I’ve been traveling this week and still am. I apologize for the sporadic updating, but it has been largely unavoidable. You probably want to hear about Boston Comic Con. I met some wonderful readers in Boston. I had so many people come by and say such nice things. However, so many kind words were prefaced the same way: “I used to read you all the time in the newspaper!” Of course, I would point out that I’m still in the newspaper, and they’d say, “Yeah, well, we don’t get a paper anymore.” Aside from being flagrantly reminded how far the scene has shifted from my professional turf, Boston was great. I will talk a lot more about it in days to come. Vermont Comic Con is yet to come!

Boston Is History
By Jimmy Johnson
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213 responses to “Boston Is History”
I meant to post this earlier this week, but forgot. Last Saturday, I installed an astronomy app on my phone. It works just the way the one Janis has: not only can you find out the names of any star you point it at, you can even locate stars, planets and so-on that are below the horizon by holding the phone flat. I’m not sure why anybody would want to do that, but it’s kinda neat.
Also, on the medical front, I recently had a CBC to check on my platelet count. Currently, it’s at about 79,000, up about 10,000 from the month before. (Normal is 150,000.) My Hematologist is cautiously pleased, and has set me up for another on next month. He warned me several years ago that if I’m ever hospitalized again for ITP (That’s a fancy medical term for a dangerously-low platelet count.) I’ll come out without my spleen and I’m rather attached to it, so I’m hoping this won’t be needed.
Sideburns may you multiply and prosper. Why are so many of the Villagers plagued with rare and horrible diseases? And we are still cheerful and positive?
Anyone been blessed with a plague of locust or frogs?
I got a real newspaper for decades. I have a nice entry way that is sheltered from the elements. For some reason in the past few years, the carrier decided that it was too much trouble to open the door to the entry way and just left the paper leaning against the door to get soaked or buried in snow. You could tell when the carrier took vacation because the replacement WOULD put the paper in the entry way. ‘Nuff is enough. I cancelled the paper and get my news (and more importantly, my comics) online.
Debbe 😉 “Happy Belated* Birthday, hon. I’ll bet you don’t look a day over 23,” he said, as visions of orange string bikinis danced in his head. 😀
* I typed this yesterday but got locked out with the orphans, and then, today, my mom got sick.
My mom was obviously not feeling well when I saw her yesterday afternoon, so I went to the nursing facility at 7:00 this morning to be there when the attending physician made rounds. She was worse, and he agreed she needed to go the med center for evaluation, which she did at 8:00. Thus began a seven hour ER adventure.
Long story short, her previously diagnosed atria fibrillation for which she takes medication had gotten out of control with her heart rate up to 150+. And a chest X-ray showed pneumonia on both sides. IV meds finally got her heart slowed down, and she’s on IV antibiotics and staying overnight. I discovered her floor must be where some supervisory nurse has gathered and hidden all the good floor nurses at the med center. I got to meet both her day and night shift nurses, and they are great. Charmed them, too, of course, so I think they will take extra special care of her. 🙂
I just got home and need to be back at 7:00 to see the hospitalist when he makes rounds. No rest for the wicked.
Prayers and positive thoughts for her will be gladly accepted.
My “Old Bearism” for the day:
Interesting Factoid: One person in four in this country comprises 25 percent of the U.S. population.
Thanks, Roberta X
Ghost I honestly think of your mother daily and even many times a day. I know when you go missing something has gone wrong. I wish there was something I could do besides worry. That is sincere.
You have to be about the best son I have ever heard of. She is fortunate to be your mother but again, she raised a good son. Bless you both and bring peace.
What Jackie said.
Ghost, what the ladies said.
I can tell this is not going on the calendar of years to remember for the good things, save for meeting with Jackie. And unless I get my ex turned into one for real. 1 and half days out of the hospital and she’s asking for money because tomorrow’s payday. I told her her budget was whatever she got out and earned, just like me, and I was surprised she had the nerve to ask. 12 years without a real job, 2 BA and 1 MA, six years separated, and she still won’t become independent.
