One of the things a person quickly learns as a beginning cartoonist is that he or she must master onamonapia, a word that replicates a sound, as in the “clink” of glasses. Of course, in the case of cartoonists, we most often are called upon to invent our own words using onamonapia. Using the above cartoon from last November as an example, how does one replicate the extremely arresting—and grating—sound of that horrible horn, the klaxon, which blares repeatedly when the heavy metal doors are about to close and you have 30 seconds to get to the last shelter on earth before the nuclear bombs start raining down, or the sound a game-show contestant hears when giving a disqualifying answer. Well, this was my stab at it. Onamonapia can be fun! Splut. Blop. Plap. Try it at home.

The Sound of Mayhem
By Jimmy Johnson
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237 responses to “The Sound of Mayhem”
Which reminds me, we miss your lascivious remarks about your life and the women in it. Some of us have to live vicariously.
No vicars were harmed in the composition of that sentence.
Debbe and Jackie: Strength and tranquility to you as you pursue your worthy goals. I believe in you.
(I have to add this pointless parenthetical because dim-witted software will not let me post “same” message twice.)
Jackie, where did I say I didn’t like your choice of music? I thought my comment “Proof of my long-held theory that one can make beautiful music without wearing much in the way of clothing” indicated enthusiastic approval of the “classical” music you posted.
The cello player was my favorite. In fact, I always enjoy watching a female play a cello. The way they hold it while playing, perhaps? Lucky instruments. 😉
And the important thing about the angel wings is not how they attach, but how one unattaches them. 😀
Been there, t-shirt, etc.
Because Alison…
I’m sensing a theme here…
Let’s see if this will post. A play list of sexy classical music to make love to.
No, no, no! That was Pogo.
It isn’t Christmas without Elvis so I am listening as I drive. This one came on and I thought how interesting it is they can do a duet with Elvis 30 years after he died. Then I began to remember the first year he sang Blue Christmas and how I sang along with the radio because my then boyfriend was gone and I was suffering teenage angst.
This was boy from my senior year, the one I thought I would marry and be a military wife. I didn’t of course. According to his brother he has been married and divorced under ten times! He said more than seven, less than ten. I doubt I would have changed his life. Or maybe I did?
Speaking of seven or more marriages, Zsa Zsa died the other day, at age 99. I’d like to think she was glamorous to the end.
Despite what Don McLean sang, the music never dies, even when the performers do.
JFK never said HE was a Berliner
He said the proudest thing that could be said “Ich bin ein Berliner!”
meaning the PEOPLE of Berlin
My Christmas card to you all (just in case I don’t get back here}
Kennedy’s heavy accent made a lot people scratch their heads when he spoke in English. Wiki says that what he was trying to say was difficult, but that the people of Berlin “got it” as they cheered wildly Also, the jelly doughnut that was a Berliner was not popular in Berlin itself.
Even if he had misspoken, I think Berliners were willing to give Kennedy, and later Reagan, a pass as they were charismatic leaders willing to stick up for them. I think of the couple in Casablanca who are showing off their English skills before leaving for America.
Mr. Leuchtag: Mareichtag and I are speaking nothing but English now.
Mrs. Leuchtag: So we should feel at home when we get to America.
Carl: Very nice idea, mm-hmm.
Mr. Leuchtag: [toasting] To America!
Mrs. Leuchtag: To America!
Carl: To America!
Mr. Leuchtag: Liebchen – sweetness, what watch?
Mrs. Leuchtag: Ten watch.
Mr. Leuchtag: Such watch?
Carl: Hm. You will get along beautiful in America, mm-hmm.
Steve, well posted on a confusing subject. Great comic moment with Carl playing straight-man. ‘Cuddles’ had many great moments.
Jackie, letting you know I’m going to reuse ‘no vicars were harmed’. Bishop from Spokane years back liked to give a Kermit D. Frog punchline as, “It’s a knick-knack, Patty Black. Give the frog a Loan.”
A prosperous Yule to our naturalist friends, Wicca, Heathen, and Pagan. To new beginnings. Cheers.
Jackie’s Forest Gump ref. made me recall the photo of Tom Hanks receiving his award from President Obama. They both had a wry smile. May have been the awkwardness of two tall men maneuvering on a small dais. But it made me wonder if he went into character with, “I gotta pee…”
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Today, a proud warbird ended its 58 years (!) of service to America.
I got to see both the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels when they flew the Phantom.
Merry Solstice! I got out my holiday tee shirt for the occasion (hope the link works) –
Hmmm … obviously not! So instead of a link to my Facebook post, here’s one to a site that sells the same shirt I bought from Funny Times –
If, on Christmas morning, anyone sees a brand-new Mercedes, Lexus, or Beemer with a big red bow on its roof parked on a snowy driveway, please let me know.
Note: Seeing that in a Mercedes, Lexus, or BMW TV or print advert does not count.
GR6, thanks for the F4 link. I still recall an Easter Sunday when an F4 on final approach turn over our house lost airspeed. Slate, flaps, and rails were all screaming when the pilot light the afterburner. Loon was on the phone to the base Noise Abatement Officer in a flash. Nothing like being a semi dependent of the Air Force for quality living quarters.
Ruth Anne, yaay! I’d forgotten about the Druids.
GR6, dreaming of a Tesla, myself. Because I wouldn’t pay for it myself.
Sand, the sound of freedom can scare the hell out of any newly arrived dependents. Babies have sensitive ears. But I’ve known desperate souls use that to over-stimulate a crying infant to sleep.
Is Santa Ghost giving them away as a surprise to really good senior citizens of female persuasion?
I almost traded in my Honda on a new one in a fit of picque. Next time anything goes wrong I am driving it or towing it straight to my
Dealer in Tulsa. I had gone to four closer dealers in effort to get work done locally and got told they could get to it next week or not at all.
These sat Dickens and I in nice waiting room and repaired it. Turns out there was a recall.
Jackie, GoComics has a strip that plods along and disappears for weeks sometimes, C’est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock. I like it for the Franco-mericano contrast she showcases. But today’s made me think of your frequent subject, undergarments.