A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

The Marriage Counseling Department

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

We continue with our tribute to the late Tom Magliozzi of the long-running radio show “Car Talk.” Do we even know which one was “Click” and which one was “Clack?” When the second cartoon above first ran in 1996, I got an email from an offended fellow of Italian origin who took exception to being stereotyped. If you can’t make fun of Latin lotharios you truly cannot make fun of anybody. Ray Magliozzi did back me up in an email, however. Yes, I exchanged a few emails with the crew at “Car Talk” when this ran, and they sent me a really nifty coffee mug. It later broke in the dishwasher. That’s what I get for not washing my fine china by hand. They did not, however, mention me on their show, for which I was really angling.

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37 responses to “The Marriage Counseling Department”

  1. jimmyjohnson Avatar

    OK, I think I’ve solved the problem. Sorry about that! — JJ

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    We had faith.

  3. Granny Carol Avatar
    Granny Carol

    I am really enjoying these archived strips – many of which I have never seen, because I was not aware of the strip until my local paper started carrying it, a number of years after it first began. I had never seen these about Car Talk – such a great tribute at this time. Thank you!
    On another note, as soon as our local paper dropped the “funnies,” I dropped it! That is how I found this site, so it was a blessing in disguise! 😉

  4. minnesotadon Avatar

    I am loving the “tribute”. Thank You JJ for leading us in the fitting tribute.

  5. Tom (formerly) from the Front Range Avatar
    Tom (formerly) from the Front Range

    JJ, you should have called in with a car problem and, when asked your name, answered, “Arlo.”

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Go ahead. Make my day. Stereotype me as handsome, charming and successful with the ladies. Go on. I double-dog dare you. I warn you, I have the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice on speed dial.

    What the heck was that Italian guy’s problem, anyway? 🙂

    When I tried to post this earlier today, my first thought was, “Well, that’s one way to deal with a troll problem.”

  7. DJJG Avatar

    Neither did the brothers know who was Click and who was Clack, Jimmy.

  8. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    This is post 57 from early this morning, before Jimmy posted anew. The 3 posts following it are also worth reading. Peace, emb
    emeritus minnesota biologist on 06 Nov 2014 at 8:11 am # 57.

    Jackie: ‘I had never realized she created concepts of “wardrobe malfunctions” that resulted in exposure for exposure.’
    They appeared in Playboy back when Jayne Mansfield was big [in a different sense].

    Outlander and wife: Yes, opportunities for funerals will come more often. Further, one of you will probably die before the other, and the next several the other attends will seem to be replays. Wife died late Dec. ’10, and I attended 13 funerals in ’11. Positive notes: they later become chances to renew acquaintances, and also [more crassly] to enjoy other people’s kitchen skills at the lunch afterwards. Locally, those are best at a relatively small Episcopal church. The large R.C. church does well, as do some of the Lutheran churches [of many stripes, and the UMC]. I’m guessing R.C. + various Lutheran = 90% of the local population.

  9. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Sorry, it’s # 55. Peace, emb

  10. DellaMae Avatar

    I read recently that when asked which was Click or Clack, neither knew. They joked about each having half a brain so between them they were working with one. What great guys. Full of themselves, yes, but in such a self-effacing way and with such generosity of spirt toward others.

  11. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    A self defense firearms recommendation? Thanks for bringing up such a simple, straightforward topic, Jackie. 🙂

    I’ll jot down a few thoughts for later, tailored to what I would think your needs would be, probably for this weekend.

  12. domaucan1 Avatar

    Since I couldn’t get on the site this AM, I posted this on “That’s Janis”:
    domaucan1 on 06 Nov 2014 at 9:59 am #

    Couldn’t get on the current comments. As a first generation American-Italian, I take No offense at your retro comic, JJ. My last name is Cangelosi! Couldn’t get more Italian extraction than that. Keep up the good work. I enjoy all your stuff, old and new. War Eagle!

    P.S. My Daddy was an American citizen born in Sicily, circa 1907!

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Thanks, Ghost. I can’t replace all the dogs so I guess I need to take some personal responsibility!

  14.  Avatar

    I’m home from a week of cruising around beautiful Alabama. I’m exhausted and I am going to my cousin’s funeral tomorrow, but I will try to catch up when I can.

  15. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Sorry, didn’t mean to be anonymous. I’ve read through Halloween. More in a couple of days on Talladega, Frank Loyd Wright, etc.

  16. TruckerRon Avatar
  17. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    TruckerRon, as Paul Harvey used to say, and now the rest of the story.


