A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

The Mockingbird’s Shrill

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
I don’t have a lot of time this morning, but I did want to post something, as service here has been spotty lately. I’m not sure my subconscious wasn’t at work when I chose today’s classic A&J. I’ve been fighting with my computer lately, plus the mockingbirds have begun their seasonal concert. Except, in reality, they sing about 3 a.m. For hours. I actually have gone downstairs in the middle of the night to flush one from the camellia bush below my bedroom window. I didn’t kill him, but I did scare the bejeebers out of him. Is that a sin?

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413 responses to “The Mockingbird’s Shrill”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Jerry: Some of us long-married folks (coming up on 35 years here) don’t have heated arguments. There were a few gals I dated who would have held up their ends of such things, but given my heart history I think I was wise to hold out for one who shared most opinions on important things with me but had complementary talents (interior design, sewing, etc., are NOT my fortes, but she is dangerous with power tools). I think we’re well matched and united against the obstacles and trials in our lives.

  2. emb Avatar

    Trucker: Re http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/11/131120-science-native-american-people-migration-siberia-genetics/

    “cherished”? Which scientific theories, in particular, are cherished more than other scientific theories? I expect any differences lie in the personalities of the theorists, and that anthropologists, ON AVERAGE, cherish their theories neither more nor less than chemists, parasitologists, astrophysicists, paleobotanists, etc.

    Peace, emb

  3. TruckerRon Avatar

    I used the somewhat loaded word “cherished” deliberately. I refer to those who, having learned something in school somewhere along the way, never question its accuracy and are resistant to reconsidering it in the future. They ignore any and all evidence that would upset their applecart. These people are NOT scientists but, because an authority figure told them something, cling to it as a matter of faith. Politicians frequently are in this group, and since they make decisions that affect the rest of us, their belief systems matter.

  4. emb Avatar


    I see. Unfortunately, I most commonly see wording such as, “Looks like ancient people moved around and interbred more than some cherished theories tell us” used pejoratively, in two contexts, both implying that it is scientific theorists themselves doing the “cherishing.”

    First, in various written or oral media intended to create or sensationalize conflict where little or none exists, and second, in religious or secular presentations that seem eager to discredit scientists or science in general, to support unscientific alternatives for religious or self-interest reasons.

    Thanks, emb

  5. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Good, Jackie; the sooner the better. If you tackle firearms training with your normal level of enthusiasm, I have no doubt you will soon be better at it than I am.

    I checked an online reciprocity site and found that an Oklahoma carry permit is recognized just about everywhere you are likely to travel in the US, with the exception of California, Illinois and a few other like-minded states that apparently feel out-of-state citizens shouldn’t be allowed the means to defend themselves from violent muggers and rapists*. Including those like me, whose home-state permit required the same criminal/mental health background check and the same or greater level of demonstrated competency and safety knowledge as they require of their own licensed citizens, not to mention that I train more hours and fire more practice rounds a year than probably 90% of their own law enforcement officers. (End of Rant)

    * Who, if they are even halfway smart, would choose their victims from among those driving vehicles with out-of-states plates.

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I shall try to avoid California with enthusiasm as well, although the northern part of state is beautiful and not as totally fruit cake as the southern part. I want to get my permit completed before I go out to Washington to pick up Cookies so I had not planned California as on my route.

    Falling asleep, this has been another long and sobering day for me.I thought you were happy I was pitching all the staid and too large clothes! Hope you spent Easter with your mom, Ghost and same hopes to all you who still have your mothers in your life.

    Love, Jackie

  7. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I grew up with White Rock Soda/Ginger Ale
    Toast & Ginger Ale to settle stomach.

    As long as we tell stories of those that stepped on the Rainbow they will never die.

    We set a place at the table at gatherings or occasions for those that are not with us.
    It is a small thing to remember all those that brought us where we are.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Yes, Jackie, I did indeed spend most of the day with my Mom. She was pain-free and in good spirits. What more could I ask?

    And yes, I am very pleased you are already able to donate clothes that are too large for you. But I’ll expect progress reports. Especially in regard to new purchases of silky/lacy/skimpy items. πŸ™‚

    Click the link below, select Oklahoma, click YES and NO, and you should see an easy to read map showing the states that will recognize your Oklahoma permit (AND WHICH YOU WOULD THEREFORE WANT TO STOP IN AND SPEND MONEY, IF NECESSARY). Looks like you will be fine on your way to WA, as long as you don’t stray into NE or OR (WHERE YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO STOP AND SPEND YOUR MONEY).


  9. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Oops. Looked at wrong map. Strike NE from the above. Spend lots of money in NE. (Sorry, Nebraska.)

  10. Jackie monies Avatar
    Jackie monies

    You guys are the greatest. You do all know that I hope?

    I not only am giving things away that are too big already but brutally asking myself if wearing most of them even makes me happy? Or good about myself? If answer is yes, I keep it. Otherwise it goes.

    Strange way to look at clothes or life I suppose.

  11. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Jackie, I am saddened by the news of your friend’s passing. I like the fact you called her your ‘pet whisperer’….and they too know of her passing. I firmly believe in that. I have a friend too, whose name is Wilma. I love her dearly. I was going through a dark time once, and she gave me a wall plaque that says: “Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves”…it hangs above my computer, and I see it everyday.

    Granny Carol, my condolences too, on the loss of your friend.

    Didn’t make it anywhere except work yesterday. My get up and go, got up and went at about 2ish. Made phone calls…and yes, it is the next best thing to being there.

