Ouch. I reasoned a snowfall cartoon would be appropriate for many of you today. Here, it’s cold rain and mud. I enjoy drawing snow scenes. I think most cartoonists do. If you go strictly by the funny pages, you’d think that the U.S. is one big Sweden. For one thing, snow is versatile. It can be beautifully rendered; what is prettier than virgin snow? Or, it can be quickly and economically rendered. One can even get away with depicting snow by drawing… nothing! Plus, snow evokes response: it’s lovely, it’s special, it’s uncomfortable, it’s messy. But most of all, cartoonists think, “It’s January. Great! I can do a snow cartoon.”

The Snows of Janis an’ Arlo
By Jimmy Johnson
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176 responses to “The Snows of Janis an’ Arlo”
and Monday’s grin….
Debbe, mom was supposed to go for ultrasound on Thursday. But because of the thunderstorms, that was put off till tomorrow. It is still red and painful.
And the Walmart Jackie visited yesterday was one of those going out of business. So I guess it couldn’t have been too busy. Given what she said about the locations, it seems obvious why they are closing. One of the Supercenters is closing in a community near Birmingham. That area is very run down and going to get worse. Most industry there was already gone, and this past year US Steel started closing down most of their operation there.
No trouble at Walmart parking as Mark said, however on Friday they had small riots. They are cleaning shelves.
I like small towns, hate to see them die. The Dollar General and Family Dollar are still there. The small Walmart were a knee jerk reaction when their lunch got eaten by those two and it seems they kept on eating it. I doubt the typical Walmart customer has a clue what really is behind any decision corporate makes..but I doubt they understand the dollar stores either and follow financial news and definitely don’t follow supermarkets and mass marketers.
It’s a past life for me, I exercise idle curiousity. I ended up happy when Dollar General got taken over and expanded. Their buyers keep getting better and better. Walmart should have studied why they work first.
Jackie, and anyone else interested, here’s a good explanation of why Walmart is closing these small stores: http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2016/01/24/why-wal-mart-express.aspx
Mark, competitive running? hahahaha. Not me! That pooch is the competitive runner. My son actually won a half marathon this summer and the dog would have been a Top Ten finisher. The cool thing about the story is that the race was to raise money for the local HS cross country team and with all of the publicity from the dog, hopefully they will. But the dog is so fast it might demoralize the kids!
Still on baby watch. Due date is Wednesday. Funeral for my sister-in-law is Thursday. So if she does not have the baby by Wednesday, they may induce on Thursday. I’ll be there to support my daughter-in-law. My nieces will understand.
Debbe ๐ Walken was a professional hoofer before he was an actor.
Jackie, I was reading recently that various business, union, social and government special interest groups fought tooth-and-nail to keep Walmart out of the Washington DC area (“evil corporation”, “mom-and-pop killers”, “slave wages”, etc.) and now they are screaming bloody murder because Walmart is closing some of their area stores (“need the jobs”, “people don’t have places to shop”, etc.). As you say, many people don’t understand (or perhaps don’t want to understand) how business works.
Mark, I love the Motley Fool and they are experts on Walmart. I keep telling you I reinvented myself constantly every time a door slammed I opened another. This was one. I ended up an expert on super markets and chains and selling to them. I got picked to be part of Cornell University’s top 100 leaders and influences in the industry as part of their studies of the mass markets. The following year my company I worked for went belly up after a hundred years because they didn’t understand either.
Because I did there was an immediate offer to hire me and my rep group to obtain my customers. Guess who? Walmart who had bought a competing company to become their own provider and everyone elses. Thanks to the Walstreet Journal and the Motley Fool I knew to say no thanks. That’s when I became a car salesman, I decided I was already sunk too low. Actually selling Lin olns was a step up.
My detailed explanation of exactly why I know so much about Walmart vanished. Maybe I knew too much?
Back to break in at my house. At four a.m.someone was on front porch. Dickens let me know someone was out with the boxes from FedEx and UPS we hadn’t stored due to me spending weekend giving away boats and materials. Lights on, Dickens and I scared them off.
Had Glenn looking for medications in truck at 6 a.m. before he went on patrol. Everything o.k. Kids came in at 8 a.m. to feed animals and go back to wallpapering. Someone had gone into fenced back yard and opened new dog house, let 20 year old dog out and left doors and gate open. Kids searched and no dog. A nice man found her alive over a mile down road. She is blind and old. Kids went to pick her up and take her to vet.
