When I was a little boy, I wanted to be in the Lanett High School marching band. I thought those black and gold, Prussian Guard-style uniforms the members wore were magnificent! I remember being taken to local football games by my mother and father. The games were highly anticipated occasions, and the carefully orchestrated halftime shows were enthusiastically received by fans. That’s the way I remember it anyway. I know my family enjoyed them. It turned out, my musical interest didn’t extend much further than a childish desire to dress up like something out of the Nutcracker Suite. My athletic abilities weren’t much better, so I’ve spent my life in the stands. The urge to dress splendidly did not last, either.

The Music Boy
By Jimmy Johnson
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47 responses to “The Music Boy”
Handbell choir?
I hope that opens!
HAHAHAHA, Trucker Ron. Thanks.
Another thought on IKEA’s founder – http://www.gocomics.com/that-is-priceless/2018/01/29?ct=v&cti=1953981
OK, so I’m jealous. Classical + G&S geek and have a good bass voice, but play no instruments and cannot read music. Mom was proficient on piano. They owned one, but had to sell it and relocate in the first years of the Great Depression. [Will not digress into politics here.]
Older, ordained son owns and plays a decent upright, has a good voice [baritone?], and sings well. Younger son, even more skeptical than I, plays French horn,has a voice just like mine, and sings in his UMC choir.
The 25 Jan. TIP [click left arrow in Ruth Anne’s URL 2 or 3 times] is sacrilegious.
In honor of all you moon peeps here is the clasdic Blue Moon Of Kentucky by Elvis.
A cover of the beautiful and VERY danceable Blue Moon by Raul Malo of the Mavericks. I think I will play this one for Ghost whdn I wake him up to see it in morning.
Ghost is a wonderful dancer.
Or go out and dance with someone you love and feel the magic.
Here is the great Billie Holiday singing Blue Moon from 1949.
Decided to do something for all of our generations in the Village.
I played the trombone from the fifth grade through my freshman year in high school. I carried the bass drum (and played it) when we marched, since I could easily manage the weight. We moved my sophomore year to a larger school… it didn’t have a band, but did have football! I moved from trombone & bass drum to defensive tackle. I was much better at football.
I’ll be watching the eclipse in Austin in the morning. We reach totality at 6:51, just a few minutes before dawn. The maximum eclipse is below the horizon for us, since moonset is about 7:24. The end of the total eclipse is well below the horizon for us, at 8:07 am.
Today I commented that all the Village seemed to have played in school bands. Ghost said that would be expected.
Think he means .most of us have creative talents and gifts.
Jackie, you may be right about Ghost’s observation. But I also remember how the ‘cool kids’ or ‘in crowd’ or OMG I just realized I have no idea what the ‘kids’ are calling themselves today. and I’m pretty sure OMG is out too.
Back on track, the popular students in the American Pie movies nearly 20years ago labeled Allyson Hannigan’s character the band geek. We may be seeing a certain overlap in geek culture; where band geeks and toon geeks collide.
Learned piano, but hard to carry. Played flute because while our district did not support a seperate classical/symphony/chamber group, I thought the instrument was versatile. And if Ian Anderson can rock a flute, so could I. Besides, I failed the clap test for snare drum. Stop laughing, they eventually taught me to keep time.
I also have Janis pegged as a reed player, starting on clarinet early then developing to oboe or other exotic woodwind for symphony.
I assume most of you are familiar with the OLD oboe joke: An ill wind nobody blows good. My husband played it for a while in high school but quit because he couldn’t afford the expensive reeds that had to be replaced frequently.
Today’s “Aunty Acid” has a wonderful philosophical point. JA 31st, that is.
Yes, it is true the band members were geeks Morphy. I did not play any instruments past junior high although I dated some musicians in high school.
I was a brilliant teenager trying so hard to be cool and disguising any studiousnsx by seldom studying.
So was Ghost but he claims to have been quiet, shy and a tad geeky.
Speaking of 31 Jan. comics, today’s A&J is a good reason for eating in cafeterias. Many times servers have asked me how everything is before I’ve had one bite, much less sampled all items on my plate.
Also, today’s 9CL is kinda sweet. [Speelczech is objecting to slang today.]
And do the servers practice always arriving when you have just taken a bite and can’t answer? emb, I have the same thing happen too. How do you know how it is when it just came out?
Or dental hygienists who ask you a question that cannot be answered yes or no….while they have their hands in your mouth.
Linda never does that. I was probably one of her first patients, and she’s now mid 50s. Delightful person, and competent. Same dental office since we came in ’58. Was a one-man affair downtown, eventually moved to a larger site downtown, room for hygienist, then he and other dentists built a new place on N edge of town, two blocks from our former home. Receptionists, hygienists, dental assts., newer tech., etc. Original dentist retired, lived w/ wife in same townhome spot we/I are now in, has since died. Still 3 dentists, all different from the originals. Cannot remember when Linda came on board, but am glad she did. I may live long enough for her to retire. That’s going to happen one of these years w/ my primary MD, and my regular ophthalmologist. Actually, I’ve switched from him to a newby, because she is also a specialist in retinal disorders. Age has its plusses and minuses. Peace,
The good news: I saw the total SOLAR eclipse last August. OTOH, at least I didn’t spend lots of $ traveling for this lunar eclipse. I just missed out on an hour’s sleep to get up early and see a solid cloud cover from horizon to horizon.
Inigo Montoya: Who are you?
Man in Black: No one of consequence.
Inigo Montoya: I must know…
Man in Black: Get used to disappointment. You’re in Utah.
Inigo Montoya: ‘kay.
LOLOL That’s a good one, Trucker. 🙂 And thanks everyone- great way to start a day.
Totally agree that customer ” service ” while dining is annoying. But the constant use of GUYS drives me batty. I am not a GUY. I am a gal.
LOL with you, Llee and totally agree with you about “you guys,” Nancy in Bucks Co.