    Sounds like another warm weather city got tired of being overrun by the homeless and tried to make living in public spaces more difficult for them. No easy answers to this problem, unfortunately.

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Sounds as though the Fort Lauderdale city government, along with that of some other Florida municipalities, is getting serious about trying to keep the homeless out of sight…and out of mind.

  19. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Outlander and Jackie, I asked Ian what ‘rifles’ we have, I said I knew we had a .22, and he said a couple of shotguns too. Never fired any of them, maybe I should practice. We have no dogs, never replaced Bobo, who was ‘killed’ two years ago by the neanderthals visiting their parents….they live across the way. I am not looking forward to Thanksgiving as they set out live snares and go on shooting sprees.

    My brother-in- law stays with us frequently, and we believe it was his 30 year old thieving, drug addicted, drama queen daughter….she’s been here before in that truck. Probably looking for her dad who wasn’t here.

    I saw the interview of the 90 year old man and pastor on the news last night…how sad. It was mentioned the city was afraid they were ruining the tourist business. They are going to continue feeding the homeless though….good for them.

    Found out the hard way yesterday morning how fast a popped out auger (at least 20 feet of it) can recoil. I was PO’d, it was in my way and I kicked at it….damn, it hit my leg and recoiled so fast that I knew if I didn’t run, it would have done more damage. The Boss sent in troops to find out why three different augers keep popping out. Hopefully, when we go in this morn, there will be none out. Here’s the kicker…we have 1200 fee of new auger laying there, to be put in, but……which feeding trough do you put it in?

    Jerry, was wondering where you were…glad you’re back, and my sympathies on the loss of your cousin. You had mentioned him a few threads back.

    Well, if it’s Friday….it’s PAYDAY…and I’m broke before I even cash my check….sigh.

    Mark….I was talking to a young and very polite young man yesterday at work, and I mentioned that tomorrow was the 7th and Pink Floyd’s new album was being released. He knew it, and said he was going to buy it, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to like it as it was going to be instrumental, no singing. I asked him if he remember “Echos”? Then I teased him that it was way before he was born….he laughed, and said he had the album.

    Ya’l have a blessed day

    GR 😉

  20. Debbe Avatar

    Important List

    11. The most crippling failure disease, Excuses

  21. Mindy from Indy Avatar
    Mindy from Indy

    Yesterday was too long and too much work. Had to go help bail out another store near Indy. Not the manager’s fault – brand new. The good thing was a bunch if us got to see our old boss – great guy, works hard, and always willing to lend a hand. Another long day ahead.

  22. Debbe Avatar

    Heading out the door….real quick, found this link

    Mark: http://ultimateclassicrock.com/pink-floyd-endless-river-facts/

  23. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Did not see the Friday funny coming. Wonder if it will have a Saturday punch line.

  24. TruckerRon Avatar

    What causes homelessness? Why is there so much of it today? Quoting Wikipedia:

    Mental disorder, where mental health services are unavailable or difficult to access. A United States Federal survey done in 2005 indicated that at least one-third of homeless men and women have serious psychiatric disorders or problems.

    Disability, especially where disability services are non-existent or poor performing.

    Traumatic brain injury, a disease which according to a Canadian survey is widespread among homeless people and can be chalked up for around or 70% of respondents to a time “before the onset of homelessness”.

    I’m old enough to remember the debate over the apparent lack of legal justification for “warehousing” the mentally ill, those who were incapacitated by their illness to the point that they could not hold jobs and provide housing for themselves. It became their “right” to be homeless! One idiot judge claimed that one poor woman who sculpted with her own excrement was an artist who ought to be admired for her creativity…

    I’m a volunteer chaplain at a state mental hospital. I’ve seen how the revolving door works because we’ve failed to provide adequate support to those who are brought in, are treated to the point that they are able to function more normally, and released with a 30-day supply of their medications. Yes, the hospital does set them up with a place to go to… but at the end of that 30-days they’re own their own to find a way to acquire refills. And in today’s economy, finding jobs for those with a history of mental illness is harder than ever.

    We need to expand the support system to help those who are willing to continue their medications to get them. And we need to better educate the public concerning mental illness. I’ve been confronted by several fools who demand to know why we’re mollycoddling people who have sinned and brought the condemnation of God upon themselves! My theology doesn’t include mental illness as a result of sin.

    Do any of you live in states where those discharged are afforded access to the medicines they need? Are there any such states?

  25. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    A phrase that infuriates me…homeless veterans.