Sleep Disorder

February 7, 2002

Since the beginning of Arlo & Janis, readers have assumed I am constantly at loggerheads with my handlers over content, that I spend my days negotiating with my editors the boundaries of propriety. Nothing could be further from the truth. I could count on the fingers of one hand the times I have had a submission flagged by the syndicate for taste or inappropriateness. Frankly, I’m a bit puzzled about this myself. Sometimes, I think they like to make bets on whether a questionable cartoon will get me in trouble. Other times, I don’t think they know who I am. However, the above is one of those times. My editors in New York balked at the original wording of this strip: “To think there was a time I wanted to sleep with you more than anything.” Or something like that. They thought it a tad too specific. I don’t remember the gory details. There were none, actually. We simply agreed on the above wording, which they suggested. I’m not sure how it solves the problem, and it steps on the gag, but editors must be humored on occasion. As I indicated, I can’t complain.