A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Cat Days of Summer

By Jimmy Johnson

(Cartoonist’s note: another old post from 10 years ago to wrap up the work week. I stand by my comments of a decade past; I have always relied heavily upon you, the reader, to interpret action that actually occurs off-camera. That is why I am known as the ‘dirty’ cartoonist.)
It amazes me the quality of the humor that originates in the mind’s eye. A lot of people thought this cartoon was a hoot, when really they were providing the action with their own imaginations.
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47 responses to “Cat Days of Summer”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    There weren’t any fireflies at 7,000 feet in Utah.

    “In the U.S., almost no species of fireflies are found west of Kansas—although there are also warm and humid areas to the west. Nobody is sure why this is.”


  2. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Good one, Mark. However, I imagine it dates to when the first English-speaking person heard of those ancient Greeks! I heard it before 1950, myself, and, I’d guess, others herein, even earlier.

  3. emb Avatar

    Heard it first from Elaine’s father Paul; not sure whether it was before or after we wed, in ’52. Also from him: FUNEM? YSVFM. FUNEX? YSVFX. LFMNX. Peace,

  4. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    I heard that same one with the final comment being “OKMNX” .

  5. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Mark and Ron:


    My son lives in the Denver area, and he said that fireflies are not present there, either. Being west of Kansas, that makes sense.

  6. emb Avatar

    c x-p: Am guessing it originated in our home town, probably among goys imitating people who sounded [to goys] like that. After all, M is not kosher. Peace,

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, sorry, I can’t make it out so the joke escapes me.

  8. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Mark: I had to read it aloud a couple of times (each letter separately). Now I want another breakfast 🙂

  9. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Very likely, eMb. For others, it is a little more obvious without the initial “Y”s in the 2nd and 4th letter groupings.

  10. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ruth Anne, thanks. That did it for me.

    Curmudgeonly, Now that I get it, it reminds me of this series that I had seen years ago: http://jokes.edigg.com/Redneck/Reading_Test.shtml

  11. TruckerRon Avatar

    Here’s some exciting news for us astronomy fans:

    European Southern Observatory ESO via AP
    First confirmed image of the birth of a planet


  12. Ghost Avatar

    Am I given to understand that Impossibly Wonderful Edda was able to strip her husband’s swim trunks from his body, underwater, using just her teeth?

    Well, OK then!

    A high school buddy told me his date once unzipped his fly at a drive-in movie theater using that technique. But he was a notorious prevaricator.

  13. Ghost Avatar

    Eufaula’s Independence Day Parade went off as scheduled this past Saturday morning. I drove Black Jack, Jackie’s beautiful black Mustang convertible, with her riding shotgun and two of the boutique employees riding on the rear deck. Black Jack was properly attired in red, white and blue trim, as were Jackie and the ladies on his back. It was clear, windy and somewhat hot at starting time.

    It had been a number of years since I’d last driven a convertible in a parade, and I must say I quite enjoyed it. And those were mostly Christmas parades, in which I do not remember there being a single spectator wearing a bikini. This parade had several of them. Which allowed me to play “Toss The Candy Into The Cleavage”. So as I say, I quite enjoyed it.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Ghost, if you were playing toss the candy into the cleavage, dare I ask how you steered the car?

  15. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Ghost: Bob sends his thanks for calling it Independence Day rather than Fourth of July (one of many peeves). He also likes the “toss the candy …” idea 🙂

  16. Ghost Avatar

    It wasn’t what you might think, Mark. The parade was moving at such a sedate pace I could probably have stepped out of Black Jack; walked into the crowd and found a likely, ah, receptacle into which to stuff some candy; and walked back to and reentered the slowly moving vehicle.

  17. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Ghost, I still am unclear what Edda did to cause the gaping maw in that ‘toon. Did I miss something – like men’s attire gone adrift? Maybe she bit his b-tt….

    Meanwhile, let’s hear it for those “receptacles”!

  18. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    OK, I relooked and saw the trunks.

  19. TruckerRon Avatar

    And JJ says he’s known as the ‘dirty’ cartoonist!

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    So rather than counting sheep, Arlo goes to sleep dancing with monkeys? That’s different.

  21. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    We dream funny (ha-ha, strange) dreams all the time, but Arlo might want to watch what he eats or drinks before going to bed.

  22. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Lay off the Bananas Foster, maybe?