Ouch. I reasoned a snowfall cartoon would be appropriate for many of you today. Here, it’s cold rain and mud. I enjoy drawing snow scenes. I think most cartoonists do. If you go strictly by the funny pages, you’d think that the U.S. is one big Sweden. For one thing, snow is versatile. It can be beautifully rendered; what is prettier than virgin snow? Or, it can be quickly and economically rendered. One can even get away with depicting snow by drawing… nothing! Plus, snow evokes response: it’s lovely, it’s special, it’s uncomfortable, it’s messy. But most of all, cartoonists think, “It’s January. Great! I can do a snow cartoon.”

The Snows of Janis an’ Arlo
By Jimmy Johnson
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176 responses to “The Snows of Janis an’ Arlo”
I just took a look at the Old Faithful site. There are 4 people there, under the full moon, waiting for OF to erupt. The current temp is 14 F.
Debbe π Yeah, I loved me some China Beach, too. I’ve never bought a TV series on DVD, but if I ever do, it will be that one, if it’s available.
More Motown in memory of my sister…
Jackie, sometimes even thieves have a heart: http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2016/01/alabama_man_who_pleaded_for_re.html#incart_river_home_pop
Walmart is closing over 200 stores nationwide. The ones that are closing have goods at 50 percent off now. Some stuff not marked down. List of stores closing is here: http://money.cnn.com/2016/01/15/news/walmart-list-store-closings-in-us/?iid=EL
Thanks Mark, those towns are within easy drives of me. I need more camping gear and that stuff rarely gets marked down. And I need. At supplies and gardening g oods.
None closing in my area. Not surprised; we keep our Redneck Gallerias profitable, so they will stay. Guess I’ll have to add to my Bug Out Bag and Bug In Kit at regular prices.
TR, I read some of your blog and found it interesting. Keep it up. Ghost, that reminds me that I am way overdue on checking my supplies. I know that I have thrown out some food supplies and haven’t replaced them. Arlo Guthrie will be in Ocean Springs. I think that it’s around groundhog day. Interesting things that you can learn on the net-ex-wife #2 lost her home to forclosure. The check’s in the mail darling. (:,) I thought of that because Feb. 2 is her birthday. And you thought husbands never remember.
Good morning Villagers….
The poor east coast is getting hammered….I pray Miss Charlotte is and will be OK. And Miss Charlotte, please post and let us know…worried about you.
Jerry’s back, and still throwing in those little snippets π
Bill Cosby once said “they say cocaine enhances your personality…but, what if you are an a$$hole”! He sure has a lot of female fingers pointing at him lately, maybe it was his “enhanced personality” π
Old Bear and Mark…thank you for your concern, but I kind of like being escorted by Jonathan I may be 62, but I’m not dead π
Old Bear, spent $190 at TV yesterday on supplies, bio-security supplies and such. The owner is the same one who owns the one in Dubois, the ‘epic center’ of the virus. One of the employees told me that customers phone in supplies and the employees take the order out to their vehicle…avoiding traffic and following bio-security.
We got an official state government ruling, on paper, that says we cannot do this and we cannot do that…..our hen house is in the red zone, but the other is not. We are not allowed to even ‘blow’ out our house as the virus is airborne..right now it is dormant because of the cold. I just pray people don’t let their ‘guard’ down during this stage…next weekend, the highs will be in the fifties…..my anxiety will kick in then.
And yes, Jean, just post a comment and let us know you’re doing fine. Are you snowed in?
gotta go, and yes, happy Caturday!!!!
Oh, and I don’t get the retro’s pun….someone explain….
GR π I do believe they have that series on DVD. There was the one character I just loved, he was kind of a loner…will research to see what his name was….
…and then there were many singing this song, but only this group got it right. I watched the video, and was wondering if they were lip syncing as there is an audience, like American Bandstand…..
…there’s something about this cat’s pose I just love….
Jimmy, if you would publish A&J in the southern hemisphere you could draw snow in July.
