A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Wong, Again!

By Jimmy Johnson

Update: This initially was posted a decade ago, in December of 2008. As mentioned below in the original post, Ludwig the cat was new to the strip in 1993, when the comic strip appeared in newspapers. (This gets a little confusing, doesn’t it?) Since the introduction of “the cat,” I’ve struggled with drawing a cartoon cat, and I am even now in the midst of noticeable changes to make Ludwig’s face more expressive and to give him ears, because I grew weary of people asking, “Why doesn’t Ludwig have ears?” I mention that now, because I can’t escape noticing the cat in this strip is a pretty darn good cartoon cat. Beginner’s luck, I guess. And, sadly, Stella the calico cat sleeps among the azaleas now, no longer in need of a tummy rub.

The above cartoon was one of the first cat cartoons to run in A&J. It appeared about a week after the introduction of “the cat,” who did not have a name at the time. It was an immediate hit with cat lovers and toleraters. The tummy is a sensitive area for most cats. You have to be on very good terms with a cat before you’re allowed to even touch it. Some never allow it. I’m proud to say my cat Stella lets me wub her widdle tummy. Which isn’t so widdle any more, if you want to know the truth.
Today's "Arlo & Janis!"


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45 responses to “Wong, Again!”

  1. emb Avatar

    Panama, a squirrel at a fruit feeder, maybe same genus as our Gray and Fox squirrels.



  2. emb Avatar

    Yep, Sciurus variegatoides, which has different pelages throughout its range. U Mich. Mus. Zool. has several study skins its collection. My desk was at the back end of UMMZ’s mammal range. Peace,

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Nancy in AZ, your screen name here has changed several times. Originally I seem to recall you were NK in AZ. Then Nancy Kirk in AZ, and now Nancy in AZ.

  4. emb Avatar

    It’s Advent, so I sent Wiki a gift, I think for the 1st time. Merry.

  5. Llee Avatar

    Yes, it was a pretty good cartoon cat! But then, Ludwig is YOUR cat and you can draw him any way you please. Always looks good to me. 🙂

    Sorry to hear about Stella, though….

  6. Bill in Paducah Avatar
  7. Jeff In Ann Arbor Avatar
    Jeff In Ann Arbor

    emb – Did you know that the UMMZ now occupies a new building, and that the Ruthven building will house UM central administration offices? I would include a ink to a news story but I think that they are prohibited. Just google “University of Michigan to unveil plans for former museums building” if you want more details.

  8. John Kelly Avatar

    I’ve noticed Ludwig seems to have red eyes now. Is he hung over? Hittin’ the nip before the holidays?

    Supposed to be orange! — JJ

  9. Sideburns Avatar

    Sometimes, when you rub a cat’s belly, you trigger its fight reflex. It’s not uncommon to see it looking puzzled when it stops, because it didn’t intend to fight you and doesn’t understand what happened. This may be the first time it happened to Arlo.

  10. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    You’re right, Mark. I seem to be permanently in Arizona, anyhow.

  11. Bryan Avatar

    My mind works at about a 33 degree angle from most folks, Jimmy. I just got a vision of you (a few years ago, of course) out the back door yelling for Stella, then realizing what you were doing.

  12. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I rather like Lootvik with lines for ears, the more appreciative to be when discovering his real ears!

  13. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    VERY GOOD! Loved ’em, Mark.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Me, too. Jimmy’s work is as good on repeat readings as it was the first time I see it.

  15. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear


    Many years ago dad had a Shop Cat that would walk under feet
    so it got stepped on. Just so that person would reach down and pet it.

    With ours it depends where they are – and those that let you belly rub
    it is only 3 or 4 times – then you better hastily retreat.

  16. Jackie Avatar

    Ghost didn’t ask for or want a cat but Skipper my elderly Kitler cat has fallen in love with him and cuddles, as has Ashes. Both elderly cats who once belonged to men.

  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Dec. 7.

    Never forget.

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    A woman has to have some secrets, Arlo.

  19. Crab from Grapeland Avatar
    Crab from Grapeland

    Ludwig is a big hit with me. It’s interesting that your readers feel the need to kibitz you on your drawing. I wonder if that ever happened to Walt Kelly?

  20. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I still think that it’s cool that you slipped in the selfie reference on Wednesday, complete with A&J drawn like it was the 90’s. Was that very hard to do or did you just copy what you had drawn from looking at old strips?

  21. oclvroadbikerider Avatar

    I recently read a list of the meaning of some animal actions.
    A cat lying on its back means it trust you.
    However IT does NOT want it’s belly petted and the response Arlo received is to be expected.

  22. emb Avatar

    Walt Kelly didn’t have a blog.

    Rick, a good thing about 7 Dec.: It’s the date, in the N Hemisphere, of the earliest sunset. They gradually get later starting tomorrow. Actual date may vary w/ time zone.


  23. Ghost Avatar

    Re 12-7-18 cartoon: I assume from the smile on his face as he walks away from the bathroom that, rather than trying to invade her privacy while she attends to a personal grooming matter, Arlo is simply yanking Janis’s chain when he discovered the door locked and realized what she was doing. He’s probably also smiling in anticipation of being able to ogle (or more) the results when she’s finished, something that, despite the apparent irony, Janis will undoubtedly not mind at all.

  24. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Please remember this is the “Date That Will Live In Infamy”

    Of the survivors of That Date the last 5 from the Arizona were not able to make the ceremony.
    The heroes of that war are dwindling fast.