It hasn’t been that long ago since television movies went digital. Barely 10 years ago, in supermarket-sized rental stores everywhere, VHS tapes were being replaced by DVD discs. Now, if you watch DVDs at all you probably rent them from a vending machine outside a convenience store. I’ve been a Netflix customer for a long time, but I haven’t done the DVD mail swap in years. I stream, although my selection of titles is more limited. Convenience is a provocative siren.
Kickstarters take a breather. Several readers have contacted me wanting to contribute to the parsonage renovation without going through the Kickstarter site. This is allowed. You may send a check to: First Universalist Church, PO Box 86, Camp Hill, AL, 36850. Note on the check, “Parsonage fund.” By the way, all funds raised by the Kickstarter campaign, exclusive of Kickstarter fees, will go directly to the church and not to me. If you do send a check, include a note saying what reward you would like to receive. And to be safe, drop me a confirmation email through this site. Thank you all!
59 responses to “Two Thumbs Up”
First. Go figure. Thanks for all you are doing, Jimmy.
One Response to “”? Oh. No title for today’s post.
I know; let’s all make suggestions.
“Plodding Plot”
Fast forward.
title for today?
Debbe, and if there is no will, the state will decide divisions of property according to law regardless of anyone’s wishes. And a reminder for folks with elderly relatives, keep track of their finances. My mom’s part-time caretaker was telling us yesterday that she had been to see a grandmother who lives elsewhere. Her grandmother is having periods of alternating confusion and clarity, so the caretaker and her uncle were going through the bank records to be sure everything had been paid. They discovered that a nephew neither of them know had gotten $55,000 out of her over a 4 year period. And she was sending donations to every so-called charity that sent her a letter. Plus she had dealt with “contractors” to do work around her house for money in advance, with the work not done or not finished.
Sounds about right. One of mine got about $400,000 from my mother.
How about fried green tomatoes? I haven’t been out to gardens yet but I passed a passel of tomatoes on some bushes in herb beds coming from back yard last night. Took out a small pork loin roast and thinking I will try out those low fat green tomato recipes I stumbled on.
There’s a bumper crop apparently.
Just got a cantaloupe from garden. Squirrel got tiny items from skin. In fridge!
Sounds good to me. Wish I had some.
One of Elaine’s specialties, when a frost was due to kill all the tomatoes, was to take the tomatoes I’d brought in, separate the ones that were dead green from those that had begun to blush [and would most likely ripen in the house], and make green tomato pie from the dead green ones. At least as good as apple pie, and her oil crusts were ‘to die for’ [or has that phrase itself died?]. She cut up and froze any surplus dead green ones.
I eat as healthy now as I did then, but not as well. Also, that was just lagniappe.
Heck, I was gonna title today’s retro “One Thumb Up”, in homage to the old military expression that describes people sitting around doing nothing and/or not knowing what to do. (Jean and sand will know the one I mean.) Probably better to go with Jimmy’s, though.
I hate people who take advantage of the elderly almost as much as I hate child abusers.
Made me start thinking about green tomato pie. That one has sugar of course but there is one with a pie crust tart shell and cheese that is somewhat like a deep pizza but no sauce, lots of garlic and basil. I have that.
Not much fun cooking for one and no benefits is it?
Good, you can come kick a couple of my fired minions for me. Glen can’t, he is official but he would arrest them, given a chance.
Love green tomato relish and pickles. Had a good stir fry recipe once that used green tomatoes. Wonder if we have okra yet?
The squirrel nibbled on cantaloupe. Have no idea what Hal thought. Barely discernable.
Jimmy just did two new rewards categories for the Kickstarter champaign. For $250 or more you can choose any four rewards but no duplicates. What a deal!
It is easy to upgrade your choice too and raise your donation. If I can, anyone can.
All the talk about tomatoes got to me. I have grape tomatoes here, and low fat mayo. Made chicken breast sandwich, threw tomatoes in bowl and added a dollop of mayo. Umm good.
Hungry now. Wonder if the kitchen floor is dry yet. Much humidity, so I put the house fan on. Have managed w/o AC so far, partly by opening windows when I first get up, closing when it’s no longer cooler outside. Highest indoor temp. so far: 75f. [Cleaning lady, inherited from Elaine, comes every other W.]
Lean ham on wheat, spinach, sliced green bell pepper, sliced black olives, and a schmear of lite mayo.
Jackie, thought of you while standing in line at the deli. T-shirt on lady in front of me: “Southern Chicks and Kudzu – You Can’t Control Either One of Them”
I received an email from my cable provider that ended with “We’re committed to bringing you the best TV experience, and we’re here to help you 24/7.” That was the email that told me two channels are being *dropped* from my current package, with no change in my monthly fee.
Thanks for looking out for me, XFINITY. Just let me know the next time you need me to bend over.
That’s monopoly service at its finest, Ghost. Why is it the Feds broke up a perfectly functional telephone service because it was too big, but allow the cable industry to be constantly whittled down to a handful of providers whose service declines almost as rapidly as their fees increase? As Jeff Foxworthy would say, we live in a country run by idiots!
And Ghost, there is a change in your monthly fee, although hidden. Like the food containers in grocery stores that keep the same price while the size decreases, if you pay the same fee but get less product it is the same as a fee increase.
There’s one thing that I can’t stand and that’s intolerance. Peas.
Mark, the term for dying without a will is “intestacy,” and if you need to know the rules for how the estate is divided, check Wikipedia.
You ate at Subway Ghost?
Took a nap despite being dressed for beauty salon. Good thing tight polyester leggings and a lace tunic don’t wrinkle!
Southern women always go have their hair and nails done. We may have to attend a funeral and everyone notices, even if we aren’t the deceased.