Speaking of eggnog, here’s an “oldie” from just three years ago. The original cartoon art is now available and can be viewed by clicking on the “Clearance Sale” banner above. The sale is an auction. It will end Wednesday afternoon. The cartoons are all professionally framed and were part of the “Faraway Places” show last weekend. Also, I am not planning any other cartoon-art sales in the near future, so if you’re in the market this is your only chance for now. And, of course, many T shirts still are available.

The Art Sale Has Begun!
By Jimmy Johnson
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43 responses to “The Art Sale Has Begun!”
Thanks Jimmy. Doing my best to stimulate the economy of the Village.
Ghost may not get his pony.
Jimmy – Today’s strip is not listed for sale on eBay. Are you willing to sell it directly? Obviously, I’m showing all my cards, so I’m at your mercy, but I know you to be a fair and decent person. Thanks for your time.
By the way, Ghost is sick with a nose related incidence so we are both coughing and snotty. Different causes methinks and hopes.
I am progressively decorating. My help found bins I had not seen since about fifteen years ago. Now if they could find last year’s bins?
It’s rather like Christmas. A little bit anyway.
The batteries still were limping along on the dancing gingerbread dolls after fifteen years. They sounded like Star Wars aliens singing strange holiday songs.
Here is a different link to the Lovable Loser:
Both my wife and I have been coughing all week. I brought the Christmas tree into the house on Sunday and was very stuffed up as I slept Sunday to Monday. The drainage started on Tuesday. Definitely allergy related. Almost done with the coughing.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s thread, we are headed to Saginaw to visit Marianne’s Mom who had back surgery yesterday. The surgery lasted 3+ hours but with the anesthesia it made for a long day. She woke up very serene and thought that she had visited heaven. It makes you realize why so many end up addicted to opioids. In her case, I think that it was an answered prayer. She was very scared (who wouldn’t!) and maybe God used the drugs to let her know everything will be all right. That is what I am choosing to believe. I do not fear death, but I am kind of scared of the dying process.
Jackie has reminded me that it was about this time last year that I famously wondered in the Village “Just how much snot can one nose produce?” The same question is applicable again. As I told Jackie’s cute physical therapist on Thursday, I thought surely I’d left my seasonal allergies behind but danged if they didn’t follow me to Oklahoma.
Off to spread $$$$ cheer by shopping locally.
Apparently you guys got really po’d with me and you see my name and skip right over it. I know that I’m slow, but I get it. I won’t bother you any more.
Of course not Jerry. I read about your snow and was excited for you. Laughed at the credit card for ice scraping.
Did you find some warm socks to wear with your flip flops?
Catching up here… Jerry, in what part of FL do you live? I lived in B’ham for several years and remember attending a football bowl (about 1983?) with freezing rain turning to snow and two days later having 85F weather on Christmas Day.
Jerry, I’m not po’d with you or anyone else here. I just don’t drop in often enough to have encountered your snow report.
The older I get the less I bother to be upset with; it’s easier on my heart issues!
Anyone know why the sale site says there are 105 items available, but shows only 10?
Not p.o’d at anyone, just at a really bad head cold that I seem to be recovering from. Have an annual coming up Tue.; wouldn’t be surprised if he told me my immune system fought off a bout of pneumonia. Didn’t somebody above wonder how much mucous a person can produce. Lots. All that water one is s’posed to drink maybe is just to replace the water lost. Time for my banana to replace K+, then lunch and a nap. Beer is mostly water.
The 105 refers to all categories in eBay, it just Jimmys page. All over eBay.
On Jimmys page there are the two styles of tee shirts and mine framed cartoons.
We had record snowfall in Central Texas on Thursday night. A few of the schools even cancelled for Friday! This was one of the “top five” snowfalls ever for my daughter’s town of College Station, TX. Of course, it cleared off and the snow melted by mid-day (even in the shade). Our high temperature ended up being about 50 degrees for the day.