Next search is for the expensive padlocks last minion was supposed to put on gates that day I handed them to him. They were never put on.
Then I called local phone company as to why no one had come to install new lines for cable, phone and computer and the new cameras for surveillance? They had issued an order, they had no idea when.
Called cardiologist, both offices. No one had gotten messages or found tests. They found, surgeon needs to talk to me. I’ll explain Walmart someday!
Well, there’s the explanation. I wasn’t sunk low enough to sell for a Walmart cover company! Then they openly began doing it through Sam’s and I got to turn that one down too. It’s inconvenient having ethics I suppose.The cover company is gone and Walmart makes no pretense to be supplied by American companies any longer.
When did mere competency become such a rare commodity?
Little known factoid: Archangel Gabriel smells like bread-and-butter pickles, and Archangel Raphael smells like fresh-baked calzone.
GR 6
It is Jaques Pennรฉ
Archangel Michael smells like cookies and so do I. My fragrances are all toasted or brown sugar and vanilla.
And that is the other inside joke on name of my boat Cookies. It’s worthy of one of Jimmys better double entendres and I didn’t name it but did agree it was a perfect name.
Regarding folks who protest a proposed Walmart but turn around and decry the closing of other Walmarts — Most of them are suffering from a rather common malady: NIMBY
Here I am enroute to Tulsa without hair or nails done. This has been a bad day. Cardiologist says ultrasound indicates encapsulated fluid or blood
He’d rather leave it alone. I am enroute to see his best friend. Plastic surgeon, who is to call him if I look bad on surgery site. Not if I look bad period
Made stop.at vets, have a cat in cage. Paid major debt for other visits. They said old staggering dog could have made it that far but I doubt it. Gates are locked now. I am home tomorrow. We will get electrician onto this stuff too. I am tired of all this
I would shoot someone about now and hang the body as a warning like they did hidtorically.
Ah, the joys of home ownership. That’s why my mom sold hers and has a nice, comfortable apartment now.
I am not ready for an apartment, they don’t come with closets that will begin to hold my clothes. I’d rather just shoot someone as an example.
Off to drop off some of my favorite art to be framed. It wasn’t destroyed which is miracle.
Excited to find out plastic surgery is reasonable, even with the best. And this is the best. We have a goal, some target dstes, we agree on what is important and why. I passed the motivation meeting and got accepted. And most important, I didn’t Date him in college or residency! I would have too.
Jackie, find a nice apartment, rent the two units to either side, and convert them into huge walk-in closets.
I don’t necessarily disagree with the concept, but as I’ve said before in a slightly different context, once one begins shooting those who need shooting and hanging up the bodies as object lessons, the problem would become knowing where to stop. And possibly having enough room to stash all the stiffs.
Ghostly Observation #4: “A good friend will help you move, but a true friend will help you move a body.”
Jackie, time to build another lock in the basement.
Debbe ๐ We often forget how many actors are also accomplished dancers. Acting and dancing probably have more in common than most realize.
Debbe ๐ How about some more dance music, hon?
Debbe ๐ And I’m sure you never shook yours. Did you? ๐
Here’s my favorite part, the plastic surgeon who did interview did not believe how old I was. He thought like everyone else 20 years younger. He said I got good genes. So, I passed the part where they decide if they will operate on you when you get to the status of this one with magazine covers and articles in frames all over walls. And not even my Houston shrinks had four full sized large sofas and miscellaneous furniture plus a oil that looked like at the least a good copy of a Hudson River School painting. Really liked him too, from Mississippi and Tulane. Nicer than me of course.
If you rent three apartments how many cats do they allow you?
Special note to Ghost, I need no breast surgery, just go back to exercising. And cost is only 20% of what I thought. We agreed I will return to steady exercise working back to level I was at, return to calorie counting healthy meals and whatever weight I am at in October I stop at. Which allows slow loss and stabilization so I can have surgery one year after the carotid surgery. It is same area that I am trying to heal.
Not music, but a period tv show. Spinoff from a long series of movies.
Patrick Swayze was from Houston where his mother taught dance. I remember him young, it is so hard to think of him gone. He was a wonderful trained dancer who didn’t get to do enough dancing roles.