Butt! Butt! He said, “Butt!” Believe me, it was not easy to slip such profanity into the comics back in the good ol’ days of United Media. Over at Universal Press Syndicate, strips like Doonesbury and Bloom County had been using words such as “damn” and “hell” and “snugglebunnies” for years, but UM prided itself on upholding a very old and rigid standard in the comics. “Butt” was a huge win for the forces of darkness. Gene and family will continue next week in the current strips, and we’ll resume our previous conversations then. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

vive la différence
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
139 responses to “vive la différence”
all righty it finally came to me….The River of No Return starred Marlyn Monroe and Robert Mitchum….and that is Marilyn singing the title song……
Just watched the peregrines change places, incubating the 4 eggs. Believe it was the tercel replacing the hawk, but extreme wide angle lens makes size comparison hard. Relieved bird took of for breakfast.
Back soon. emb
Did ‘Adult’ trigger that? emb
I assume today’s comic is a call back to the famous “Something about a peek” strip. I started smiling immediately when I saw the first panel.
So I finished my Marathon yesterday. The weather started out OK with slight wind. Then halfway through it was 30 plus miles per hour sustained winds with gusts up to 60. As I was finishing up the porta potties that were parked next to my car blew over! Fortunately all I smelled was the disinfectant. I’m a little sore today, as a matter fact I decided to stay over here in West Lafayette because I didn’t want to drive home last night with all of the wind and not being 100%.
And Jimmy thank you for Saturday strip. I was wondering about the baby project myself
People don’t remember Marilyn as a singer but she did her own vocals and danced in a lot of musicals. That song was actually a big pop hit for her that year and also covered by a lot of other singers. I of course saw movie and owned record, very poignant.
Marilyn was quite talented and intelligent, good comedian. Who can blame her for her personal addictions? She was always a tragic figure.
By the way, I gave my Marilyn tee with her quote “A smile is all the make a woman needs” to one of my wonderful helpers who came from Key West for two weeks and smiled more than me and can actually build boats.
I will buy myself another. I am going to send my other Canadian the tee that says “I am a lady with the vocabulary of a well educated sailor” She was amazing draftsman and builder and will write a building guide with photos for our boats. Amazing women.
Today is Rustys birthday and he is in Oz now but he checks in here still. Happy birthday Rusty!
I think I see black toes, certainly not yellow ones. Best guess is Great Egret [Ardea alba], not Snowy Egret [Egretta thula]. The young owls are feeding on it; Mom’s not around.
emb, could be Loon, she is sporting black toenails at present. She claims it is a formal look that goes with her French manicure.
Does she handle food with her toes? My food Nazi daughter turns in waitresses with black nails to board of health.
What, is she afraid black polish may cover up some variety of horrible toenail cooties?
Jackie, polish color of the moment.
Debbe 😉 It may sound like a radio broadcast from the 1930s to some, but it sure sounds like N’ Orlins to me.
Miss them, sounds like their club. In fact, I miss the city and time.
Yes, exactly. It is apparently not kosher to wait tables in Houston or food service with black nails.
Lying or laying? In 1960s, suspended in time in a beach cottage in Texas. Weird. Air conditioning is period too.
Don’t stop watching Debbe’s video too soon. Keep watching. Good one. BTW, as you can imagine I have about a million things keeping me busy right now and I’ll drop in when I can so keep the water warm.
Earlier tonight, I watched part of the Academy of Country Music Awards show with a friend. When did so many of the male performers begin looking like homeless people and so many of the female performers like street hookers?
I’m sad to hear the CMA has gone for cheap tricks to boost their audience.
OTOH, here’s a funny PSA from New Zealand about not reading texts while driving:
They are both liberal and funny in New Zealand. Or so I am told.
However, they design quick and cheap built boats supposedly that have been neither. We will end up with a lot of both invested.
On the other hand, they will sail like banshees.
Good morning Villagers..
Jackie, saw the movie and when she started singing I couldn’t believe she had such a lovely voice. I had read that she took singing lessons. The movie was great, I’ve seen it twice. She could really fill out those jeans 🙂
Jerry, that was a pretty cool video….and I don’t remember how I discovered it. Glad you enjoyed it.
The high today is 58, and right now its 58, tonight the low in the upper 20’s. It’s going to be a yo yo all week.
Ya’ll have a blessed Monday
GR 😉 thanks for the link as it reminded me of Herb Alpert, who my Mother loved to listen to….
Jimmy, you ole rascal, “Farm girls gone wild.” 😉
Someone, I forget who, has a cat named Blue Light.
Black light.