Speaking of the weather and gardening, I bought my tomato plants yesterday. Last year, I tried raising tomatoes from seeds I’d saved the year before that, and it was a disaster. This year, I have returned to the old ways: I went to the feed-and-seed store and bought the biggest honkin’ Better Boys they had! I might have tomatoes by the first of next week, if the weather holds.

Throwing Up the Towel
By Jimmy Johnson
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115 responses to “Throwing Up the Towel”
SF….thanks for the link…..oh, how well I remember that song…..right up there with “tin soldiers and Nixon coming”. the song “Sunshine” can even apply to today’s down your throat healthcare BS.
GR 😉
Pray today is better…..
John 3:16
Saving tomato seeds for next year only works on old heirloom varieties. Hybrid seed does not come true the next season. You can get some really strange fruit if it is not open pollinated varieties.
Clever GR….Grand Theft Floral 🙂
Debbe 😉 Thanks, hon. I hope you have a good Friday on this Good Friday.
Symply hoping the NYT article is the truth and it was Fargone propaganda that sent chills up and down my spine!
I hope so, too, SF. But it’s symply another sign of how ugly that conflict is, and how much more ugly it could get.
Right about now I’m wishing I had a greenhouse so I could go ahead and plant some tomatoes and maybe a few other things. The way Mother Nature keeps playing with the thermostat I’m a bit afraid to put plants in the ground. Night before last we had frost again.
So did we, last night. It was +20F this morning.
Today’s TIP blogspot is clever, but its subject was notorious for his harsh sentencing:
The blogspot is at: http://thatispriceless.blogspot.com/
Grand Theft Floral you say. This could have the makings of an interactive A&J video game. It has a mind boggling amount of scenes and role play options. Hope to see Grand Theft Floral on PS4 by Christmas.
Were there roses in there? If so, the $ amount makes it a felony!
What happened to “in Virginia” up there? MINDY!
Ghost Rider: Glad you mentioned Good Friday. Here’s a link to remind us all. It’s not new, but worth seeing again…and again. http://www.rpmministries.org/2011/04/its-friday-but-sundays-coming/.
Good morning, Villagers!
EMB, I don;t have time for blogs except this one. But my favorite LCJ of England has to be Lord Jeffreys. 😀
Remembered the name, probably from Dr. Marcham’s English history course at Cornell U. in ’50, but nothing else, so did a search. Nasty man [Jeffreys, not Marcham, who was fun].
Thanks. emb
Yes, he was a bad man and a bad judge, but fun to read about 😀
Some of you might want it noted that Braxfield was Scottish, not English.
Thank the good Lord we Scots are not English.
I’m neither, except dibs and dabs. Mainly East Texas German with a Cherokee great grandmother
With two gaps [grandfather known but not father], I can trace my father’s side back to a French widowed baroness[?] and her son, who fled France because husband was on the losing side of some provincial war, and took as their surname the name of the s. English town they settled in. Town has since vanished. This was after ‘1066 and all that.’ Along the way, I understand there is some Scot, N. Irish, and Welsh. On mom’s side it’s simpler: potato famine Irish Catholic mother, whose forbears came here mid-19th century, and secular Jewish father, who came here from Curacao, which was then a Dutch colony. My Dad served in Cuba, 1898, and his younger bro, a career naval officer [Commodore?], shook hands w/ George V aboard some ship, theirs or ours, WWI or so. Photo proves it. Big deal. None of this adds or subtracts from my worth.
As far as Hitler and some current nuts in Ukraine are concerned, I’m Jewish, but the local United Methodists find me acceptable, if strange. Further, one of my half-sisters married a Belgian or French immigrant who emigrated between the wars, managed hotels, and did well, but also had Jewish ancestry. She was raised Episcopalian, but her son, who married a Catholic and converted, would also have been gassed as a Jew if he’d been in the wrong place.
Despite a recent blatantly religious post, none of this should matter diddly.
fathers family was from the Isle of Aaron until evicted in the Highland Clearances to Canada. Mothers side traces back to France during their long civil war, later immigrated to Canada. Both sides drifted south during the 1870 – 1880 period and mixed with German arrivals. Since I carry the Scots surname, I march with the clan Stuart.
Blinky – my horticulturist daughter suggested ground layering your rhododendron as the simplest and most effective way to propagate a new plant. A partially buried lower branch is used to start a new plant – rhododendron.org will have information concerning propagation. I have used this method for forsythia and hydrangea. It takes a while for roots to form but it’s very easy to do!
As far as the retro goes, my favorite in this line was the Sunday page. First comes the ominous hacking sound familiar to all cat people. The Janis calls Arlo, telling him the cat’s about to be sick. He then rushes Ludwig out the back door, aiming him forward. Last panel has Arlo sitting on the steps, watching Ludwig in the yard and saying “This is not how I imagined my life”.
I just watched a great local troupe’s performance of “Forever Plaid.” I’ll be humming favorite tunes from the 50s and 60s for days!
Debbe 😉 Here’s a tune to get your heart started and your feet moving, hon. And I believe you may see some sunshine today. Have a good one.