A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

In the Footsteps of Little Billy

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
This old Sunday has run here before, but that was a few years ago. And I like it. There is big news today in my old hometown of Monroeville, Alabama. Harper Lee’s new old novel “Go Set a Watchman” is being released. Apparently, a lot of people already are restless, because the real-life Atticus Finch, Lee’s father, wasn’t Gregory Peck after all. I am looking forward to reading the book, and I’m reserving judgment until then. Things have been kind of slow around the Web site this summer, but be sure to check in next week. Arlo & Janis turns 30 on July 29, and I expect we’ll have a modest party. And did I mention it’s hot?

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196 responses to “In the Footsteps of Little Billy”

  1. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    I saw that one too, TR. I laughed and laughed and laughed too!!

  2. emb Avatar

    Charlotte: “In actual fact, the two of us wore nothing at all to bed, unless the weather was very cold. It was most enjoyable.”

    We did that too, for decades. but, with age, we decided it was good to have our shoulders warm if they got uncovered, so went for the nightshirts. And maybe we have colder weather and more of it. Life is good, but it was better.

    Peace, emb

  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    emb, you reminded me of my daughters’ favorite Girl Scout Camp song:

    I wear my pink pajamas, in the summer when it’s hot.
    I wear my flannel nighties iIn the winter when it’s not.
    And sometimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall,
    I jump in between the sheets with nothing on at all.

    Glory, glory, Hallelujah;
    Glory, glory, What’s it to you?
    Balmy breezes blowing through ya,
    With nothing on at all.

  4. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Denise, you flatter me. I think it’s the money that motivates them, and the fact that the one teen’s father is strict and said you will help put up hay, and ‘Skittles’ got paid $10 an hour πŸ™‚

    Now me, I was an over indulgent single mother….and it shows. Still no word from Ian and I have his paycheck. I called his friend’s cell phone number only to get that voice mail has not been activated. We shall see what today brings.

    I looked up his name on internet and found out he has a facebook page….but I don’t do facebook. I tried logging in using Ian’s password, only to find out he changed the password five months ago. So, maybe I need to sign up for facebook if the weekend doesn’t bring Ian out.

    Good Lord, it was hot and steamy yesterday….not a good day to wear panty hose πŸ™‚ And yes, I did wear them, but then they came out with thigh highs…..much better. I haven’t had a pair of hose on in probably 15 years.

    When I left the hen house yesterday, it was 95 degrees inside the hen house. I kept all doors closed, fans running and it stayed at about 82 degrees in there with the door to the cooler (it was 48 degrees in there when I got to work) being opened and closed all day long it helped to keep the packing room cooler than the hen house.

    So, back to work I go today, and it’s going to be another scorcher.

    GR πŸ˜‰

    ya’ll have a blessed Caturday

  5. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Debbe, You’re a lot tougher than I am and I hope that you take that as the complement that was intended. What with product recalls and high heat chickens are taking a licking right now.

  6. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    emb, it was so nice to see a reference to “Monkey Ward”. In our household, too, they and Sears were where we shopped, with an occasional trip to J. C. Penney thrown in (though that was often just to pick up an order from the catalog).

    TruckerRon, your daughter’s song brought back a lot of memories. My friends and I sang a lot when I was a kid and in my teens. Villagers with kids, grands, and great-grands, do kids still sing silly songs?

    Debbe, I think it’s you. Heck, you inspire us here!

  7. domaucan1 Avatar

    Silly songs my favorite uncle, Vince Ross, taught me almost 3/4 of a century ago:

    How do you spell Chicago? Chicken in the car and the car won’t go, that’s how you spell Chicago.

    How do you spell New Orleans? Knife and a fork and a plate of greens, that’s how you spell New Orleans.
    I’ve taught these to all my grandchildren.

    Blessings and prayers for everyone.

  8. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Debbie: Facebook is just like any other social circle – it can be as large or small as you want it to be (by invitation only), a way to keep in touch with friends you rarely see, and a source of support in good times and bad. Added plusses- join the A&J group and you’ll get to put faces to some familiar names or “friend” Jackie M and see pictures of her pretty new boat.

  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Charlotte, I believe I’m gradually figuring out how you and Chris came to have seven children. πŸ˜‰

    If I’d ever met someone like you, I probably wouldn’t still be single. πŸ™‚

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Glancing at the local gaol’s booking record on my computer last evening, I noticed a face and associated name I’d not seen in years. Very much in line with my previous dealings with the individual, he’d been charged with Domestic Disturbance – 2nd Offense and various other “crimes of ill-temper” and, no surprise here, was wearing a surly facial expression and a “wife beater” shirt.

    Most of the memories his photo triggered, though, were of his father and older brother, both victims of homicides. (Apparently the mook doesn’t fall far from the tree.) And not just run-of-the-mill homicides, but “interesting” ones. The father, a victim of a never-solved murder with all the hallmarks of a professional hit. The brother, a victim of a crime of passion over a woman whose ex-husband beat him to death in front of her house; was convicted of man-slaughter; and jumped his appeal bond to became an international fugitive. A state investigator (and later county sheriff) I knew worked with the Mounties (I guess the “always get their man” thing is more than just a marketing slogan) to find him and return him to serve his term. The investigator/sheriff went on to have his own adventures in later years.

