A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Word Association

By Jimmy Johnson

Hardly anyone has “employees” anymore, especially huge corporate retailers. I’m sure management would expain “associate” as an upgrade, making workers more of an “equal” than an “underling.” In reality, I suspect it implies “temporary” and “detached,” more of a “disassociate” really. Have you noticed we talk about a lot of things here? Some of it is related to the craft of cartooning, and often it is not related to my profession at all. I talk around it, to be sure, but in truth I am not at all comfortable talking about the creative process. In fact, I am not going to talk about it now. Next time, maybe.

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50 responses to “Word Association”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Who’s on first? What? Why? I dunno!

    And that’s all I know about baseball this season.

  2. Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone Avatar
    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone

    I Symply know about the helper/assistant/associate/ thingy…doesn’t matter what you Fargone call them, some work better than others…have good day Villagers, my creative powers are waning with this wet weather here in the Northeast….stay dry.

  3. The Old Kuss Avatar
    The Old Kuss

    That’s the sign of a good comic strip (or a good TV show or a good movie…): When it raises discussion about something other than “Boy that was funny!” Granted, in the arts, the first order of business is to entertain, but nothing says we can’t discuss it, too. The best humor has thought behind it.
    During the recent series when Arlo and Janis were discussing a possible move, my wife and I (getting up there in years) discussed the same. We started with A&J’s decision, then moved to our own. Not exactly deep philosophy, but then, it doesn’t need to be.

  4. Chris Avatar

    I don’t know if your creative process involves dreams with witches, magic mushrooms, sitting on the toilet, walking through the woods, or a combination, or something else or none of the above. What matters is I love what you create.

  5. John in Houston Texas Avatar
    John in Houston Texas

    I think “associate” supposedly refers to real ownership of the company, like give an employee half a share’s worth of a stock option or something lame, – they are now owners of the company

  6. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    We sometimes get questions here in Village or maybe the A and J Facebook page about why we don’t limit ourselves to discussing the merits of A and J and the art.

    Well, duh. Jimmy is using us as his blind group, not the Dark Side, precisely because we are more a reflection of his mind. His strips often address subjects we discuss here. Comic artists don’t get out much due to those big drawing boards.

    We are Jimmy’s eyes and ears on the world. And yes, Ghost is a lot like Arlo and I like Janis.

    Go figure.

  8. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    A&J is a strip about real life, slightly exaggerated. And the Village is a pretty wide cross-section of people. Not all of us comment often, but when we do, oh boy! And the folks here tend to mirror the strip’s characters, to a greater or lesser degree.

  9. Ghost Avatar

    We discuss things other than the cartoon on this blog? Well, yeah. Picture a large, diverse group of intelligent people meeting in a large hall…and discussing only one subject, year after year. Can you say, “Dull as dishwater?”

  10. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I’ve been called a lot of things. Even associate….or at least part of the word.

  11. Morphy Avatar

    Steve, back in the days of Dymo nametapes, I had seen unfortunate abbreviations used when assoc. just wouldn’t fit. Not a good word for an employee that only warranted disposable nametags.

  12. Ghost Avatar

    Debbe 😉 Coordinate her lingerie? Like you do? What’s your color of the day? 😉

    Don’t quote me, but I may have had an unofficial policy that my all-female staff wear matching bras and panties every day. And they may have taken it a step further and decided what the color for each day would be and all worn the same color bras and panties.

    Of course, with different color bras and panties, I get two peeks instead of just one.


    Black is my color today because I have on black lace shorts and a black summer sweater. That will probably change because I will to go walk at gym.

  14. Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone Avatar
    Philippe Gut/Symply Fargone

    Symply try to wear something Fargone interesting underneath every day…makes it sort of scavenger hunty….


    Some times nekkid is fun. Right now it a black tank and girl boxer shorts for tonight but those are fun too.

    I totally love lingerie and own way too much. I probably own more clothes than any certified genuine nudist in America!

    Yesterday has been “go through my closet and pack up” day, as has today. Since I have many closets I wiped my self out exhausted. But I have almost one closet with dresses and exercise pants, short sleeve tees and lace tops finished. I can get dressed easier!

    Ghost has worked on pantries, freezers, refrigerator, dishes. Kitchen and pantries much improved. I did towels and began linens. Getting ready to put in a Ghost sized bed and new furniture in bedroom.

    Lord, we do sound domestic don’t We? He really does all this while wearing defensive weapons which I find sweet and appealing. Never kissed an armed man before.

  16. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Investigating creativity a little too deeply strikes me as being similar to vivisecting a lab specimen.

    My understanding of the specimen might be increased a little, but the subject dies in the process.

    (By the way, I stole part of that from somebody, and I cannot recall the person. The original line dealt with vivisecting a frog. I cannot recall the rest of the comparison. And I think this post speaks volumes about the expanses of my creativity.)

  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Just looked for the original quote about the frog. Found it.

  18. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    I’m late in the day posting this, but if you’re ever near Bedford, Virginia, the D-Day Memorial there is well worth your time. Somewhere on their website – http://www.dday.org/ – you should find the story of the “Bedford boys”; if not, you should look it up.

  19. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    I got bad news today from my brother. Seems my brother-in-law had a serious stroke a couple of weeks back that left his left side paralyzed. Tonight I spoke to my sister and found out he is getting movement back in his left leg, but the arm isn’t responding yet. Fortunately, he has both short term and long term disability and is getting good rehab.


    Mark I hope you will stay in touch with your sister. She will need support through this. Send her my wishes for his recovery. I am sorry to hear this.

  21. Morphy Avatar

    Mark, kind thoughts for your brother-in-law’s healing, and wishing strength for your sister as well.

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Terrie my Associate Assistant Helper fed me breakfast this morning. (At the diner where she works; get your mind out of the gutter.) So she reported for work here this afternoon wearing her non-revealing outfit of jeans and t-shirt. But as I say, Ghost is not easily deterred…black and black, which should make Debbe happy. 😉

  23. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Thank you, Jackie and Morphy. Good thoughts and wishes are truly appreciated.

  24. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Prayers Mark

    We lost another name from the past – Roger Smith (84)

    he played Jeff Spencer on 77 Sunset Strip. He was married to Ann Margret for 50
    years – very unusual for the Hollywood crowd.


  25. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    I know what you’re going through, and I will keep both your brother and you in my prayers.

    My grandfather lived for eleven years with the results of a catastrophic stroke, I lost my dad to a stroke in 2007, and I lost my younger brother – my only sibling – to a stroke in 2009.

    I am now doing all that I can to forestall what I imagine to be inevitable.