Today’s old comic strip is from a mere three years ago. I was in the middle then of a rather lengthy experiment with drawing with felt-tip pens. I knew many cartoonists drew beautifully with felt-tips, and they are so much more convenient than dealing with India ink and pen nibs. However, I found felt-tip pens more difficult to control, and in my hands they rendered a monotonous line. I have gone back to the old ways. I now draw with a dip pen and a bottle of ink. A medieval monk would have no problem comprehending the technology.

Ask me no questions
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
122 responses to “Ask me no questions”
Who knows what the future may bring? Certainly not I.
Debbe 😉 Songs from an R&R playlist (interlude)…
Funny: Female osprey on nest, male house sparrow on a high stick at nearest corner, close to webcam, announcing to the world that nest in the basement is HIS territory.
Not much time today but I must tell everyone this. Tonight, my wife and I will attend my 60th Catholic High School reunion. It will be nice to see some of the old boys. I hope many of the 64 remaining members of a class of 104 will attend.
God bless us every one.
Good morning. Yard and roof and gutters and I survived last night’s severe storms. I hope all of y’all in Texas, Midwest and south did as well.
I have refused to acknowledge this year’s election debacle but I couldn’t ignore this one. Candidate in Howard Stern interview, would you love your wife if she were in an auto accident with oozing wound under eye and a deformed foot?
What are the breasts like?
Where is Sand and Loon?
Domaucan1, have a real blast at the celebration! You seem to be a year ahead of me, as my 59th – were there to be such a party – would be this year. I have never been to a reunion for HS nor for college. In all these years, I think only one of each has ever occurred.
In turn, I seem to be about 2 years ahead of NK/AZ [my fellow Jayhawker]…or, will be, in a short while.
Prayers for the well-being of those affected by storms, etc.
Good news: Problem in the gas supply caused me to have to pay our quite a few $hundreds for a new fan in the furnace. I asked the gas company to reimburse me and, to my surprise, they agreed! I am returning the required release today, so may have the funds in, say, two weeks.
The tale of the teeth: It has now been more than 4 months since I had the lowers removed. Just heard this week that it will be at least 6 more weeks before the surgeon will even attempt his final work so that my dentist can attach the new choppers. No doubt, there will be several more visits to get the new ones to fit and be usable, so my guess of July 4th before I can eat again just may be correct. Have lost 15-20 lbs. so far; could lose more, beneficially.
“out”, not “our”, in the “Good news” part.
What area were you in at KU, CEP? I’m wondering if we might have crossed paths. I had a double major in French and German and also did a lot of music.
I have a good friend much younger who managed to shoot himself in stomach and almost die. He is still in hospital weeks later and about 20 pounds lighter and looks 290 years younger.
The extremes you men go to for losing weight.
Twenty years younger, looks like a choir boy except the gray beard. And sober.
Nancy, I was a chemistry grad student. My main habitation was Malott Hall, with some math in Strong Hall (or whatever the main administration building was named) and a math course also in Sommerfeld. Forgot where they tried to teach me German – hard, but got enough to be usable and pass the exam – and where the laughable French reading course was held.
Some of that German is still with me as I do genealogy work. Heck, I can even decipher the old German script, and that is saying something! Perhaps the only good thing Hitler ever did was getting all of Germany to use modern script so that persons in one area could communicate with persons of other areas. If I recall correctly, that was completed only in the late 1940s or even 1950…clearly not finished by AH.
Back to Kansas: I was there ’61-’67. Wife and I lived in Stouffer Place ’62-’67 in building 3, the one tucked into the NE corner of 19th & Iowa (US 59), on the N side of Bagley Drive. At that time, there were 6 apartments on each floor – since has been changed – and we were in #12. That was on the right end of the 2nd story.
CEP, I think that we remain the only two people who have mentioned Herr Shicklegrubber here. I predict that our record will not stand for much longer.
Temporary ceade-fire naps. 🙂
Hurricane “Work is poppycock” is approaching category four. My home-by-11 day ended after 4.
c x-p et al.: I was at KU, Lawrence, once, in ’57, for an annual mtg.* of the ASM [Am. Soc. of Mammalogists]. Also, while there, measured some KU fossil Pliocene ground squirrel teeth and jaws for a short paper [also a term paper; they had to be publishable] in a U. Mich. Vert. Paleo. course. Got the A grade, but finished the paper here, got it publd. in the J. Mamm. in ’60 or so. Actually used a new tool, an inexpensive “traveling microscope” from the BSC physics dept. to measure teeth and tooth rows more accurately than I’d been able to before. That paper delayed work on writing my doctoral thesis, but I felt the moral imperative to get the work done that I already had a grade for.
*I’ve been to a total of only 7 altogether: USC, U. Mich., KU, Humboldt SU [Arcata, CA], U.FL, UA [Fairbanks], and UND. There w/b one at UM/Mpls. this summer, but the only people I’d know there w/b the BSU contingent, so I won’t bother. Peace,
A stubborn, successful bee!
I should be so determined.
Goodnight all. I hope we were all having a good time ND not in storms or ill
Taking my meds now I had my complex carbs and dairy for midnight snack. Sprouted whole grain bread and Greek yogurt with fresh raspberries. Delight. My retired pharmacist friend explained it but he is of course right. Dairy needs to be part of it and whole grains and complex carbs. No one ever explained to me this important item.
Thank you, Painen Dias.(aka Joe)
Trucker Ron,
Has your son-in-law considered applying for a Work Ethic Scholarship from the Mike Rowe foundation, MikeRoweWorks? More information is at
Waiting for the new comic to come up. It seems later all the time?
Worth waiting for. Jimmy has been outside my bedroom window, not in bed with me.
The kitties have been sleeping late recently. No complaint from me. We didn’t get the usual stormy April this year.
will we get it in May instead?
Have officially lost ten pounds I gained with lengthy vacation from my healthy eating. Since I had already lost it does that mean I lost twenty pounds? And how many times have I lost it?
Have the orphans been loaded on one of those orphan trains and shipped out into servitude?
Kitty buffet needs some chow.
Good morning everybody. Lost power for about an hour’s time last night. It went off and came back about 3 times before going out altogether. About 10 minutes later I heard some kind of emergency vehicle going up the road. If someone ran into a utility pole I hope they made it out ok. Poured rain Friday night. Overcast yesterday and today.