    And yes, I am so going to write one hell of a novel based on stuff I’ve seen, if I ever find the time. πŸ™‚

  11. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dear emb, I couldn’t agree more, with your comment about you and your wife doing the same, until keeping shoulders warm. Yes, life is good, but it was better. Love the Scout Camp song TR sent in!

    Dearest Ghost — awwww — you are too kind. As for the criminals you recognised, you sure do have material for an interesting book.

    Debbe — wish we could help somehow. You are so resourceful, you will find a way — or Ian will, he sounds like a very smart kid.

  12. Gary Avatar

    Charlotte, it is nice when 2 people have the same “thermostat”. I can be naked, on top of the covers and my wife would be under multiple sheets, blankets and comforters and be wearing fuzzy flannel PJs and still be a bit cold.

  13. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Gary, that does have to be “worked around”. My feet were always cold. It was a happy day for me that I realised that he didn’t care a bit that I was wearing fuzzy warm socks and most likely, never even noticed.

  14. emb Avatar

    Wrong! That was MDT. It’s predicted for 1715-1735 CDT. Sorry, emb

  15. TruckerRon Avatar

    emb, you made me look!

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    See, Charlotte? That’s what I mean. If I’d had a otherwise naked lady in my bed, wearing only “fuzzy warm socks”… πŸ™‚

    Also, that reminds me of one of my favorite of “those” A&J cartoons.


  17. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    It use to be she was cold and I was warm – now I am warm and she is hot.

    Back when we heated with wood(strike that)we burned wood for heat – “Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap” was not just a saying.

  18. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    “burned wood for heat,” a nice distinction, Old Bear — I like it.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Check YouTube for ZZ Top, Woke Up With Wood.

  20. emb Avatar

    This has nothing to do with how any are attired or engaged between the sheets.

    I get a weekly email from Sky & Telescope about current news, this week’s dominated of course by the Pluto/Charon flyby. But there was also this item on dark nebulae [not the newly exotic Dark Matter], clouds light-years in diameter of ordinary matter gas and dust that are not lit up by nearby bright stars. It is long, much of it intelligible for lay people, and has internal URLs that you can also browse. I’m posting it mostly to aid you in appreciating the complexity out there, and the richness of what cosmologists study. These clouds are where the next generation of stars and star clusters are being born. Mostly such stars are hidden by the gas and dust around them, but many are known to be there from IR radiation that we can detect.

    There will not be a quiz.


    Peace, emb

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe πŸ˜‰ I was pretty sure you didn’t wear either pantyhose or nylons (I don’t call them “hose”; that sounds like what you water the garden with), at least not in the hen house, anyway. πŸ™‚

    Just roll with it, baby…


  22. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    Jerry, Denise and Miss Charlotte….thank you, and in turn I come here to be inspired, learn, and laugh. As I have said before….ya’ll just like fam damily πŸ™‚

    TR…..I want you to know, I was humming that song on my way to work and then some at work. Couldn’t remember your daughter’s lyrics though.

    Well, Ian FINALLY called. He’s going to come back today, he thinks. If they can find gas money. I told him I would give his friend $25 dollars for gas. Ian just doesn’t think too far ahead. I hope he has learned something from this little excursion. I also told him I needed a day off…going on day 19 here….and Evan is going to Camp Illiana for a week (it’s a Christian camp..I sent Ian a couple of times and the last time he came home with a girlfriend) So I will play the wait and see game today.

    The Boss has lost his cell phone….and that is a catastrophe because it’s always glued to his ear. Plus he doesn’t have a land line. All he could think of was all his contacts He popped in yesterday, and we discussed the rod conveyor. Going to put another coat of naval jelly on. How in the world did naval jelly come to be? Ian said it comes from your belly button….yeah right.

    Ruth, I did try Facebook once….didn’t really get that much out of it. I know my sister stays in contact a lot with her daughters in Indy. One time I got on Ians’ Facebook, and my sister had sent a picture of my Dad when he was in his later teens….Ian looks just like my Dad.

    gotta go…

    ya’ll have a blessed Sunday

  23. Debbe Avatar

    GR πŸ˜‰ seeing as it is Sunday…what better way to start the day…in the presence of the Lord


  24. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    I went to Buffalo Wild Wings wants did not care for it all. I remember going to a rib place when my son was in college on a Sunday afternoon. We were able to watch every NFL game and all we had to do was turn the knob on the speaker to listen and watch the game of our choice. That was pretty cool.

    A couple years ago the whole family was at a pizza place and they have the Alabama Auburn game on. That was the year of the missed field goal that was run back for a touchdown. I happened to glance up and started to get really excited and everybody at the table wondered why. Then the whole place erupted!