Odd as it may seem, I’m not the expert on any of this, but I think I’m making progress. We were talking about GoComics.com, the Andrews McMeel Universal website where hundreds of comics, including A&J, are posted every day. Specifically, we were talking about “liking” stuff there, very specifically “liking” Arlo & Janis. Turns out visitors must sign up for a GoComics account to be able to “like” and to comment and to do other stuff. That’s the not-so-good news. The good news is, you can sign up for an account for free, and it won’t kill you! But wait! There’s more! You can pay $20 a year and view comics 24 hours a day without those jumpy ads, plus you can build pages of your personal favorites and have them emailed to you. I’m really not trying to sell you anything: I only recently have begun doing this myself, right down to paying my bosses 20 bucks. I can say it’s a pretty good deal. My experience at GoComics.com is more enjoyable. In parting, I want to thank those of you who did find your way to GoComics.com yesterday and “liked” that dreadful cartoon. You rocked the house! But we’re going to talk more about that next post.

Carrying Things Too Far
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
86 responses to “Carrying Things Too Far”
Maybe he’d have done better w/ a pistol. Worked for Martine. Peace,
Click on ‘columns’ at the above site. It lists those that appeared in the ‘Generations’ section day before yesterday. The first is by a fellow BUMC member, his second w/in the last few months, and the second by your humble servant, who has lost count since he started in ’98, when he was nearing 70, hence his series title, ‘Threescore and Ten.’ Peace,
Today’s ‘Dustin’ [favorites@comicskindom.com] comes close, though I don’t do canned soup. Sanitary & dignity are 2 different things. Peace,
for emb: https://scontent-dft4-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/22405458_1582780468426859_3724495462484159181_n.jpg?oh=42f442835609b172439d3321bdc91f81&oe=5A3AE5CA
While we’re on the subject, per current theol. scholars, the truly Pauline* letters are the earliest New Testament documents. The four Gospels and Acts were all written later, were therefore not available to Paul, and were all anonymous. They were attributed to Mark, Matthew, Luke [same au. as Acts], and John by church fathers in the early 2nd c.
John of Patmos, who wrote Revelation, is not the same John to whom the 4th Gospel is attributed. ‘Every Simon, Lazarus, and James is named John.’
*Some of the letters attributed to Paul are now considered ‘Pseudo-Pauline’ [no relation to the girl named Pauline that I knew in grade school], and some are still up for grabs. See ‘Pseudo-Pauline’ online.
I would suggest viewing GoComics on the mobile app. I can only speak for iOS, or iPhone/iPad, but the experience is much much better than on a computer. You can swipe thru the comics much more quickly, and the ads are much less intrusive. The only problem is I haven’t figured out how to ‘like’ a comic. I’ll just have to keep liking them the old fashion way for now.
The blue heart underneath base of the strip is what you press on to “Like” the strip. It changes to dark blue when it acknowledges you have liked it. If you try to press it again it will “unlike” it and color changes back to light blue.
The like count is recorded to right in black of beRt. If it takes your like you can tell by increase in number. For instance six people have liked todays.
You must be a member to like but it can be free.
Small town Americana. Dickens and I are riding around with Ghost in Bullet. We have been to post office, feed store, bank and both grocery stores. Going to put Bullet through only car wash in town when line gets shorter.
Ghost always described himself as a “small town boy, just ordinary guy.” He fits in beautifully here and is already accumulating a local “harem” of women Ghost fans in my friends who think he is sweetest man.
He is. I am so thankful to have him in my life.
Thank you Jimmy Johnson for Arlo and Janis and for the Village. You changed at least two lives, if not more.
JJ: You also help keep us relatively sane in an insane world. Peace,
About “liking” Arlo and Janis on GoComics. You can go back and vote for a like on a strip from earlier dates. You cannot vote more than once for same strip.
If you try to do a second vote on same strip it will “unlike” that strip and heart turns back light blue. Press again and it will relike and turn dark blue.
