Favorite band also headquartered in Ishpeming, Da Yoopers. Gotta play “Rusty Chevrolet several times every Christmas. Of course da film “Moonlight in Escanaba” has more inside jokes than “Rusty Cheverolet”.
I only remember being stung once when walking barefoot to our aboveground tank pool… given the large amount of clover we had in the yard, that was amazing!
Here’s the best apolitical cartoon about politics I’ve seen:
I’ve been stung by bees,and the last time I was wearing sandals and walking through clover. Yep, I got stung by a honeybee. I’m lucky that I’m not allergic like one of my sisters.
Today, I’m preparing a dish that connects me to my mom and my past. My mom would save the backs and necks from chickens that she would fry. When she had what she thought were enough, she would boil them , pick the meat from the bones, add egg noodles that she had made,and a can of peas and carrots. It was a simple meal but so delicious. I use different pieces of chicken, but I do make the egg noodles. To me there is nothing like homemade egg noodles. When I make this dish I feel very connected to my mom and family.
Laura: For the same connection, I just visit one of my kids. They, and the boys’ wives, learned much of their cooking from Elaine. And, as noted here before, she did not learn much from her mom, but at first mostly by cooking for an adoring hungry husband who liked to try new stuff.
Re food: Ate lunch on the patio for the second time this spring. Needed a sweater, but for Apr. here, that’s not bad. Nap time.
Have you ever wondered why “judge” + “ment” is “judgment” and “acknowledge” + “ment” is “acknowledgment,” but “manage” + “ment” is not “managment”?
I imagine that it has something to do with the vowel in front of the “g.” Not much of a logical reason, in my book.
Yep, as I used to tell my students, “The English language is stupid.”
It’s only saving grace: At least it doesn’t use masculine and feminine genders for inanimate objects, as do French and Spanish.
‘Calico’ male on nest seems to be incubating one egg. No egg this morning, I think. Peace,