A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

But seriously, folks…

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Today’s classic A&J is from August of 1994, and it first appeared mere days before the changeover to digitalization. In other words, it was one of the last daily strips actually to be shipped by Federal Express to the syndicate offices in New York. Speaking of digitalization, remember when I mentioned earlier this year that I wanted to revamp this Web site? I’ll bet you haven’t forgotten. You just assumed I had. Well, I haven’t. I have decided, though, that I need professional help. With Web-site design, I mean. I have been in contact with said professionals, and I’m hoping I might have something new to show you early in 2015. I know we go through this sort of thing a lot. Believe me, I know, but please humor me. I’m going to ask you, again, to make suggestions for the new Web site if you’d like. That way, I’ll have your input all in one place and fresh when I meet with the Web people after the Thanksgiving holiday. Any new suggestions, or restatement of old suggestions, will be appreciated. And I haven’t forgotten about the T-shirts, either.

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What’s old is old, again

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board

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Thursday’s Child

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251 responses to “But seriously, folks…”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Who needs the truth? Tell her what she wants to hear!

    Thus we see why Arlo will never win public office.

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Perhaps the T-shirt sales will pay the Web design costs.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jimmy threw me a curve by posting so late. Feel free to look back at 11:12 am to see my Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you.

    Otherwise, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  4. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    We need an edit button which will allow us to go back after posting and change it if we discover incorrect spelling. I make a lot of errors and don’t always catch them in time.

  5. Jeff in Ann Arbor Avatar
    Jeff in Ann Arbor

    I like the unslick format of the web page. Don’t make it too sophisticated!

  6. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    And to be absolutely honest, I occasionally say or do something which I do not completely recall later. Bionic brain malfunction.

  7. Symply Fargone Avatar


    Symply have to agree with Jerry in FL. re the edit button……

    Also I appear to be in moderation at the end of the last posts for the heinous crime of including two links??????? one of which is, you know, mine.

    Everyone have a Fargone fantastic Thanksgiving.

    I am so thankful to be able to be who I am with the people I have around me whether given by family or chosen by myself, to be able to have the freedoms that I have at other’s cost.

    Life is good Carpe those Diems folks…..

    Here is the post minus the link to my page…

    Symply wishing all in the Village a happy,safe and memory filled(good ones, it is Fargone hoped) Thanksgiving. Tomorrow, I am off for a drive to a dinner with 35 guests in an old late 1800s house where there will be ample room perchance but with only two ovens how does one keep the three turkeys and two roasts at temp for 35, not to mention the sides etc…..I am not thinking this one will go off without a hitch…..to compound we have had no response to what we can bring so I am opting for a bottle of Cabernet, a bottle of Malbec, a bottle of Pinot and one Sauvignon Blanc…hope I get a glass! Logistically I am horror stricken and glad it is not at my house! That said I will know almost all the guests and have a grand time, but 35 for dinner seriously!?!?

    Dave in Austin glad you are home, a hospital is no fun for holidays…..

    A special thanks to Charlotte in NH, Trapper Jean, Debbe of course and Jackie Monies for the welcome back…it is getting difficult to keep up on all my “obligations” lately…travel as well, have been in and out of everywhere lately and do not see a real sign of it letting up. I will be gone all of February and some of March. On another note the business has moved from a Symphony Hall to a night club where the shows have finally turned profitable. We are in talks with a new venue the Hanover Theater which does a much better job of marketing with us and will be doing our first show there(so far) June 11th with Roger McGuinn. Here is a link to the new facility if you are interested, it is a beautiful PAC(Performing Arts Center).

    Villagers if you are ever in Worcester MA area let me know, maybe I can still comp tickets depending which venue it is. My email in next post

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Yeah, in the House of Stups, ah, Reps, they call that “revising and extending their remarks”. In other words, Congress-Critters can totally screw up anything they say on the Floor and then have it smoothed out and prettied up before it’s published in the Congressional Record. I could use that sometimes, too. 🙂

    I agree with Jeff. This blog doesn’t need to be too slick. And I think a lot of us have commented about the need for a more intuitive way to move through the different days of comments.

  9. Tom (formerly) from the Front Range Avatar
    Tom (formerly) from the Front Range

    I’d like an ATM button on the home page that, when pushed, would cause cash to come out of my CD slot.

    Barring that, reversing the PREV and NEXT functions would be my suggestion. Just relabeling them to OLDER and NEWER would be an improvement.

    Yeah, and an EDIT function.

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    No, SF, your return to the Village Symply didn’t get Fargone past me, either. I’ve just had a lot of ferrous objects in the rapidly oxidizing pieces of cellulose material lately. Happy Thanksgiving, man, and be careful on your drive tomorrow. I understand the ground and highways are supposed to get whitish up your way.

  11. Nodak Wayne Avatar
    Nodak Wayne

    Symply, you realize that as long as you include your website in the “Website” box where you include your name that your name is automatically a link to your site, right?