Don’t mess with Jimmys head.
Hello, Villagers. Sorry for the delay in getting back to some questions and comments. I had several meetings and a concert to go to, some deskwork that had to be done for organizations I belong to, PT, of course, and a certain amount of elevate/ice/doze every day. Plus, what a treat to come back and find a whole flurry of new posts from Jimmy and comments from him as well as others! I just now got through reading all those.
Re my knee surgery. This was not my first rodeo. I am now three-fourths bionic on my lower extremities—one hip and now both knees. (I devoutly hope I won’t have to do the other hip.) I had the surgery at 9:30 am on a Monday (9/11 as a matter of fact!), was up and walking that afternoon, and went home about noon the next day. (We’d already ordered my lunch, so I figured I might as well stay and eat it. It was good.) That was Tuesday. I started PT at an office convenient to my house (that I’ve used before) on Wednesday and do it three times a week—probably for about six weeks.
I had some complications with the first knee that I’m not having this time, thank goodness. Overall, the pattern is the same. The first two weeks (pardon my language) suck. Second two weeks better but not great. Third two weeks much more bearable. After six weeks, you’re getting pretty much back to normal life. I’ve had only three days when I felt I’d backslid a little instead of being a tiny bit better. This coming Monday will start my sixth week.
Jackie, I wish you were recovering from the knee instead of the breast, also. But I know you and Ghost are coping. Thanks to all in the Village for good wishes. You are a blessing.
PS: I’ve been a member of both GoComics and Daily Ink Comics Kingdom (or whatever it’s called) for a long time so that I can get several of the strips that I like that are not in the paper and have others when I am traveling and away from the paper. I think I have the “premium” service both places. As has been said, it’s not a big charge, and there was something about it that I thought made it worth it. (I’ve forgotten just what now, but being able to “Like” A&J is certainly a good thing.)
Is Auburn the college football team that Jimmy favors?
If so, I imagine that he doesn’t care much for LSU right now.
On my side of the Mason-Dixon, I might not care too much for Nebraska in a few hours.
However, I’m glad to report that the Bobcats made a feast of the Falcons.
Not a big football fan but the latest “controversy” over the Gators new uniforms (on display tonight) has produced some amusing commentary in the Orlando Sentinel. This one made me laugh: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/david-whitley/os-sp-florida-uniforms-david-whitley-1011-story.html
This was good too: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/open-mike/os-sp-gators-uniforms-mike-bianchi-1014-story.html
The Buckeyes are making creamed corn of the Huskers, a team that is ranked 37th in the country.
Kind of puts the game into perspective, I think.
Those new uniforms are ugly with a capital “ugh”.
Shopping for gym equipment so I can exercise at home instead of germ laden gym. Discovered that treadmills and recumbent bikes are about like automobiles. Drive them off the lot and the value plunges!
Seriously, good pieces of exercise equipment cost a lot of money but used only a fraction. I am looking at two or three machines, not a full gym.
Jackie: is there a Play It Again Sports in your area? They sell used (or most likely rarely used) exercise equipment.
Looks like there’s one near Tulsa – https://www.playitagainsports.com/Locations/List/OK
Hi Ruth Anne, yes I had found that one. There are several of that ilk in Tulsa including one called Second Wind and one called Push Peddle and (Something?)
My gym is run by hospital and is quite clean and maintained. They urge each user spray and wipe down after each use but I notice it doesn’t always happen. My physical therapist had suggested a recumbent bike or trainer for me. In fact that is what most of us would best use.
Ghost loves treadmill and watching him walk on one is inspiring. But it depends on consistent routine it seems to me. Janis has it right about the walking.
Push Pedal Pull is name of other gym equipment shop.
Reticulated giraffe. Peace,
Impalas, I believe. Would like a male; the horns are distinctive.
“I notice it doesn’t always happen.” Likewise where I work out, especially by MDs. Peace,