The Shadow Nose

February 2, 2013

I’ve drawn a lot of Groundhog Day cartoons over the years; it’s the rare comic strip artist who won’t pick up an available gimme. However, out of my consideration for you, Dear Reader, I do try to put an oblique A&J twist on things, as in this GD (Groundhog Day) strip from 2013. And the GD cartoon running in newspapers today! I want to give you a heads-up this morning. Sometime today, I plan to tweak this Web site. It won’t be anything drastic if I get around to doing it at all, just experimentation. I mention this, because any changes I anticipate today will be so small it won’t be worth taking down the site as I sometimes do. Of course, there’s always the possibility I’ll crash the whole shebang. I hope to see you tomorrow.