Welcome to a special Sunday posting of classic Arlo & Janis, from 1994. You might notice something new on the page. I have added the ubiquitous Facebook paraphernalia. No, this isn’t the drastic remake of the Web site I’ve been promising. It’s just the result of fooling around on a Saturday afternoon. Those of you who are Facebook users can now “like” me with a minimum of effort—a distinct improvement my face-to-face friends assure me.

The Hole Story
By Jimmy Johnson
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115 responses to “The Hole Story”
Funny that one of the topics here today should be pronunciations. I had just run across this little video that explains so much- http://shows.howstuffworks.com/brainstuff/why-do-people-in-old-movies-talk-weird-video.htm
Another interesting coincidence, Ghost Sweetie, is your mention of the Bataan Death March. Just tonight at supper the conversation turned to strange things people eat (fried grasshoppers, anyone?) and I mentioned that my Dad once told me when he was in the Army he knew a man who had survived the Bataan march. A bunch of guys were in the chow hall griping about the food, and the survivor quietly mentioned that it’s surprising what a man will eat if it means the difference between living and dying of hunger. Daddy said they all finished their meal without complaining.
GerardWay, interesting screen name. Any chance of My Chemical Romance getting back together?
Trucker, it is funny I missed For Better or Worse. I know they are in reruns but they used to be one of my favorite strips and I still enjoy them. Strange, most of the strips I really do like are in reruns of some sort now?
So, I decided I would see what their Dark Side commenters were like. Humn……….. they seem to squabble as much as A and J’s do but none of them have same screen names. Funny, you would think some of the same people would like both strips?
I still enjoy Cathy and Foxtrot and Doonesbury, Calvin and Hobbs, Peanuts, all in reruns. And still popular I am sure with others.
Mike has gone to bed, he was watching reruns of this season’s Downton Abbey which seemed to be a marathon getting ready for the new season. The Emma Peel marathon on The Avengers should be here on Wednesday.
Anyone have opinions on the other female leads in the Avengers?
I know Patrick McNee played male lead to several females that changed.
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers…
I say the ‘t’ in often, but never gave it a thought on ‘listen’.
Jackie, I fret and worry while tossing and turning, been awake most of the night. And, yes, you and Mike came to my mind; as others here do too. Even at work I think about this place and all of you…..like I’ve said, my job isn’t exactly rocket science.
Little Brooklynne Rose came by for a visit yesterday afternoon. I don’t think she likes me anymore. I asked if she and her Daddy talked about the cat, Tom Tom, and she said yes. I told her that Uncle Marvin and I would get Tom Tom fixed and get medicine at the vets…but that Tom Tom would have to stay with us, forever. She grabbed him and went out the front door with him without even saying goodbye…….so, I guess that was a “no, I want him at Daddy’s house”. I know one thing, my cat food will last longer….he was a little piggy!
Ya’ll have a blessed Monday
GR 😉
today’s grin: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/8395353856/h9D0A4A67/
From the cartoon above and today’s real-time one, it appears Janis can be a lot of fun when she gets a couple of cocktails into her. Every time I bake a rum cake, I remember the cartoon from several years ago showing what happened the time she made one. Hint: Not all of the rum went into the cake.
Good morning, Lady Mindy! 🙂
Trapper Jean, thank you for that link on Trans-Atlantic speech. Having no idea that the speech pattern was taught in schools, I thought it was simply a relic of stage performances. I grew up watching movies of the Thirties and Forties on late-night television (Dad worked midnight and afternoon shifts—my first five years and summer vacations shifted with him) and never once considered how odd the speech must sound to a modern ear.
“How Stuff Works” is a marvelous site. Their history podcasts are worth a listen!
Small herd of bison grazing near OF.
