I don’t have a lot of time this morning, but I did want to post something, as service here has been spotty lately. I’m not sure my subconscious wasn’t at work when I chose today’s classic A&J. I’ve been fighting with my computer lately, plus the mockingbirds have begun their seasonal concert. Except, in reality, they sing about 3 a.m. For hours. I actually have gone downstairs in the middle of the night to flush one from the camellia bush below my bedroom window. I didn’t kill him, but I did scare the bejeebers out of him. Is that a sin?

The Mockingbird’s Shrill
By Jimmy Johnson
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413 responses to “The Mockingbird’s Shrill”
OB, the cowboys weren’t as tough as the private dicks of the 30’s and 40’s who could, after being cold cocked from behind by the Bad Guy’s blackjack, wake up; figure out where the BG is going; hotwire a car; race to intercept the BG before he can abduct “the girl”; and then beat the snot out of said BG. Whereas in real life the PI would be nursing a concussion, going “Blub-blub-blub”, and trying to remember his own name.
Not to mention taking a .38 slug through the subclavian artery and shrugging it off as a “flesh wound”.
I am going to leave this game to the boys, I don’t play. Real life is more interesting right now.
Jackie, you might want to try one of these next time you pass through Louisiana. I found out there is one here and I plan to give it a try.
The title fits the current weather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZUE4_PtOk0
Good night
Did not remember it was George Kennedy – It has been a while.
I have stories of my grandfather and how tough he was.
One was when he split his lip he went to my grandmother to have her stitch it together –
She said “no” –
He said “Viking women stitched their husbands”
She said “You’re no Viking”
He was a Square Rig Sailor – sailed from Sweden to Australia several times.
Was a Bo’sun before he was 18.
GR π because if that diamond ring don’t shine
..hey, they tried…still not as good as Carly and James….which I inadvertently posted at the end of the previous thread
Good morning Villagers…
Sitting here, looking out my computer room window at the bright, full moon. Which, in about a half an hour, will start the “blood moon”. Sat here last October and watched the last one.
(Note to self….clean windows)
Well, cages are cleaned, troughs blowed out, egg trays brushed, and now for some repair work…poor Ian and Andrew have their work cut out for them today. Tomorrow “the bomb’ gets dropped…..and the first round of 30,000 pullets start coming in on Tuesday. Of course, it’s supposed to rain, and it will be a mess.
I love John Wayne movies and the music scores…thanks Evan.
Some 480 eggs were given away yesterday to a some grandmotherly type of older ladies that The Boss gives eggs to (and he benefits from the ‘goodies’ baked), and 196 went to a church. Have I told you I don’t like eating eggs π
Still waiting on the blood moon……
love the legs…..
my slate gray cat, Hampton, is short in the legs. When she walks, bounces, her long slate gray fur just bounces along too…….
It has begun! Don’t know the time lapse of this eclipse, but when going into work, we see the sunrise (when it’s NOT raining) every morning.
And, would someone please explain today’s real time strip, I don’t quite get it.
car warming up…yes, its’ 34 degrees out there
Just a sliver of the moon is showing, will get to watch on the way to work.
plus, someone on TDS just explained the ‘punchline’
Happy Caturday……
Today’s might have been funnier had JJ could have changed the last line on Sunday and actually shown the correct teams. Very subtle,but then most people reading the funnies would not know that the comics are done weeks ahead.
But then again, today’s reference was pretty darn good!
Debbe, I didn’t get it either but I am absolutely not a basketball fan, never actually watched a game. Closest I got was actually working for a member of the Olympics Golden team or whatever the heck they called them back then? He’d played his career out as a super star for Houston and then for Denver. Dwight was sweet, funny and smart. Like every other man I ever worked with that fit that category I think I fascinated him, at least my dimensions did but fact I could sell did too. Anyway, all his old basketball buddies stopped in all the time, since I never knew who they were they didn’t intimidate me at all. Funny guys.
Mark, I just left Jethro Tull on all night, that was a productive link. Still listening. Had forgotten how much I liked them/him.
