Speaking of eggnog, here’s an “oldie” from just three years ago. The original cartoon art is now available and can be viewed by clicking on the “Clearance Sale” banner above. The sale is an auction. It will end Wednesday afternoon. The cartoons are all professionally framed and were part of the “Faraway Places” show last weekend. Also, I am not planning any other cartoon-art sales in the near future, so if you’re in the market this is your only chance for now. And, of course, many T shirts still are available.

The Art Sale Has Begun!
By Jimmy Johnson
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43 responses to “The Art Sale Has Begun!”
Ghost, I’ve had good results using a sinus rinse. It relieves cold symptoms for a few hours and helps immensely with allergies. Just be sure to use distilled or boiled water for safety.
Dear Jerry in FL, You are so remarkable to have snow falling in the center of Florida, I was stunned at the impossibility of it. But obviously it was possible! So amazing. In fact, at the time snow was falling at your house, not a flake had been seen this winter here in New Hampshire. Although I am pleased (sort of! ) to tell you Villagers that it snowed here from about 11 am and is still snowing I guess, lightly, and no wind. Supposed to stop some time overnight. So Jerry, you beat us to it!
How are your cats, and are they all well?
Checked back the last two days. Unless I missed it, I’d not yet mentioned something those of you into amateur astronomy may already know. Earliest sunset was 7 Dec, Pearl Harbor Day. It usually is, or close. Solstice w/b 21 Dec, as it commonly is, and latest sunrise 4 Jan., ’18. It’s all Kepler’s fault, and the mgt. is not responsible for overcast skies. [Conspiratorial climate scientists are.] Bedtime.
Yes emb, I mentioned it at the hospital yesterday and was made fun of as ” everyone knows that it’s the first day of winter”… I just shrugged and said nevermind. If I had pushed my case, I would have been called a ” know it all”. Sometimes it’s not worth it being right!
Good point.
Congratulations to your talented wife Steve. I did not know we had an Oklahoma Christian Writers association.
Ghost is truly miserable. Cancelling our Christmas brunch at the Philbrook museum and the Messiah this afternoon. Hope is he and Dickens will sleep all day. I am closing door to keep it dark, like bears in cave.
Got up early and undecorated a second tree that had been packed for years and years. Despite being covered in glass ornaments, none broke except one I dropped. And mice did not eat the gingerbread ornaments which were made of that inedible dough and garnished. The candy is not real either but not stored in climate controlled.
Getting dressed to shape garlands to hang on porches.
Kitchen looks like Mrs. Claus and elves piled table in cookies and candy.
Change doesn’t always mean change: http://www.gocomics.com/monty/2017/12/10
This reminds me of a doctor my mom took us to as children. He’d give a “prescription” for an ice cream cone at the local drugstore when kids saw him.
And you nailed it today Jimmy. I don’t know how many times I’ve woken at hearing my phone in the middle of the night for a text that could have waited till daytime. Very rude and inconsiderate of people to do that.
Steve: No good deed goes unpunished.
Here’s a delightful Stanley Holloway song. Emailed a more relevant one [/ my head cold] this morning, but cannot post two URLs:
Who do you call when the Empire strikes back?
Just woke up and thought it was early morning and I would read the new csrtoon.
Apparently it is still Sunday night? Early night.
I Yuled out.
Maybe they do have souls. I’ve seen this with a brass ensemble, but now a solo accordion!
Here’s the one I woke up looking for this morning. We had it on LP; four such LPs in fact, + My Fair Lady, and the Shakespeare/Mendelssohn version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, with Holloway as Bottom, the Weaver, whom Oberon turns into a donkey.
I feel better, and probably look better, though nobody will say I walk like a lad. Be out in public first time tomorrow; we’ll see.
It’s indeed midnight and I have not been able to sleep so I put all the unhung ornaments and decorations into gallon Ziploc neatly by types or themes. Not to say I am not a little anal?
Keep saying I am AC-DC but Ghost tells me that isn’t what I am trying to say.
There Is A Tree In Kitchen, Wreaths On All The Windows And Doors, Lightd Around Main House, garlands To Hang On Porch. Giant Snowman And Trees On Front Deck.
Nexg Year We Do The Back Houses And Fences. I Will Buy The Lights At The After Christmas Sale Of Course.
It’s been a while, and I am afraid this isn’t going to be much of a cheerful post, but I will say I have missed you all greatly, and my safe haven of the Village.
First, the good news: Thunder is now roughly 95% a full-time inside kitty. She still wants out occasionally, but the cold and the siren song of my lap or MY warm bed bring her back inside relatively quick.
Work is still going well. Nine months now, where has the time gone? Yes, I still love bacon. 🙂 And best of all, my sleep schedule and my natural sleep rhythm are fairly close to being in sync. I missed second shift life. Still happy with the boyfriend (such a weird thing for me). His schedule constantly varies, so we don’t see each other as much as we would like, but we take what we can get.
Now, the not so good news: grandma is declining rapidly. Long story short, chronic lack of oxygen, dementia, and poor circulation have all taken their toll. Her medication plan is approaching the “comfort management” stage. She is tired and disoriented most of the time. And nothing quite prepares you for your grandma looking up and upon seeing you, grimacing and saying you are the last person she wanted to see. I am almost forty years old, and it took almost all I had not to cry and walk away.
Marie, she of multiple miraculous rebounds, is sadly fairing not much better than grandma. She too has begun a rapid decline; so much so, hospice has been called in. Her once near perfect memory is now fading, and she is becoming much harder to understand. We are planning Christmas there at their nursing home (so thankful they are in the same location!), with the silent hope they both will be there.
We are lucky, we have hope for at least a bittersweet Christmas. My best friend will not have such a luxury. Her mother, another feisty, amazing woman was diagnosed with advanced, super aggressive cancer in her lower extremities back in October. Her decline was horrifically rapid. This past Monday, she was only given a few more days. I saw her briefly Wednesday night. For her sake, only a few more days is probably a blessing – such an amazing woman does not deserve the suffering she’s in.
I sincerely apologize for the sad news, but I am glad you are hear to listen. May you all have wonderful holiday gatherings and enjoy the company of all those you love most dearly.
Prayers for all involved, Mindy….
And Jimmy beat me up enough to switch us to a new post: Don’t Even Think It!