Just cut her off, Mark. Tell her the bank is closed and her credit cards are over limit and cancelled.
Says a lady who has done many kinds of work in life including cleaning and scrubbing boats and selling cars and working in flower shops and nurseries, quite physical hard work. I have never done anything I was ashamed of or embarrassed to do and that I did not give 150% or more to doing.
I have no patience with those that live off others as she has done. Thank you for saying I was a good experience my friend.
Just a short post – have lots of comments for “Home of the bean & the cod’
Just spent 7 hrs cleaning carpet (other than vacuum not done in 50 years) REAL
Prayers for your mom GR6 and you.
Thank you all for the prayers for my friend Ron – They got cancer out – don’t think is spread
to lymph nodes – will get up date tomorrow.
GM Debbe – in relation to your post the other day-
Zen Wisdom with a twist.
4. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted.
About today’s strip, after 20 years my small pond and fountain is going into the ground. I bought the original liner that long ago and my late husband left it in back yard upside down for snakes and bugs to live under.
Last year I bought a few more pieces on sale and four spitting cranes to sit on rocks. I got a large spitting fish a while back. We may never find the pumps and water spout that originally went with it.
Idiot fired minion sprayed one of my cranes metallic bronze!! We have to repaint it to match other three birds. It is going right off porch so I can hear and watch it off porch or from kitchen table. I am on Janis’ side here.
Good morning Villagers….
GR and Smigz, thank you. Had steak, a few friends stopped by, cold ones and chocolate cake with whipped icing. One of the nicest ones I’ve had in years gone by.
Old Bear, now I had to stop and reread that zen wisdom at least three times before I got it….need more coffee.
The Jasper Herald carries A&J, and that’s where I ‘discovered’ them some 12 years back…don’t remember how I stumbled on them on the internet. I think after I no longer had access to the paper, I googled them.
And Mark is home…early. Please, Please, take baby steps and don’t overdue it. Oh, and just say “NO”.
GR, I think of you and your Mother daily. I remember those days too when my Mom was in the nursing home. You both are in my prayers…….
ya’ll have a blessed day
….and it’s good to see new Villagers stop by.
…loved the hugs Sandcastler, and you too Gal….don’t work so hard 🙂
GR 😉 I still dream…
yesterday’s lol
How did you know, Debbe? But… Monday… Going to take a week off and visit my son and his family in FL. I don’t want to even THINK about trying to catch up when I get back!
Have never met you, Deb, but I love you, girl!
Ghost: what can I say? Everyone else has already said it! Love you too, big guy – hugs.
Mark: The gravy train has to stop!
The last thing I do each night is pray for family and friends, among whom I count the Village. Been saying a few extra recently.
Old Bear, great news about your friend!
Thanks, all, for the kind wishes. She seems to have had a good night, other than once pulling her mask off in her sleep, causing her oxygen level to drop. Still waiting for the hospitalist to round. I think it may be the one who saw her here last and helped get her admitted to nursing care. He’s good.
Debbe, happy birthday!
Ghost Sweetie, I’m glad your mom is doing better.
Mark, do take it easy!
Hi all! Happy Thursday!
Good morning. And I may go back to sleep.
Ghost, we walked in your shoes with the revolving doors between hospital to nursing care to hospital and back to care. My husband was not you.
But still it was exhausting and stressful and of course we did not know he had cancer, only that he was ill. What I am trying to say is take care of the care giver. You are trying to do it all and you are going to burn yourself out with work and caring for your mom.
Take care of Ghost too.
Harking back to a previous discussion – Orlando Navy Recruit Training Center Reunion, October 12-16; https://rtcorlandoreunion.com/
Thanks, Jackie. I know that…but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded. The weeks leading up to my mom going into nursing were undoubtedly the most stressful and tiring of my life…a fact I realize now but did not at the time. I will try really hard not to repeat that.