  12. Symply Fargone Avatar


    A way to allow more than one hyperlink without moderation? I am certain there is a rationale for not allowing this, but I am not getting my cerebral stuff wrapped around it…we do not get a lot of spam and we all ignore/report it when we do(did in my case, as I have only recently returned…).


    Hope you get all the “reddish stuff” out(if I read you right). Will be Fargone careful on the way to feast. Got about two inches of the white stuff and it’s looking like it will be sleet for a while now….just not cold enough to snow.

    Just last Friday the Doc said I could ride the bikes whenever I felt up to it, took one around the block to put Stabil in it, then parked for the winter(wintuh)

    @Nodak Wayne,

    Yes it was Symply my email address that was the second hyperlink that caused the system to barf my bits into the bit bucket.

    @Tom(f)ftFR & JJ,

    Yeah JJ, what Tom(f)ftFR said about the ATM link lol….

  13. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Good to see you back, Symply!

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Symply, I’m sure Jimmy would rather have a debit card slot on our computers so we could buy t-shirts, books and original art directly from him without the middleman.

    I’m thankful to be out of the wrist fixation, to have a job I could return to this week, a family who are meeting for Thanksgiving(at my brother’s), that my sister and brother-in-law will be there (they haven’t been for a visit since Christmas 2012), a house to live in, all of you here in the Village, Jimmy’s artwork. Got to stop or I never will. Hope I never stop being thankful for such things as long as I’m breathing.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Symply – It’s always good to hear from you and I hope someday to make it to one of your concerts. However, I can guarantee it will not be this time of year!

    Now back to my musings on the season –

    Another good book in the library where I work (I do know how to pick ’em) – Bless This Food: Four Seasons of Menus, Recipes, and Table Graces by Julia Pitkin, Karen B. Grant and George Grant. In the intro they say, “It is one thing to thank God for our food; it is another to bless someone else with a meal lovingly prepared for them.”

    I love seeing how what seem to be vastly different cultures express similar sentiments, as in this Arabic proverb: “Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return.”

  16. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Mark: “emb, look at this photo and compare it to the nun in the center of the TIP blogspot.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_McConaughey .”

    I had done that, was just too picky to buy the resemblance.

    Happy TG, all. I’m going to the Community Holiday Meal at the Evangelical Free Church tomorrow noon. Will see friends, maybe neighbors. Last year, @ Bethel Lutheran, my table servers were our retired UMC pastor and his wife.

    Most of you know various things I’m thankful for. One is a “first base” bass voice, which I don’t misuse but is fun. Another is most of the women who notice it.

    At UMC last Sunday, guest soloist was a still-teaching English prof who recently earned a BA in music at our local univ. Sang “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child.” Brought down the house. He makes me sound like a tenor.

    Blessings, emb

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Far worse than a turducken! And not as tasty probably.

    My mom and aunt never paid the least attention to what they paid when they’d hit Sam’s Club so one year they bought one and fed it to their “boys”. It vanished instantly so they decided they’d do it again for next holiday which was probably Christmas?

    Only this time they noticed what they were paying as they had several of the darn things in their cart! They went into shock.

    Love, Jackie

  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I never even understood “pardoning” a real turkey, much less a hunk of processed soybean protein. 🙂

    Turduckens rock.

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Since I have been reading a lot of history lately, I believe the original pardoner was either Abraham Lincoln pardoning the family pet turkey for his son Tad who kept a lot of pets, as did Lincoln himself. And fed his cat off White House table.

    Or it was Theodore Roosevelt ditto for a pet turkey for one of his children. Who also had lots of pets that ran around White House.

    Read enough presidential/child anecdotes and they begin to blur!

    And then my mom will tell me again about my first turkey furnished by one of our tenants on the farm from her flock. Or the handful of wild turkeys brought and furnished her family when she was a little girl by a neighbor on adjoining farm. Anecdotes are not nearly as interesting after the hundreds of retellings!

    But I do not believe I had seen a grocery store turkey until I was an adult? Despite fact we didn’t keep turkeys. So, where were we getting them? Good question! There must have been some!

    Love, Jackie (who’d eat etoufee any day)

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Spellcheck tried to correct that last etoufee into “studs”.

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Well, some of us studs do eat étouffée. 🙂

    I seem to recall that the tradition of a turkey being furnished the White House by some turkey farmer (or association of turkey farmers) goes back many years, and originally the turkey was slaughtered by the White House cook and eaten by the President and his family for their Thanksgiving meal. I suspect that the tradition of the turkey being “pardoned” by the President and going to a petting zoo or some such may have begun with John Kennedy, perhaps because he had two small children who may have intervened on behalf of the bird.

    HST and Ike were more country boys than JFK, and I suspect they’d have had no problem with not only eating the turkey, but slaughtering it themselves.

  22. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Example: I was watching a movie in whichnthey were talking about their best day ever so I thought about it and all I could come up with is that I haven’t had it yet. Ok, by going slowly I only made one error, aa new redcord, but I think you see what I mean.