Today’s classic was a subtle—or not—plug for this blog that appeared in newspapers in 2008. When cartoonists first began to insert web addresses and such into printed newspaper comics, a lot of editors weren’t keen on the practice. They felt as if they were forced to share a property after they’d paid for exclusive rights. It was even muttered that syndicates and cartoonists perhaps should pay for “advertising.” The editors might have had a point, but, muttering or no, that horse left the barn a long time ago. What we now call “social media” are an intrinsic fact of life. What, you thought we were going to talk about the art of inking? We will, but not today. Instead, I want to call your attention to the new GoComics web site, which went live this week. I will refrain from comment now, but I very much would like to know your opinion.

The new GoComics site is up
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
312 responses to “The new GoComics site is up”
The comments on TDS are last thing I would look for!
My manicurist is better than an emergency room. The super glue got the jagged edges and stopped pain and bleeding.
Had a low calorie Boost chocolate shake and having a big bowl of steamed Vegs with drizzle. My weight is stalled and I am not happy. Bought new scale and going to shakes plus limited “real food” , stopping the creeping calories.
On Jimmy’s Question of the Day:
I’m with you Jackie, having to go look for comments means the are right where they belong, hidden. Ironic, I know. But the communication here seems better.
Jimmy, I had commented yesterday, but pretty much same as everyone here. I like the look, shield icons like a family crest seen without hovering, speeds recognition; larger strip without clicking. But the data drain on a metered connection is a show stopper. I was interested in your view on fans clipping your art for wallpaper/screensaver?
David in Austin, sorry, did not mean to ignore, had stepped away for the evening. I agree the image is retrievable, but the extra steps involved are what I referred to in my post as a joy-killing pain. Formerly, 2-keystrokes accomplished a save to local, and 2-mouseclicks changed my wallpaper to any strip I had. The additional steps to harvest the image are like a cheap padlock, intended to ‘keep honest people honest’. Where my opinion was, there had been no dishonesty involved. I used the example of scissors and newsprint to illustrate. UClick is now ‘printing on Tyvek’ to extend the metaphor. You can still snip, you just can’t use the kiddie scissors to do it. Your link looks fun but cost me 12MB just for the home page, before I killed it. I know, metered connection inferior to unlimited data.
Keith, see David in Austin further above, for one solution.
Dave [10:13am]- Some call it ADD candy. But I’m not sure of the causation arrow. I’ve begun to find distractions elsewhere today.
Ursen, I also lost track of the editorial cartoons. But left before investigating.
Poor Dickens has just licked my veggie bowl which consisted of steamed Vegs, no salt, no pepper and some basil drizzle. Pickings are poor for puppy dogs on my scraps.
I am seriously going to get more petite again. I refuse to regain weight and not fit in my clothes.
Plus, at this time of year promotions for women are exercise clothes to go with end of year guilt trip and lingerie to go with Valentines angst. OK, I have both.
The beautiful woman who posed on Sports Illustrated cover as their first plus sized model is a popular model for lingerie ads, especially those that market to “full figured” women.
This woman makes me feel unattractive and under endowed. In fact more than one has that effect on me. Makes me wish I’d foregone boats, boat designers and anything more nautical than a piece of salmon, better to have spent all my time at the gym and having plastic surgery.
Anyway, I bought more exercise clothes and more lingerie for the hope chest. Going to quit hoping and start doing.
Steve, I don’t remember now when I first found Arlo and Janis. A faithful newsreader, it would have been the same day my newspaper added it. I’m just not sure we were part of the big rollout, or joined later.
But while Jimmy may have been writing what he knew, from his own history, and making up some of the other details of fiction; it coincided *extremely* well with the path I’ve trod since. In my case, a young couple struggling with establishing a home/a young child (she brought to relationship with her, Jeri did not approve)/interactions inside and outside home/COFFEE/ cat / tech / and all the other details.
Between Jimmy’s Arlo in the morning, real life all day, and Paul Reiser’s Mad about You in the evening, I had some pretty good influences. [Can I blame Jerry Seinfeld for a twisted humor?] Villagers call it window peeking. For me getting a third and fourth opinion helped me know I wasn’t alone, and I was doing it right.
Life ain’t always pretty, but back then, I had no regrets. And that’s what I feel every time I see those familiar lines that somehow make a face. A face that went there before and let me know it’ll be OK.
By the way, Jimmy, I wish your daily’s were pen and ink only. GoComics colorist can’t read directions, or is an idiot. A distinction without a difference.
Jackie, there are near 8,000,000,000 different versions of the divine image walking around this rock. Be healthy, but stop comparing.
It’s near certain you have it better than 7½B of them, so don’t fret how well the rest are doing. You are the best version of you, just make it a little better.
Trying to post, but URL is being rejected. :/
Wiki says I overestimated World Population. I hope it doesn’t reduce my message.
Morphy, didn’t feel neglected. Wow! on the amount of data. I admit, I’ve become somewhat spoiled to data amounts and speed. My cable modem connection is 300 Mbps and I have unlimited data. Life would be substantially different if metered. If you ever “need” on of the images, mention it here and I’ll send the direct link. Unless, of course, Jimmy says the wallpaper/bulletin-board usage is out of bounds.
Interesting… my previous post had a parenthetical reference to the (evil Time Warner) and the post was continually rejected.
David in Austin, ran into that first time just this last week. Couple others have mentioned it. Seasonal? Server? Pagemaster? Roaches on the logic gates?
Mine never resurfaced, break it apart and retry?
