A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Without a Hitch

By Jimmy Johnson

What th’ heck! Let’s have a Halloween cartoon on the first full day of summer. This one has run on this site before, but it was handy, and I am away from my desk today and tomorrow. If it makes you feel any better, I’m on cartoon business. I am not being coy with you, but we will turn back to The Project and Kickstarter toward the end of the week. Behind the scenes, work continues in that direction, and I think things will go live before the week is out. And I did say earlier, “Next week,” didn’t I?

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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86 responses to “Without a Hitch”

  1. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    GM Debbe

    You will have to put a hitch on that first cart and run it like they do in Europe-
    Truck and Trailer – Canada too.

    Just keep it under the legal load length.

  2. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I guess Australia has the LOOONG ones.

    Fist half is long second half is big


  3.  Avatar

    Dickens and I are enjoying a spinach salad with lemon vinaigrette. He is enjoying the chicken, I the rest. They left off my ciabatta garlic bread and extra avocado. That is OK, I don’t need it. The walk wasn’t far enough to burn off the calories!

    There is an AJ Foyt racing team supply truck outside my window. I know nothing about racing. Us it full of cars or car parts,

  4.  Avatar

    Here is Johnny Cash singing the state song of Missouri which seems weirdly worded for an official state song!


    Good night yall. To the Missouri Waltz, not politically correct about mammys breast but it is Missouri.

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, ever watch Blackadder?

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 One day I may be brave enough to re-read the rest of those old, old letters I found from my first true love. Although I realize that could turn out to be a mistake.


  7.  Avatar

    Here’s another song about lost loves when we were, as Sand said to me, all young and beautiful. It still can make me cry, her voice, the song, the past.


    Now you have me listening to Michael Buble too.

  8. Sideburns Avatar

    For the last several weeks, Gully has been rubbing at his face and scratching, and it’s gotten to the point that there are scabs and bald patches. I got some pictures and sent them to The Cat Doctor (That’s the name of the clinic Gully goes to.) and set up an appointment to have him looked at. Naturally, he hid under a bed and by the time we got him out by using a broom and got him to the clinic, he was an hour late. It may or may not be allergies, but he got an antibiotic in case any of the scratches were infected and I have to give him medicine every night for two weeks. Alas, he’s down to about 8.5 pounds, and if he doesn’t stop, they’ll need to check his thyroid.

    I mention this because when I emailed them to confirm the appointment, I included a link of the A&J strip with Luddie getting his flea treatment and they were Very Amused.

  9. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Burns, not only are you a good pet owner, but your post is about the only one I understood all day. And apparently nobody else can see the last block of the above oldie strip either.

  10. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Probably Janis is saying something like, “Well, it’s been 40 years.”

  11. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jerry, go to the post from Mumblix. It’s just below your first post on this page. He has the link where you can see the whole strip.

  12. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    When we had a cat that required regular fluid infusions, we frequently took printouts of A&J for their enjoyment.

  13.  Avatar

    Good morning. Where’s Debbe? I am getting ready to jump in shower and head for Carthage to see Llee. It is a balmy 78 degrees outside right now. Dickens has gone back to bed in despair of being walked.

    You all, Missi Charlotte is AWOL on here and Facebook. I miss you all and hope things are going well for all.

    By the way, I am going to start nagging everyone to get their bodies in motion, even if it is five minutes an hour walking around your house inside. Moving is moving. It doesn’t have to be a gym or a two mile walk. Just move.

  14.  Avatar

    I should do that with my vet. Or maybe I could take him a tee shirt with Ludwig on it. Since he restores classic sports cars as a hobby I suspect he’d like the Shelby.

  15.  Avatar

    Wearing totally respectable leggings and tunic to visit Llee but dear Ghostly one I thought of you yesterday when I made a cardiovascular stop along road and ran into a branch of a favorite department store. Full of sheer clothes and almost see through cute things you’d like.

    Bought a crocheted lace skirt, one in black. One in white. They were sold out of my size in top that matched so now I have to hit a few more locations to look. Shopping is my cardio but with Dickens along I must be fast.

  16. emb Avatar

    TIP BlogSpot

    is titled Phosphorus and Hesperus. Pretty much Pre-Raphaelite.


  17. domaucan1 Avatar

    Just checking in. Not much to say today. Animal stories bring back old memories for me.

    God bless us every one.

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, any garment which may be described as transparent, translucent, filmy, gauzy gossamer, diaphanous, or see-through would generally be a garment that I like.

  19. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, I think Ghost will agree that watching attractive women in the kind of clothing you and he are describing qualifies as a cardio workout for the watcher.

  20. emb Avatar

    Depends on the [presumably hetero male] watcher. Peace,

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    My resting heart rate is around 50, but the proper female in the proper (or should I say “improper”) outfit might get me to the lower range of my Target HR for cardio benefit.

  22. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Would have added this to the “old loves” thread earlier but we were starting the homeward leg of a short vacation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmmPFrkuPq0

  23. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I am trying to arrange with my step-son to go with me to pick up that convertible.

  24. emb Avatar

    Whoever posted about the cut-off last panel, go to:


    [from a post at the top of the page]
