Welcome to a special Sunday posting of classic Arlo & Janis, from 1994. You might notice something new on the page. I have added the ubiquitous Facebook paraphernalia. No, this isn’t the drastic remake of the Web site I’ve been promising. It’s just the result of fooling around on a Saturday afternoon. Those of you who are Facebook users can now “like” me with a minimum of effort—a distinct improvement my face-to-face friends assure me.

The Hole Story
By Jimmy Johnson
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115 responses to “The Hole Story”
Good morning Villagers….
Jackie and John….take the time, share the time and love the time you have with your loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with the both of you………Amen.
Went into work yesterday, walked out into the hen house, looked down the aisles….and there it was……a big long auger snake, twisted and piled. So, 1200 feet of new steel auger was FINALLY put in…..one down, two more to go.
Sandcastler….never heard it called the 27 Club.
GR 😉 watched a docu on her a while back….she had been clean for a little while when she overdosed in her hotel room.
gotta go…..
ya’ll have a blessed day
This is a feel good ending:
Well, that didn’t work, scroll down to the pic and story about some rock group that rescued a half frozen ketteh:
sideburns: “. . . or was the story she told Arlo a falsehood?” Maybe Jimmy doesn’t know.
I missed a day (or maybe two?) – but wanted to add my “no” vote for FB (ditto twitto!) for all the reasons mentioned above.
Based on how Janis responds to drinking alcohol, I’d say the vodka/slumber party is the true story. Ummm. Slumber party.
Is today’s newspaper cartoon a rerun?
So sorry John… Try to make every moment together count. Although, please remember – none of us are perfect. There may be days when your wife gets irritated with you, and vice versa. Don’t obsess about those times that are less than perfect. Just being with each other is a blessing to remember.
On a cheerful note, the two half feral kittens are out chowing down on shelf outside my office, parallel to computer. Mama came up and looked for the “good stuff” the canned food my sitter gives them. It is foggy, foggy out there.
You all realize I do have a lot of help who are friends and love me, even if I am their boss! Mama kept asking what my dog sitter had done when she lived in Florida? I didn’t know, I said her husband had been a chiropractor and they had a lot of money until he had a stroke with no health insurance?
She brought him home and reinvented herself! I knew I loved her already but she put on her nice clothes and went and applied to be a foal sitter at a horse farm in Ocala! No experience, had to look up what a foul sitter did, lied about her experience which she still asks God to forgive her for. She was not only superb, loving the horses like she loves my dogs and cats, but ended up working for the largest most prestigious horse farm in Ocala, delivering foals and carrying for and loving them and their mothers.
She weighs about 100# soaking wet and is as short as me!
Lives in a tiny trailer down the street from me. I met her during a horrible ice storm when a tree fell on her trailer, squashing it. I carried her hot food, a propane stove, a propane heater, a lantern, thought she was about 20 years older than me. Turned out we are about same age! She still claims I saved her and the dogs and cats, which might be true. Took a long time to get that ice storm cleared up and power back on. Couldn’t restore power to her trailer because of the damage from tree.
Love, Jackie
To Jackie and John, I’m keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. And I echo Galliglo’s words ^^^^^^^^^
Not sure if all those incorrect words up there are my mind on auto-correct or my spell check on auto-correct! I seem to be typing sound alike words like foul-foal carrying-caring? Am doing that a lot and I don’t edit, just type, way I learned to write for articles long ago. I do edit those and wonder about now if I will ever write anything again besides to you guys?
Love, Jackie
On the topic of high heels, I have said here before that my favorite shoes were the 5-inch gold evening sandals that I wore til they fell apart, and I had other, not quite so high heels that I wore, but for the last 20 years or so I have lived in Keds. High heels may not always cause back and knee problems, but they can certainly aggravate them, and while Keds might not be as stylish they are more comfortable.
Jackie, I have four mostly feral cats that live in my back yard. Every morning they come up for breakfast. Only one of them will come up to be petted. The other three will sit just out of reach and look at me while I talk to them, but won’t get close enough to be touched. Maybe one day…
I do have a page on the Book of Faces, but it was not initially my idea to sign up for it. I had to have a way to keep up with my then-85-year-old aunt. I have found it useful to keep in touch with relatives scattered over several states, but FB itself can be really irritating.
Trapper Jean – I’ve been known to tell people they can see a smile on my face or cute shoes on my feet but not both! I go for comfort.
I’m still kicking, but not as vigorously. Don’t remember if I mentioned it, but I was hospitalized for septic blood infection a couple of weeks ago. Been home, doing IV antibiotics daily as part of my dialysis treatment. Moving with crutches, but discovered that transition from two crutches to one can result in painful muscle pulls in ribs and back. It seems that I’m not quite strong enough to support myself from one side. Stress of all the weight forced to one crutch has pulled several muscles. It’s hard to stand, move, cough, sneeze, or anything else involving the upper body.
HOWEVER– I am grateful that I am improving, hopefully I will soon be able to eliminate both crutches and start walking some unsupported. Also hopeful that I may be allowed into a study that administers a globulin that decreases the antibodies keeping me from getting a kidney transplant. It is sort of an antibody for antibodies. I recognize how fortunate I am to have a disease that has an available treatment for long term survival.
Jackie, John in Richmond, and others: I cannot imagine the pain you feel and the hurt of impending loss. You have my deepest sympathies and prayers for comfort. It is encouraging to me that there is a small group of people that are concerned about my well being, even though the only thing you know of me are a few words, occasional contributions on a comic-strip archive blog. Thank you. I am trying to return the favor as best I may.
PS– Jackie, my sister recently passed the one-year anniversary of her kidney transplant. It is a live-changing (and sustaining) event. She is doing tremendously better than on dialysis,
PPS– No ‘T” in often. Pronounced “offen” around here. High heels as desired… told my daughters that flats, short heels, or tall heels don’t have any effect on inner beauty. Facebook: member, but only family or close friends are “friends”. Currently watching friend from college post progress of their first grandson. Also reconnected with some friends from high school. Facebook provides a low-impact way of maintaining communication, without being pushy.
JJ- Changes to blog webpage… ability to edit postings that have typo/spelling/grammar or just stupid mistakes.
Change live-changing above to life-changing.