‘The snows of Janis an’ Arlo’ scans with and almost rhymes with ‘The snows of Kilimanjaro’, a famous short story by Ernest Hemingway.
That site features a neat photo of Kilimanjaro. Beautiful mt. Peace, emb
There’s a typo in my earlier post on
‘. . . Kenya. Kilimanjaro in one world famous sight Iβm grateful . . ..’ That ‘in’ should be is.
Debbe: I neglected to note that the above post answers your question. Sorry. emb
Debbe π Bill Cosby’s “enhanced personality”? Why, hon, that was a snark remark worthy of me! π
I see that various TV meteorologists are up to their usual winter storm foolishness, standing outside freezing and being snowed upon to tell people it’s cold and snowing outside. Dumb-butts. Don’t they know that TV meteorologists are supposed to sit in nice warm, dry offices; looking at radar screens, satellite photos and synoptic maps; drink coffee; and then go on the air and say what the National Weather Service says? Quick, what did TWC name the current East Coast winter storm? I thought so. They should do what the people impacted by the storms probably do…call them all “Winter Storm Well Digger’s Ass”. Or “Winter Storm Brass Monkey”.
Think of me and stay warm, hon. π
Current temperature high atop the local (one story) Emergency Management Agency building is sub-freezing. And I’m indoors, drinking a tall cup of chai tea latte. We now return you to the studio for your regularly scheduled activities.
Great headline: http://www.wsmv.com/story/31022280/oops-nfl-refs-forget-balls-at-hotel-before-patriots-game
What was the old joke about forgetting your head if it wasn’t attached?
Well where I am in the Appalachians got hammered, a local hospital closed to all new patients because of the storm. Nothing but emergency vehicles allowed on the road for a long, long time. We just don’t get this kind of snow. I am well and truly snowed in, shoveling snow so my little dog can go out to the bathroom, otherwise I would lose her in the snow. I have my emergency kerosene heater ready if we lose power, but it has quit for now, maybe more later. It has moved on and there in the east it is going to get it worse than us. Snugged down and I have winter gear left from living in the far north for a while so I am fine and dandy. I’m good for a couple of weeks if I can’t get out so no worries for me.
I prepared breakfast for Mom earlier this morning and carried it to her at her apartment. When I got there, she was watching the TWC blizzard coverage on her living room TV. She looked up at at me and asked, deadpan, “Do you remember back when snow on the TV meant there was something wrong with the picture?”
Everyone stay warm and do not attempt to adjust your set.
Short note, it was in low 20s here last night. I.got as many cats in as I could entice in. There are still a couple semi feral outside and we put a substantial dog cottage out on porch with a bed. I think we need to run a cord with a shop light for warmth, everyone says a heater will set house on fire. Anyone use a heated dog bed outside in a house? The porch gets some rain and snow.
Jackie, a few companies do make heated pads for outdoor animals. Check the farm/hardware/pet stores in your area and see. Around here, nobody stocks them and they are special order. In your area, I would think they are more likely to be in the stores.
Or you can look at these: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_8_6?url=search-alias%3Dpets&field-keywords=heated+dog+pad&sprefix=heated%2Cundefined%2C190
Some years ago, the drop cord my sister had run to the light bulb used to heat her dog’s house shorted out and set fire to it. Fortunately, her dog did his best smoke alarm impression to alert her, and she got him out uninjured. So any type of AC current running to a wooden animal shelter may be somewhat problematic.
In these days of bear and coyote in residential areas I’m glad that our pets are strictly inside.
OF due 1349-1409 CST. Scroll above posts for emb + the OF website.
Re: weather back East. Below is the current, live view of downtown Baltimore and upper Chesapeake Bay as seen from the peregrine nest site on a skyscraper ledge. Smaller views of what it looks like on clear days on the left.
It’s 20 F or so here today, I think. Have to shop for ingredients for W. African style fruit curry for BUMC potluck tomorrow. Remind me to post the recipe.
Peace, emb