    Ruth….are you watching the women’s tourney? Notre Dame won last night. I was able to stay awake long enough to watch them win….

    Ya’lll have a blessed day

    Denise…glad I could make you chuckle…chuckling is good πŸ™‚

    GR πŸ˜‰

  12. Debbe Avatar

    so this is what my son suffers from:


  13. Debbe Avatar

    Oh, and Jackie, remember my ‘Important List’?

    The worst thing to be without: Hope

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Keep eating those oysters Jackie, because you never know: http://www.wsmv.com/story/28715325/pucketts-customer-finds-50-pearls-inside-oyster

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Off to Louisiana for a couple days, Mark, so more opportunity for oysters. But I love them fried and that is not too healthy as I am giving up on fried foods. I was trying to explain to my server the other night that I couldn’t get oysters up here in OK. She asked if they didn’t fry them, how did they cook them. I explained that they didn’t cook them at all, just don’t have them available to even order!

    Debbe, Wilma was a real animal whisperer. Before moving here from Florida she sat foals for the largest horse breeding farm in Ocala, FL and sat with mares, delivered their foals, worked with the little foals and the mothers. She could tame any animal and they trusted her. That is why I now have Hootchy Mama and five little kittens in my bedroom closet. She was working on all the other strays and ferals I feed to tame them.I have to call my groomer too and make sure she knows, as Wilma worked for her until she began sitting for me all the time.

    Still in a brief satin and black gown, Ghost, and I need to go get dressed. My workmen always come and check out my office window to “make sure I am OK”. I have this habit of becoming personal friends with anyone who works for me, life long problem. And yes, Debbe, I agree that friends are the family you choose for yourself.

    Love, Jackie

  16. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Yesterday was spent with Husband’s brother and sister and their families. Really good day, but I ate too much.

    Jackie, sending hugs and good energy to you.

    Ghost Sweetie, πŸ™‚

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    CG, condolences to you also. I initially missed your post about the loss of your friend, something I normally do not do.

    Jean dear πŸ˜‰ Good morning, Long Cool Woman. (I like the 11 minute version best.)

    Jackie, I don’t blame your workmen; I’d come check on you, also. Be safe on your trip.

  18. Ruth Anne in Winter Park, FL Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park, FL

    Debbe – yes, we’ve been watching the women’s tournament and have seen some really good games. Would love to see Notre Dame pull off a game like the Wisconsin men did the other night.

  19. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Ref today’s real-time, I have resolved to do this year what I had intended for the past few years and somehow had not…watch as many of the Atlanta Braves’ games as possible. (Not that I am out of touch with MLB or anything, but I didn’t know until last night when I printed out the Braves’ schedule that the “Florida Marlins” are now the “Miami Marlins”.)

    My Dad would have known. He started watching the Braves on TV back in the “Superstation” days, and I doubt he missed more than a handful of games from the day he retired until he went into the hospital for the last time. I’ll be thinking of him during tonight’s Braves opener with the Marlins. But then, I always do that anyway.

  20. emb Avatar

    Webcam looking N past OF. Several smaller geysers back there. emb


  21. emb Avatar

    TIP BlogSpot and comic are = today. It will resonate more w/ men than w/ women. Both of my urologists = men [first now retired]. Once was guinea pig for woman studying to be a nurse practitioner. Biol. prof cannot very well refuse to help in a teaching situation. Besides, MD’s office is no place for false modesty.


    Peace, emb

  22. Nodak Wayne Avatar
    Nodak Wayne

    emb, one of the best laughs I’ve had in a while.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    emb, I happen to know a female urologist who is *much* better looking than “Dr. Sheila Rasmussen”. Plus, she’s a blonde. And I suspect I know what the budding NP practiced on you. πŸ™‚

    I have also been examined by a nurse practitioner, although not in a professional setting. πŸ˜‰

  24. Denise in Michigan Avatar
    Denise in Michigan

    Although I’ve had stone chips repaired before on windshields, I’ve never had to have an entire windshield replaced due to a crack. I am thrilled to learn it runs much less than I had expected. Whew! (wiping brow)

  25. emb Avatar

    Ghost: She did the prostate exam, the testes cancer exam, “cough”, and everything else. I doubt it raised my blood pressure any. She was shadowing my FP physician, not my urologist. I’d been going to him for decades. He knows me pretty well; I suspect he realized I’d be a more laid back subject than some of his male patients, so scheduled her with me well ahead. It’s an honor, really, to be so trusted.

    We’d best get used to it; something like half med school students are women*. One of my former students is a FP here; I’ve never had occasion to see her, but it wouldn’t be a big deal.

    *So are seminarians, excepting, of course, RC, LDS, MO Synod and WI Synod Luth., prob. some Baptist, some others. I don’t know / SDA. I’ve been please with most of the female UMC pastors I’ve encountered; also UCC, Presb, ELCA, Episc.[?].

    Local Newman Center was headed by a laywoman until a decade or so ago. New priest at the city’s RC church fired her on the spot. Didn’t raise NC attendance any. Actually, all the college student groups are declining in ##. Part, I think, of a societal decline in participation in most voluntary organizations: VFW, AL, Elks, Eagles, churches.

    Am reading an article in The New Yorker that points out, AOT, that crisis centers have more success with potential suicides, unwanted pregnancies, abuse victims [“It was Dad!”] by texting than by telephone or email. Strange, but encouraging progress.

    Peace, emb