This A&J from 1997 caught my eye this morning. For me, offbeat strips such as this are fun to think up and draw. Of course, it isn’t profound. It isn’t even “about” Arlo and Janis, but it works. It’s a good feeling for a cartoonist to reach the 19th hole feeling as if he got a good shot off even if the lie was in the wrong fairway.

Wash Cycle
By Jimmy Johnson
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71 responses to “Wash Cycle”
Running again. Question: Is Mary Chapin Carpenter any kin to Harry Chapin? Don’t know that I’ve ever heard. Harry had some good songs also.
God bless us every one. God bless the USA.
I swear, if this election cycle is not soon over…
domaucan1 Yes she is. Sort of.
She is a fifth cousin of the late Harry Chapin (along with his brothers Tom & Steve).
Have Symply done two loads of wash this past week after having done none in the past year I believe….The Fish in “Gut n Fish” was in NC visiting Asheville with a friend for a few days and the sheets got changed n Sunday and I had a full load, no idea how that Fargone happened, in the hamper I did…..did ask Ms. Fish if I should, she sometimes does not want her machine touched if you now what I mean….I figure it is OK as she doesn’t try to ride my bikes either.
A comment for JJ on today’s strip….Ms. Fish did not get it, needed explanation. I think it her sense of humor does not see humor in this “implied” situation of saying there are “more” deliveries to be made. Have to remember jokes about suggested “other women” are not funny here in the dismembered piscis household.
Oh yeah…..
Symply forgot this gem:
Winwood with Traffic(my Fargone favorite song by them)
Good morning. Just got call from Freedom Ford that my Honda Odyssey is repaired and detailed and I can pick her up with ready money as we used to say in South. A large sack of money.
But I can return rental to Enterprise down there as well, just down highway.
Very nice dealership with good service, which is why I switched to them. Got a personal call from owner himself to ask how I was doing after accident and offer help with insurance or replacing Trigger. Have bought multiple Fords from dealer here in town and not sure I have ever met him.
Which is one reason I switched. They screwed up Trigger badly and I almost walked on deal for pure incompetence but I loved the truck.
This is owner of dealership I am using now. He owns two, Patriot in Oklahoma city and Freedom here. Looks like large truck inventory if I have to replace Trigger.
Bad news is I will have to get repairs done in Mississippi if Trigger is not totalled. If he is repaired I have a $500 deductible but if totalled I do not have gap insurance.
I was driving home last and was making a Michigan U-turn. The two cars ahead of me proceeded unto the road but obviously the second SUV did not see the little Ford Fiesta speeding by and t-boned it. As I made my turn I did a quick look at both drivers were out of the car with vehicle damage, but nothing harmed to themselves. I was a little shaky driving home.
As I was stopped in traffic, I realized that the accident was very much like the one that took my Mom’s life 32 years ago, except she was going 60 MPH and the truck that hit her had built up quite a bit of momentum. The driver of the vehicle that hit my Mom was high, but there is not real drug test that gets these drivers off the road.
Later on the drive home I saw 4 cars crunched like an accordion on the freeway, which made me VERY careful driving home. It seams like a lot of drivers are weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds. Sure they’re wearing seat-belts and the vehicles have airbags, but fatalities are inching up each year.
I blame video games! 😉
Seriously, too may young (younger than me, anyway) treat the highways like they do the video games. Others are living down to the old Disney cartoon, “Motor Mania”:
Just after I was hit the other night, same night in fact, one of my friends in Florida lost his 19 year old son and his two best friend to similar accident. High speeds, no seat belts, went off curve, over compensated and multiple rolls, ejected and hit trees. All killed. Kids weRe popular, hardo working, in college, athletes.
Life isn’t fair.
Trucker Ron: Good point. I kind of feel the same thing about video games and the NFL. I was reading a discussion online and some fans think that the NFL is trying to curb celebrations too much and I, and many others, are sick and tired of a guy making a tackle and then dancing to call attention to himself. Obviously the dangerous driving is far more worse than the Madden game. I can just turn off my TV, but I have to share the road with the idiots.
My heart aches for your friend in Florida. Losing a child is awful.