My sister-in-law received a new Liver on September 30th and a kidney October 2nd. My brother reports in about every day or so and she has had her ups and downs. She spent the week back in ICU but will probably will be sent back to the rehab hospital today. As you can imagine, my brother has been extremely busy for the last 3 years. Before the transplant it was Doctor visits and dialysis. Right now he has rented an apartment in Indianapolis as he was traveling back and forth from Fort Wayne. All that I ask is for prayers for my SIL, Becky and my brother Marvin as well as their kids, especially the oldest one. Caretaking is a very difficult road, different from the role of the patient, but with it’s own unique demands.
I am glad to hear she is doing OK. I worry about all of you and when I didn’t have my computer with me I couldn’t “check” on everyone. Isn’t it strange, how this is like a Village, a town of people we have never met, yet we know and worry about?
When I figure out how I will put the youtube of Garrison Keillor’s story of the 25 Lutheran ministers on the pontoon boat on Lake Woebegone here. I had mentioned it on a boating site, so naturally someone posted it for me and I found myself sitting here in my pajamas and laughing my head off this morning.
More than once I think we are like Lake Woebegone, real and yet unreal, or Cheers “where everyone knows your name”. The stories could go any way and you hope they are happy or at least hopeful.
Love, Jackie
OF blowing now.
Finally saw OF – thanks emb! I’ve been clicking on your links since I first noticed them, but never caught an eruption until today. Should have figured it would be a successful click after seeing Jimmy’s title to this post. The bison were a nice addition.
Here you go, Jackie…the pontoon boat story.
Bill: You’re welcome. A dozen or more bison, males, females, calves, lower right, unless the webcam has moved.
Running in to get dressed in something? Have to get Mike back to hospital for hydration and more tests on the calcium in his blood.
The pontoon boat story is hilarious if you are Lutheran or not.
Love, Jackie
I am not Lutheran, but I know some who are. 🙂
Be careful out there, Jackie.
yes, the periodic hydrations, doctor would sort of add them on at a days notice. that’s all over for my wife, all treatment has been stopped, just take your pain meds, go home and die. weird twilight zoney world for me, our finances are such that I could quit work, but she doesn’t expect me to just stay home and stare at her all day, my employer is really cool, I’ve missed way more than any FMLA allows but they’ll keep paying my insurance and if I just show up about two hours a day I can get all my stuff done, what my wife doesn’t like, though is that it’s about a two hour total commute so that’s a lot of extra time away. My co-workers are “friends” in a way, my boss and main co-workers are great and I have this dang protestant work ethic that just makes me want to keep showing up to take care of things
I’ve never “liked” anything on FB. My wife says it’s because I’m a curmudgeonly Luddite wannabe. I say it’s because I see no value in FB.
Bryan, you are not alone in that.
Debbe 😉 Ironically, I had just listened to some of her work on Spotify when you mentioned the “other Janis”. Fame or something has not been kind to rock stars. Janis was heavily into heroin at the time of this October of 1969 TV appearance, and she would die of an overdose not quite a year later, at age 27.
Do you realize how many pop musicians have died at age 27? Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison are two others who come to mind.
I setup a Facebook account three or more years back. While no one calls me a Luddite, Facebook was pandering to as if I was an ID10t. For me their offering was meaningless. Have their constant emailings being trapped in spam and life is again Facebook free.
GR6, that is the famed 27 Club.
John, your employer sounds like a real gem. Too bad you can’t just do your work from home and not have to commute. Or maybe do one 8 hour stretch and then have four days at home. I am sorry to hear of your wife’s situation. Will be praying for the two of you.
sandcastler, I set up an account so I could get in touch with friends I had not seen in years when I moved back to Alabama. As it turns out, the time lag had been so long they were not interested in staying in touch, except for one who bombards me with spam about some game he plays. Now I only keep it because I can’t have Spotify without it. Not to mention that FB stopped recognizing my main email address as mine but still bombards it with spam about “do you know” a lot of people with non-English names.
Mark, I have a Spotify account, but not one for Book of Faces. Spotify always gives me the choice of signing on with FB or a user name/password I selected.
Well, when I originally joined it, the only way to get it here was to use FB. Guess I will have to read the Spotify instructions and see what I can do to change that. Thanks