I missed your message from this morning since I logged in after Jimmy had posted the new page today. Didn’t skip over, just missed. Your outside car has probably thawed by now, but what I frequently did when I was stationed in the Chicago area was start the car with defrost on high, the pour cool (not hot!) water over the windshield while the wipers are running. That would clear it off well enough to drive. Don’t try hot water, though, since the sudden thermal shock can cause the frozen windshield glass to crack.
On Jimmy’s page the item count includes the different styles and colors of t shirt. So there are only two t shirt logos and whatever art is left, but EBay is counting short/long sleeve and different colors as individual items.
Jerry: https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/24862497_1938915773095444_1370200167902660774_n.jpg?oh=05697e598856c7efe1256c9fddf506e1&oe=5A89D52D
TruckerRon from last night, “That’s our astronomy club! …” You’re right of course. I had gearheads in mind when I wrote it, and assumed sailcloth boaters may do the same. Your observation of inviting newcomers to enjoy the hobby brought to mind several Hollywood comedy situations I stopped short of describing last night. Because I did not want to imply the real life ladies at the party had done something like this.
Adam Sandler is not high brow comedy, but Jennifer Aniston needed an acting credit that year and played surgical nurse to his plastic surgeon, with a lot of this style humor. Also Christina Applegate did a girl’s night out kind of romantic-comedy with Selma Blair and Cameron Diaz, called The Sweetest Thing. One scene in the ladies lounge of a nightclub has several other young ladies manually comparing and admiring her ‘work’. End credits showed over outtakes, including one where Christine allows the groping, then removes the silicon temporaries onto the counter for effect.
I mention the Applegate comedy for a reason beyond shock humor. Several years later Christina learned she had DNA markers for increased risk. Opted to undergo double mastectomy. And while she learned only one would have been life-threatening, she felt the decision was sound. You see, her mother was also a survivor. Applegate continues to have a philanthropic interest in this field.
Reminiscent of the “House Christmas Lights” scene in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, I just went out and plugged in four extension cords. I say “reminiscent” because Jackie’s house lit up on the first try, but without plunging the rest of Eufaula into darkness. It’s a Freakin’ Winter Wonderland out there! And more lighted wreathes and garlands are still to be added as Handyman Ray discovers them in the Christmas Stuff Depository located over the shop building, which has apparently not been accessed in recent decades.
In related news, Jackie has set her table with all its Christmas finery, including a miniature ceramic gingerbread village centerpiece. I, of course, immediately declared the name of the village to be “Hooterville”. Think about it.
For the benefit of any who are not familiar with the above referenced movie…
Here’s a fun bit from 2015 about the very unlucky-but-lucky cat Mog ruining-but-saving Christmas:
If you look around YouTube you can find the behind the scenes bit where you learn how it was put together.
As I put the star on the top of the kitchen Christmas tree a few minutes ago, I commented that we should have gotten an angel for it. I then asked Jackie if she knew from whence the tradition of an angel on the top of a Christmas tree came. She did not, so I explained:
One Christmas Eve many years ago, chaos reigned at the North Pole Toy Shop. The elves were grumpy because many orders had come in at the last minute and still had to be filled, and they were muttering about filing a complaint with their union. Shipping was struggling to get the orders that had been completed onboard the sleigh when Operations announced an indefinite weather hold. Several female elves had that afternoon filed a complaint of inappropriate behavior against Santa (something to do with him trying to fill their stockings while they were still wearing them), for which Mrs. Claus was giving him a full ration of grief. Just when Santa’s migraine reached epic proportions, The Littlest Angel walked into the toy shop with a decorated tree and chirped, “Hey, Santa! Where do you want me to put this tree?”
And so began the tradition.
You know it’s well written, when you see the punchline in front of you like an approaching freight train. But have trouble getting to it because you’re already laughing at the little bits along the way.
Oops! Posted on the wrong day’s comments!
Steve, thanks for the posting about the “Lovable Loser” – I loved it! In fact, now I am all weepy. Sometimes, the good guys DO win!
Ghost is not well and he is still that funny.
He is so congested and stuffed up except all the endless nose running. I hope he can sleep.
Coughing too.
Good Night!!!!!