My friend is a Florida voting election official and this period is a nightmare in his job. Now he will also associate it with his sons death, just as I do Christmas.
As a florist, I know that when a horrible death associates with a holiday or recurring occasion it doubles the depression each year and brings back loss all over again.
Steve, what is a “Michigan U-Turn?” I know, of course, what a “California Stop” is, or it’s more extreme version, the “Tijuana Stop,” but I’ve never heard of that one.
Jackie, my Mom was killed the day after my second wedding anniversary and my Dad died on my son’s 19th and Niece’s 18th birthday. My Father-in-law died around Father’s day, so I know what you mean
Sideburns: A Michigan U-turn is instead of turning left, you turn right onto the divided highway and then turn left. That way you avoid oncoming traffic. Many of the those turns are also regulated by a light, so if you are driving on the divided highway, you will have two lights back to back. They are timed, so unless it is very busy you rarely have to stop twice.
With navigation systems, it will tell you to get into the right lane in order to turn left. Before, you could possibly be in the left lane and blow pass your turn. If you have two divided highways crossing each other, then it is possible to turn from either spot. Here is wikipeia with pictures.
The Natchez Trace has a low speed but it has been raised. Locals are cutting through at high speeds that the road won’t support. So we almost got broad sided by a high speed old truck who was angry at us.
I am tired of all this and want a real vacation with no driving. Driving is not pleasant any more.
Fly out and see me inArizona, Jackie. It’s just now getting nice here. (Hottest October ever. Literally.)
Maybe Ghost will drive me but I wonder if we’d survive those long distances across Texas?
I just realized; of all the times I’ve been to or through Texas, I believe it’s always been by air. I can’t remember ever driving there. So it would be an adventure.
I just finished watching a HD video of Yula Wang performing Ravel Piano Concert in G, which in her case, means I watched her bouncing around on the piano bench in front of a Steinway. It was Grand. During the 3rd Movement (Presto), the skirt of her minidress was barely doing its job. Or perhaps was doing its job quite well, depending on her intentions and one’s point of view.
One thing I noticed (her dress made it impossible not to) was how well developed Ms. Wang’s shoulders are. I suppose that goes with being a concert pianist. Coincidentally, when I saw P&PHS recently, I told her, “When I see a woman with shoulders like yours, I assume she’s either a competitive swimmer or a hair stylist.”
“I know!” she exclaimed. “I look like a linebacker, don’t I?” And then, of course she had to pull down the front of her t-shirt to show them to me. Her shoulders, I mean. (For the record, P&PHS looks nothing at all like a linebacker.)
Pro tip for guys: I’ve found that if you compliment a woman for a physical feature which she may feel is underappreciated, she will often seem compelled to give you a better view of it. As an example, admiring tans has led to some interesting displays of tanlines.
I never drove my rig in Michigan (could see the state from I-80), but I did encounter jughandles in New Jersey:
As soon as I read the MI bit, I remembered the Jersey left turns, which I found worked fine, decades back. Found this:
Encountered them on Tonnely Ave in NJ – There really was no room for a left turn lane
(Not room for 2 lanes actually – power poles 6″ from curb) so turn right then cross when light changed – before that left turns you sat in fast lane waiting for gap with traffic bearing down.
Lights were not staggered so at red you sat – then waited till the other side cleared –
all the while horns were blaring.
The over 55 driving course recommends you drive around block rather than make a left turn
across traffic.
UPS uses computer to minimize left hand turns.
Driving in Texas is always an Adventure. How much do you want to see?
If they have a water tower or a football team I have been there. Because that used to mean they had a florist and designed football mums.
Probably know where most barbque joints are still and could find edible food. Still know routes not on interstates and good Mexican places. Might find chicken fried steaks.
Have you driven New Mexico? I have covered every inhabited place there as well as a floral sales road rep. And hiked and rafted and camped as well.
In case the revolution occurred about then.
Unless you have “new car insurance” it will cost a lot more than
$500 to replace Trigger.
Will the next be Trigger II or
Butter Cup
Speaking of revolutions, I’m still trying to decide how many and which firearms I can transport through California.