A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Wither Thou Goest

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Bryan had an interesting comment on the sketches I posted earlier this week. He suggested the characters be developed into a Sunday-only serial strip. This intrigued me, because it brought back a memory from when I’d read the comics as a kid. In The Atlanta Journal, we’d see “Buz Sawyer” in the funnies Monday through Saturday. Buz had been a Navy pilot during the war years, but he was a civilian adventurer and corporate mercenary by the time I came along. His was a swashbuckling serial strip, expertly produced by Roy Crane, and I loved it. However, on Sunday, in the large color format, the strip was about the man who’d flown with him as a gunner in the Pacific; his name was Roscoe Sweeney, a bellicose sidekick who’d been providing comic relief since their flying days. By the 50s, Roscoe lived on his orange grove in north Florida, with his younger sister. The Sunday strip was titled “Buz Sawyer, Featuring His Pal Roscoe Sweeney,” but each week would be a self-contained comic happening within the Sweeney household. It was a sit-com premise that might seem a tame life for such an old war horse, but combat veterans like him literally were everywhere in those days. Domesticity and normalcy were in big demand, and I suppose this was Crane’s version. Anyway, I always enjoyed Roscoe Sweeney, and I’m happy to be reminded of him.

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109 responses to “Wither Thou Goest”

  1. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    It’s an hour earlier here Debbe, but I’m up for awhile as this is exercise morning. More about that later.

  2. Steve from Royal Oak, Mi Avatar

    There is a meme on Facebook that says “I wished that I currently weighed what I weighed when I first thought that I was fat”. As we are finding pictures as we “reboot” our house, we both feel that way.

  3. emb Avatar

    Haven’t read today’s posts yet, but think this is the place to get help. Don’t get today’s Frank & Ernest’


    Peace, emb

  4. emb Avatar

    Gotta give what’s-his-face credit for creative subtitling of ordinary portraits. Payne doesn’t look bad for a Brit. [believe he was born in England] born in the early 18th C.


    Peace, emb

  5. emb Avatar

    Paine. BUMC had a so-named pastor maybe 3 decades back. Good preacher and probably our most intellectual theolog, but let the kids/youth program go to zilch.

    Peace, emb

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 “Squirrely Shirley”. Thanks, hon. I know someone named Shirley, and that nickname fits her to a T. She’s nuttier than a bag full of squirrel poop.

  7. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    EMB, it’s like picking flowers. You won’t hurt the feelings of the ones that you don’t pick.

  8. Sideburns Avatar

    I spent yesterday at my club’s monthly open house. We have a BBQ, but it’s BYOB: Bring Your Own Burnables. I’d found a shoulder lamb chop weighing .67 pounds and seasoned it with salt, dark mustard seeds (the ones used for deli mustard) and coarse-ground Grains of Paradise. With it, I had a zucchini that had been sitting in a little EVOO with salt and fresh thyme, from a plant I’d recently bought. Yummo!

  9. emb Avatar

    Jerry: I thought maybe it referred to a song or such that ‘everyone’ knows. Peace, emb

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    By the way, as to Buz Sawyer, the Comics Kingdom has the WWII era dailies if you subscribe to the site. This is the same site that carries the current Prince Valiant comic.

  11. Ursen Avatar

    Hitchbot has died in Philly. Sad commentary on Americans.

  12. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Well, they’ve said for years that hitchhiking was dangerous. Guess even robots aren’t safe. Should have equipped it with a camera to relay pictures of whoever handled it, to relay to its controller in real-time. When people are willing to try to steal copper wire from live electric lines, why wouldn’t they steal components from a defenseless robot?

  13. Sideburns Avatar

    Somehow it seems appropriate that it happened in the City of Brotherly Love. Maybe it would have done better if it had been carrying a towel.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I may have discovered the true reason for my recent weight loss…it’s so frickin’ hot that every time I walk outside, some fat melts and runs out of my pores. This may also explain why Debbe 😉 may very well be the leanest and fittest of the Villagers.

    Charlotte, I saw something earlier today that reminded me of the problem I have with cargo shorts in particular…a bald, rotund man who looked like a gigantic toddler wearing them. 🙂

  15. TruckerRon Avatar

    I’ve never, even as a kid, liked to wear shorts. I hated them and haven’t worn any since I left the BSA when I got into high school (too busy with band and classes).

  16. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Good news, exciting news. I’ve been alphabetized. https://abc.xyz

  17. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I love shorts, start wearing them as early and as late as I can stand the temperature. About half of my 6’5″ is leg, so it doesn’t make sense to me to cover that much of my heat radiation system. Although I might be blinding some folks with sun reflection since they don’t tan!

  18. Debbe Avatar

    Jerry, if I’m thinking ‘clear’ (after a day of chicken poop and Shirley) you are an hour behind me and I am hour ahead of you…where’d it go??!!

    Going back to the recliner…took me too long to type this and it’s only 6:38 here

    Good night…sleep tight…and close…

    GR ;)…lean and mean at times, as far as fittest….it’s not my mind 🙂

  19. emb Avatar

    A.Word.A.Day: Today’s word is Saturnalia [we’re doing astronomy this week], and there’s a painting by Antoine Callet (1741-1823). Enlarged, crowd seems pretty squiffed, but everyone seems fully clad. What fun is that?

    Peace, emb

  20. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dearest Ghost, I bow to your sincere dislike of short pants — that phrase, now that I’ve written it down, could explain some of your feeling about them!

  21. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Living in Florida we have to live in shorts at least half of the year. I have no idea how many pair that I have but I know that velcro doesn’t always work as well as it’s supposed to. Spellchzech doesn’t know velcro. Stupid computers!

  22. emb Avatar

    Here’s an email I sent two of my ‘kids.’ If there are guests, always have various non-alcoholic beverages available.
    Let’s see if this line copies from a data file:

    summit frost line rye 5.8% strong summit bwg. co. USA rye.b 72

    I think this was my one bottle, from a make-your-own 6-pack. Dark, strong, full flavored. Only rye beer I’ve tasted, I think. Rating 72; Taddy Porter = 85, my highest rated beer. 72 is about in the top 10%. I’m a bit squiffed, but nobody has to drive me home; I’m here. Went well w/ sardines on toast. SHB family waiting job Tue. Bed soon.
    Peace, emb

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sand, I read the press release about Alphabet. In addition to giving me a headache, it made me wonder, instead of googling things now, will be have to alphabet them?

  24. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “…will we have to alphabet them?”