Think you found the culprit
Jackie, I’m sure you know those weight-loss “stalls” are simply the plateaus caused by your metabolism adjusting to a lower caloric intake. Your body’s defense against “starving”, in other words. And why “crash diets” don’t work. Once it acclimates to the deceased intake, it will crank back up, and you will continue losing and get sleek and sexier.
Thank you Morphy. I am going to keep fighting for health and weight control.
Today I was talking about what keeps you young with a very trim and very small cowboy from Abilene, Texas. He was my age I suspect. We were in line for pharmacy at Walmart. He was impeccable, starched jeans, button down shirt, rodeo belt buckle. Perfect hat, perfect gentleman.
We were laughing at long line of senior citizens and the proverbial people who come to Walmart partially dressed. Laughing at ourselves too since neither of us was in rodeo condition, especially me for barrel racing (knees) and him roping. We were in line for pain killers, each of us had to pull out an ID.
But we were laughing at our refusal to grow up or give up. I saw his significant other come up to him as he stood in line. She was old. To me the fighting weight and mobility and keeping laughing is the key to the fountain, not plastic surgery.
Ghost darling, I have had creeping corpulence meaning I am regaining, have regained weight I already lost. That is what I am disgusted about, having to repose weight I had lost. I have some major money in lingerie alone and I had to try a half dozen before I got one to go under the exercise tunic, tee shirt today.
Wrong way Corrigan!
Jackie, you just sent me right back to high school. My senior year girlfriend, a junior, still competed with the younger girls in horsemanship. Her preferred event was, sorry if I don’t have it right, Posting. I was made more familiar with the event, and its particular skill set, later. God love those 4-H-ers.
Re-read BEFORE posting this time. Later as in, later when she came to college, too.
Not stopping eating, big piles of low calorie, high fibre Vegs for awhile so I feel like I am getting lots.
Anyone here like eggplant? Cooking an Italian eggplant and chicken dish for tomorrow. Employees get it with pasta, I get it with Vegs. It involves eggplant, onion, pepper, spinach, garlic, herbs, tomatoes.
No one sounded like they wanted Emeril seafood and eggplant.
Plus this is healthier, no cheese, cream, bread stuffing.
Yes, posting is an English riding event. I rode both English and western.
Unless she rode poles which is Western event that is sometimes called pole bending when you ride in and out of a row of poles set in arena at prescribed distances at high speeds.
I rode barrels and poles.
Sorry, had cleared history for test.
David in Austin, for reference, data loads from my perspective:
That link – >12MB
This page, from empty history, so no cheating. – <1MB
but it is ad-free and text heavy
Following the direct link to GoComics for A&J strip only, no navigating once there – <4MB
that's for just one comic on a bad designed, ad heavy, graphic oriented page.
File size for one daily strip, in color, by our favorite artist ~100KB
These numbers have many reasons to vary by some degree between my chipset and source. But waste is still waste, and electrons cost money. Wasteful coding clogs Bandwidth.
Jackie, she did both styles, multiple events as well. Happiest going all out Western style, but damn she looked good in English kit(?). Re-read that, talking about riding the horse. The big hairy beast. No, the animal she kept outside. I mean…. never mind.
Wow, wan’t sure that would go through. New definitions for pagemaster refusal.
On the occasional Anonymous, I didn’t think GR6 had been outed. We all recognize his signal-fist — just as you all recognize my verbosity — and assumed a temporary condition.
Another blast from the past. Steve, you may have noticed, I use Wikipedia a lot as a clearinghouse for info to be verified, and for clean links to major websites I don’t know. It usually has at least one open tab across the top of my browser.
I went to look at Arlo and Janis but didn’t go up to your link, just used the inboard search box. At “arlo a” it generated in the list “‘Allo ‘Allo”, had to go look.
When I wouldn’t pay for cable, and satellite meant a 10 foot dish with an analog tuner that drifted, I would really enjoy British comedies on PBS. I knew Hugh Laurie back when he was funny, playing second banana on Black Adder. Still like remembering Red Dwarf, low tech best tech in SciFi comedy. Strange connections come fast on the interwebs.
Oh my, what an exciting evening clicking on and printing out coupons for grocery store. I have two that will double value of coupon up to a $1.
The bad part is cutting the coupons out as I no longer have a paper whacker with a blade that comes down like the French guillotine.
Gave up couponing two years ago so you know I plan to stay around and cook and clean when I start getting domesticated.
On inappropriate humor that sounds funny inside my head. Last one tonight, I promise.
More recently, maybe four years ago, during a time when no one wanted to be more than one-third a heartbeat from their smartphone; having lunch with a few foreman, full table, maybe six-top. This guy is a great one, capable, knowledgeable, etc., just a squared away guy. Happen to know he has a wonderful young family, and involved in church administration. In the midst of details, banter, food, and napkins, his phone goes off. Good, Bad, and Ugly whistling ringtone. He grabs it without looking, and answers…
Hi, honey. Glad you called. Is your throat feeling better today?
I had just taken a drink. In that fraction of time while I’m wrestling to contain the fluid inside my skull; I realize he must mean his wife had felt ill with a sore throat, was showing loving concern for her well being, and simply meant it would be better to breath without feeling that scratchy feeling of a seasonal-cold in the throat.
But that wasn’t the image as it occurred to me when I first heard his robust greeting. Try as I might, I could not forget how eagerly he had answered. As if he had caused her discomfort. I was fighting a laughing fit like Dom Deluise facing Burt Reynolds. Had to leave the table, and go out for a cigarette to recover.
Hunh, cigarette. Must have been six years ago.
Work that into a daily, Jimmy.