Poor Arlo! He’s so ancient! This is an old series, isn’t it? Remember that television drama “Thirty Something” that was airing about the time these strips originally appeared? It was all about the angst of turning 30. The horror. I suppose I shouldn’t throw stones, for that was pretty much the premise of that new strip Arlo & Janis! Anyway, this is the last of the “’57 Chevy” series.

The Day the Musing Died
By Jimmy Johnson
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49 responses to “The Day the Musing Died”
Mouth sores.
Did I tell you how amazing Ghost looked with his long legs in those tight skinny jeans he fits now?
And a real King Ranch shirt, the collarless and tiny pleated front ones like George Strait wears at times. With a beautiful brown leather jacket from the NRA that comes with its own built in gun concealed weapons pockets.
Which did no good at the Kris Kristofferson concert.
Rita Coolidge and Jessi Coulter are truly beautiful women for any age but they are mine and stunning for 70s with great voices. Loved them, especially Amazing Grace in Cherokee.
Jackie, one cannot forget “Suite Judy Blue Eyes” and her singing this…..
Mark please find Rita Coolidge singing Amazing Grace in Cherokee please.
I found but couldn’t link here.
Baroque seasoning. Equal parts rosemary and thyme, dash each of Shakespeare and Vivaldi, and add Milton to taste. Works well with both roasted and meat pies.
Good auto-correct joke, Tom!
When in Vietnam, Loon prefers French hotels or resorts so she can eat western. She will go local only if out with a group. Think I’ve said this before, she is a grilled cheese style eater.
Sand I would go to Vietnam for the food! So would many others.
French isn’t bad.
Hey, Ghost and I just won free tickets to see Jack Hanna tomorrow night.
A traffic officer stops a self-driving car. He walks up and finds no one behind the wheel and one man in the passenger seat. Write your own material from there.
this is so ‘me’……
good to see your posting again Jerry….and how are your ‘fur’ babies doing?
congrats Jackie…let us know about what animals he is ‘debuting’.
Then there is this crazy cat lady….
Jackie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhot9dGLRt4
Debbe, on the cat lady memes two thumbs up. Very funny.
Evening chorus of territorial male Steller’s sea lions, 2,000 mi. from me and my laptop.
Mr. Johnson: I’ve always imagined you’re sometimes slow to post a new entry on your blog because the effort required to create a clever title. “The Day the Musing Died” is worth an ovation and extra bow.
My German motorcycle is “Brunhilde.”
The Vietnamese city food is good, it is the country food that gets iffy.
Nowadays the same can be said of American food Sand. As Ghost often observes there is no where to eat fit to eat in our small country town. Totally true, yet many gobble it down.
Referring to today’s strip: My MBH often freezes raw chicken offal during the hot months simply because when such sits for days in a hot garbage can, they become overly fragrant. No doubt, some of your southerners do this more frequently. Occasionally, a baggie thereof remains in the storage freezer (cellar) for longer than intended, but it still gets tossed into the can on a night before collection morning.
Extending this, she also will freeze a newly-departed pet bird if the ground is too frozen to dig a suitable hole. No way will I ever try cooking something from the freezer without a looong peek, first!
My mama unfortunately would shoot anything with fur including otters and Bobcats. She would then put the bodies in freezer bags and into freezer whole so she could pull them out to show fellow hunters and other small children. They would sink in archival layers and she’d dig through leftovers to find them.
They were still there when my mom died. My poor cousin inherited the decades old frozen food when I sold house.
Needless to say I did not eat meals at my mom’s houses but others did with gusto.
Can afford regular prices, but still check out the short-dated bin, habit from grad student days. Recently found 2 small cans with non-alerting titles, ingredients sounded ok but odd, tossed them in the cart. After I got home, realized I had 2 cans of cat food. Opened one, didn’t taste bad, so put both in the freezer soup container, have since eaten the slow-cooker soup that contained contents, noticed nothing odd. Lots else besides the frozen leftovers goes into said soups, yield about 10-12 scant pt. containers / batch. Almost always mix contains a can of JYOTi Delhi Saag and another JYOTi can of some sort, brown rice, onions, and maybe 2-3 oz. / pt. container of meat of some sort. An all-day project, during which I can do many other things, but yields many suppers [sometimes lunches; there’s microwave in the science faculty lounge at BSU]. Have no pet birds but do get a few window-kills / yr. Freeze, take to BSU for my successor to use as specimens. Peace,
For the Veterans in the Village: https://clarkdeals.com/free/veterans-day-discounts/
About your strip for today, it didn’t occur to us to keep wine corks, we only kept champagne corks. After we shot them from the bottles.
We were in the wine business for twenty years and drank a lot of wine, some of it significant bottles. I cannot remember for the life of me if we ever saved corks. But strip is funny.
Wine sommeliers and waiters present the cork to host and he is supposed to sniff it and inspect for damage. Some people save.
TIP is current today. Cute.