Ghost, my weight is down another six pounds since I was home to weigh myself. And yes, I am eating. Just not much and healthily.. Today is day I have promised to start walking officially again to try and build up to a 2 miles a day again. It is 37 outside so may wait to start! Beginning to purge my closet of a lot of clothes, especially the too large ones and especially the granny looking ones.
Not going back there again. Attitude bouncing back, I don’t feel like the same person, finding out there is life there still. The Village has been a good place to live.
Debbe π Dang, hon; you meant *cat* legs! Well, you got my heart started, anyway. As did the young “five by five” lady I just happened across on TWC. (Five inch heels with five inch above the knee skirt.)
Sorry, but even somehow using the “correct teams” names would have been lost on those of us who don’t follow the b-ball play-offs. Everyone one else enjoy, though.
Love this one, Too Old To Rock n Roll, Too Young to Die. His lyrics are fantastic, music is of course. Any other like this you’d recommend I commence to relisten and appreciate? Forget fact I am the age I am, I actually like a lot of stuff that would surprise.
Good for you, Jackie! Keep that up…smart eating, walking, attitude and all. And remember, you burn more calories walking or exercising in cooler temperatures.
And, ah, what were those dimensions, again? π
Pickaxe Handle 1, George Kennedy 0
Change in lots of things, Ghost. You have been a major inspiration of course. OK, I am going outside in the cooler temperatures. Did not know that. Going cruising in Canada next month for two weeks, so cooler temps there for sure to exercise in. And no, I don’t do cruise ships.
For basketball fans, I did look up what I was talking about in previous post. That was Dwight Jones from the 1972 Olympic team that controversially lost Olympic gold to the Russians in the Olympics where the Israeli athletes were murdered. All refused to accept their medals, good for them but I am absolutely not a basketball fan.
I always made fun of myself for that because I had no idea who Dwight was, just an intelligent and good looking man to boot. I always claimed he had played for the Houston Rockets and the Denver Spotted Mountain Ticks. Really annoyed him but he liked my attitude too because I just could not be intimidated by anyone, famous or not.
Score of 46DDD. Hard to play.
Back in the day, I meant, Jackie. Whatever they were, I have a feeling a certain expression we used to use would apply…”short stack”. π
I was just looking at pepper spray* on a well-known InterWebNet purveyor of merchandise, and when I when to add one of them to “Wish List”, I noticed it could also be added to “Wedding Registry”. That struck me as amusing, for some reason.
* Why would I need pepper spray if I almost always have a firearm within reach, you ask? Because of the old saying, “When your only tool is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail.” One needs options like hand-to-hand defensive training and pepper spray. And because “almost always” doesn’t mean “always”. (Thanks, US Postal Service.)
Debbe: You are right… Toby Keith good, but NO comparison to James Taylor and Carly Simon!
Just rereading my favorite adventure travel writer who told anecdote about being stopped by an earnest citizen in I believe Nepal? who ran up and asked, “Are you American? Good, I have just married and can you please sir, tell me, what is the cure for premature satisfaction?”
It is assumed all Americans are sexual experts. So, yes, Ghost, I wondered same thing. What ARE you planning to use the pepper spray for?
There are times when it would be more appropriate, both morally and legally, to defend one’s self by giving one’s attacker a case of teary eyes and runny nose than a sucking chest wound.
“Premature” is in the eye of the beholder. So to speak.
Have to go drive route and verify my elderly memory, but did one circle loop to lake and back which I believe is one mile (Long time since I did this) and two loops is two miles? Or maybe it is half a mile and two loops is a mile and two repetitions is the two miles. Am prespiring a tad and breathing hard but otherwise doing just fine. Dog and I gave two elderly men a charge walking who both commented on good looking dog. Glad I put a sports bra on, they were really old.
I may still be youngest person in this neighborhood, I was when I moved here. I’d run or jog and six cars would stop and ask if I needed help?
Ghost, I used to carry pepper spray after I was kidnapped in Houston. Gave it up but I know you think I should return to a defensive position. And Mace. I’d Mace anyone.
Love. Jackie
Thanks for the link