(Cartoonist’s update: In my work, I have consciously chosen to address foibles and issues that unite us humans. After beginning my career as an editorial cartoonist 35 years ago, I have evolved away from controversy. If I don’t directly comment on the issues of the day very often, it isn’t because I am oblivious or shallow. I am trying to make us all feel better. Sometimes, though, events seem to overwhelm, and holding a mirror up for us to make silly faces just doesn’t seem like appropriate behavior. That feeling will pass, thank God. I am going to leave yesterday’s post up for another day, and I’ll come back Saturday to share a lot of interesting information about the Kickstarter campaign. It is going fabulously, by the way, and I thank everyone who has contributed so far.)
I’ll return to the classic A&J cartoons soon, but I want to announce, formally, that the oft-delayed Kickstarter campaign has launched. It went live yesterday about noon. I did post a short message about it late yesterday morning, and I want to thank those of you who already have responded. The campaign is a third of the way to its $10,000 goal already! Yes, fund raisers must set a goal within Kickstarter, and if that goal is not met no funds are collected. It’s as if nothing ever happened. However, this is the point where I should mention that the sky is the limit when it comes to exceeding the stated goal. Insert smiley face.
I’m new to all this myself. We have a lot to talk about. For one thing, exactly what is this big project for which I’m campaigning? And there’s much to talk about in the area of rewards, which will be the fun part. They’re fluid, by the way. Rewards can be changed or added during the course of the fund-raiser. Let’s do it this way: if you’re at all interested, go to my Kickstarter page; watch the silly little video over which I toiled for hours and hours; familiarize yourself with the project; check out the rewards. We’ll meet back here over the next few days, and I’ll try to cover all the questions. Whether you participate or not, I hope you enjoy the project. Go here: Work with Arlo & Janis
42 responses to “Ne laissez pas les bâtards vous broyer!”
For non-French speakers or readers, that’s the same as “Illegitimi non carborundum”.
And I second that.
Thanks for adding to my French word of the day list 🙂
So, a copy and paste job to reunite the address, eh?
Or you could do it twice, copy and paste the two fragments in succession.
Except of course that the French makes sense, while the ‘Latin’ is nonsense.
Well, other than that…
Speak French or Latin or Southern to me!
Humpback whales now: Change expl ore. to explore.
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-base
Do they speak Latin in Latin America?
There was a VP candidate who thought so. Peace,
There are a lot of invitations coming my way to bring Stella Maris to wooden boat shows around the country. She will qualify for almost any show unless they require boat be old and restored, for she is new. We are putting a tandem axle on her and modifying trailer to hold her weight and I have friends who will help me if further changes are needed to securely haul her. She is that beautiful.
Lezlie is making custom bunks and cushions for her and we will do a traveling cover for her to tow. I am excited about this, it will get me writing and back on the water I feel, along with traveling to neat places. Since I don’t navigate well a side kick will be handy. Lezlie works.
At 3:15 CDT project 71% funded. At this run rate, the Kickstarter will be fully funded by noon on Sunday. Why to rock people!
I am impressed.
Owls fledged weeks ago. Osprey on one limb, crow on other. Voice sounded like fish crow.
Orcas and boats. And yes, you cc. the separated URL into your browser and close it there.
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-base
The crow won, and now it just left. Still an ant walks across the webcam glass occasionally.
The tall, straighter dorsal fin is a male:
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-base
Wonder what the crackling sounds in a kelp forest are? expl ore again.
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/channel-islands-national-park-anacapa-ocean
emb: According to comments I’ve seen in the past on that and the Frying Pan Tower cam, they’re tiger pistol shrimp. Some of the videos you’ll find about them are amazing as well as amusing.
Ruth Anne: Must look up tiger pistol shrimp. BTW, the kelp at:
http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/channel-islands-national-park-anacapa-ocean
is Macrocystis, not the more commonly pictured Nereocytis, or bull kelp. If I remember, Macrocystis is a perennial. Bull kelp is an annual, which grows a foot or more a day in spring. Learned a fair amt. about both, as well as oodles of marine invertebrates, at a National Sci. Foundation summer institute at the U. OR. Marine Biological Station in Charleston, OR, summer ’62. Think I’ve written before that the Oregon coast is a biologist’s dream. Superb intertidal flora and fauna, much of it accessible because OR, unlike CA, owns its coast. Also added a number of significant mammal specimens, both coastal and Western interior, there and on the drive home. Cannot mousetrap in Natl. Parks, but can in Natl. and state forests. Peace,
Debbe 😉 I swear I have no financial interest in this band, but I had to add this one. These folks seriously know how to make music.
Jackie, I wish I could help you but you are just getting farther away. We will be passing by that town next weekend on our way to Utica, NY but I am hoping you will be well on your way by then.
GM Debbe
Good luck with your inspection.
You are never ready for an inspection – just prepared.
Zen Wisdom with a twist
20. Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.