A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

‘The fat skinny ones’

By Jimmy Johnson

This oldie is from 2003. I was experimenting yet again with Janis’ hair, trying to come up with a cartoonish, stylized ‘do. Apparently I haven’t succeeded yet. I regularly get email asking, “What’s with Janis’ hair!?” I am at a loss as to what the writers mean, and they rarely elaborate, but it seems to agitate them greatly. It’s cartoon hair! I think they just remember her hair from the early days when it was long and prefer that. In my opinion, it looked pretty weird back then, too, but for some reason no one ever complain back then.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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53 responses to “‘The fat skinny ones’”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    The Temple Owls are favored over the Tulsa Golden Hurricane. One would not think an owl would stand much of a chance against a hurricane, would one?

    Wondering when Tulsa last had a hurricane come visit. And also what made it gold in color.

  2. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Probably the same thing that made the Golden Driller golden, Ghost.

  3. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    The bear whisked through.

  4. Ghost Avatar

    Bird of Prey Passes Big Wind

    Temple Owls 31
    Tulsa Golden Hurricane 17

    The score was actually tied 7-7 at the beginning of the second quarter. Arlo had probably already consumed all the comestibles and dozed off by then.

  5. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    A sign of the End Times occurred last night.

    The Browns won.

  6. emb Avatar

    Should have known better than to think that was Ivy League football. Have no idea what Brown’s standing is there, nor Cornell’s, for that matter. Today, etting admitted to either school is not a breeze, nor to the other 6.


  7. Ghost Avatar

    Arlo: “Well, duh, Janis. You’ve ‘progressed’ from the storied yellow bikini to a ‘flack jacket’ swimsuit to a ‘swim dress’.”

  8. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Good one, Mark!

  9. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    book mark / bear track

  10. Ghost Avatar

    In my younger, wilder (OK, military) days, we actually would celebrate the Autumnal Equinox much the same way we did New Year’s. We’d sit outside and toast every leaf that fell.

    Yeah, pretty much any excuse would do.

  11. emb Avatar

    These prairie dogs have obviously been putting on wt. for the winter.



  12. Ghost Avatar

    Looks easy when the quarterbacks do it, eh, Arlo?

    There will be no speculation on my part as to whether that makes Janis the “tight end” in the family. You’re welcome.

  13. emb Avatar

    It isn’t worried about them, and they aren’t worried about it. Edenic.



  14. emb Avatar

    That’s presumably a parent and two offspring. They’re just as big, but won’t go “bald” for 3 yr. All 3 waiting to scavenge any migrating waterfowl that happen to die on/near the dammed Miss. R., SE of the Cities.



  15. emb Avatar

    Well, the eagles have been replaced by pelicans, but here’s today’s “Shoe.” I guess “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, is enforceable.



  16. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Bear track

    Thanks for the marble run TR

  17. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    eMb: yesterday, 6:24pm: what was “it”?

  18. emb Avatar

    c x-p: “It” was a full-sized immature [= brown] bald eagle, perched on a stump in shallow Miss. R. water, surrounded by unconcerned white pelicans, gulls, and terns, hence “Edenic.” Later saw an adult lone eagle* and 2 immatures perched in a similar area. Not “he” or “she” because only obvious sexual dimorphism = females average larger, as in many buzzards, hawks, and falcons.

    *Be interesting to know how many Villagers know the reference.


  19. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    emb: Charles Lindberg (sp?)

  20. TruckerRon Avatar

    Charlotte, you beat me to it! There’s also a movie from 1927 by that name about a Great War pilot.

  21. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Last Sunday evening, thanks to a cooperative chap in Germany (who helps run a great site), I learned of four new-to-me ancestors and the fact that they were, indeed, related to me. Yesterday I found a different but similar chap, and today found another twenty-six hitherto-unknown-to-me ancestors!

    Considering all the ancillary data provided [names/dates/places/events] I shall be busy for quite a while listing them all on my tree.

    One line now goes back to 1580. I’d really like to find the line which bears the family name….