A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Thank You, Animal Planet

By Jimmy Johnson

Obviously, summer hours have gone into effect here. However, the door is open, and the lights are one. Help yourself to whatever’s in the fridge. You long-time visitors take care of the newcomers. By the way, today’s classic strip is from way back in 1993 and probably was born from the frustrations of being a humorist, especially an oblique one.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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240 responses to “Thank You, Animal Planet”

  1. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Mrs. Rick and I saw Baby Driver this afternoon. Not impressed. Mildly entertained but not impressed. I guess I’m just not as smart and enlightened as the critics.

    Oh, well. At least it was better than 47 Meters Down. If they could put that movie into a pill, hospitals could use it instead of morphine to knock people out.


    Y’all get all serious and techy again and I will write graphic descriptive prose about exactly what I am wearing right now and what I did while wearing it.

    Let your imaginations wander far.

  3. emb Avatar

    The Sunday ‘One big …’ is funny. So is Shoe. Just subst. thusly: /shoe. [Limited mind over high tech].


    Peace, & happy Christoff Willibald Gluck’s day.


    It was a good night. I had trouble sleeping so Ghost kept me company so I wouldn’t just lie there tossing and turning. He’s sweet like that.

  5. Ghost Avatar

    cxp: “How that elephant got into my pajamas I’ll never know.”

  6. Ghost Avatar

    She rolled her eyes at him. He picked them up and rolled them back to her.

  7. Ghost Avatar

    “Darling, I’ve missed you!” she cried as she fired the gun at him again.

  8. Ghost Avatar

    Is it unlawful to shoot one’s cuffs?


    “It’s not true I had nothing on. I had the radio on.”

    M. Monroe


    Ghost and I had a great date last night. I will let him comment but I swear he ended up at a table with nine women! You should have seen their eyes light up when we joined the table.

    We went to our local dinner theater which actually is quite well done, most tasteful. My favorite chef cooked the meal, turns out he does every other event. I miss him a lot so went backstage to hug him and thank him. He kept saying how great I looked and how unrecognizable.

    I told him if he’d stayed in restaurant business I’d never have lost the weight he helped put on me! Ghost and I licked our plates and Ghost ate his first tiramisu. Not mine, unfortunately.

    He cleans up beautifully, the best looking man there. Best dressed except performer who wore tux and did Sinatra concert. I had seen Sinatra at least six times and this man actually was better. Better voice and trained.

  11. Debbe Avatar

    Well, a good afternoon to all villagers…

    I’m glad someone had an enjoyable evening last night….left my house around 6ish just as the ‘family feud’ started over politics. Felt good to get in my Jeep, and leave and have somewhere to go to, also grabbed my CD’s…took the long way home to Dad’s. (there’s a song in there somewhere).

    Hmm…smell left over pizza warming up in the mini oven……..


  12. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie, looked up tiramisu….looks yummy!!!

  13. Debbe Avatar

    left over pizza and a cold one and lolcats 🙂 doesn’t get any better than this…


  14. Laura from AR Avatar
    Laura from AR

    When I was a kid, we had a cat that fell in a pond of that gunk. It was the first time I ever saw a cat who wanted a bath. I was referring to the poor dog in the cheezburger.

  15. Debbe Avatar

    Yay Laura….last night I went to my home for my husband’s side family reunion. I had a very emotional reunion with my 13 year old white cat….I’m going to go and get her tomorrow. I’ve missed her very much. She always slept with me on my left side with one (or both) paws across my chest and her head rested on my left shoulder.

    Yup, gonna go get her, she’ll be better off here too as will Buddee, Ian’s black and white tom. He was bottle fed along with his three calico sisters. Marvin found them orphaned at a hog building he was working at….came home with a five gallon bucket with 4 teeeny, tiny kittehs whose eyes were even completely opened yet. His calico sisters all went to good homes too. He is a good lap cat.

  16. Morphy Avatar

    Supertramp, Breakfast in America, “Take the Long Way Home”. Nice one, Debbe. Logical Song was a tongue twister for me. And I never got the hang of kippers, but lox and a schmear makes a good bagel.

    But caution, Debbe. If you post a larger number of comments than I do, ‘A number’s bunny’ will lose an opportunity to grumble. We cannot steal A.n’s.b.’s singular raison d’être.

    Careful picking up raisins near rabbits; and yellow snow is not the same as lemon ice.

    Anyways, glad you met up with an old furfriend.


    Ghost discovers I know most Lowes managers in Eastern Oklahoma too. We just got the paint and floor tiles to repair the back apartment of the house. We left Ray painting closets and building doors for them.

    I have wallpaper bought long ago for those rooms I’d love to locate, along with lots of furniture to redecorate. Hooray! I can see the light at end of the tunnel.

    Ghost says my mantra is “I own, bought, have one of those somewhere!”

    We are unburying things and trying to put things in order. The past is past.

  18. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    For any interested in computers: my recent mystery as to where a saved document went has been solved. My son – a computer pro for 25 years fulltime plus more years parttime – told me that the machine was placing my document into a temporary folder rather than into something more permanent and accessible. As I wasn’t even aware that such a temporary thing even existed, I wouldn’t have thought of same. More profitably, he showed me how to recognize such and what steps to take to avoid it in the future.

    Why did this not happen for the past several years? Apparently, I was just lucky.

    My editor will be pleased & relieved….

  19. Morphy Avatar

    c x-p, glad it has worked out for you. Sorry my suggestion of the [Start] Menu search box did not help. I agree on the new development means a change occurred. More likely in the system than in your fingers.

  20. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    I was in traffic yesterday and the car ahead had one of those license”plate brackets with a slogan on it. This one said : Whip me, Tie me, Spur me, Ride me. Ever since I’ve been wondering if they were rodeo fans or just like to play rough!