A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Coffee Fiend

By Jimmy Johnson

Every now and then, someone will complain to me about their comment being shunted to “moderation.” The implication is, I am punishing them for some unknown affront. This is never the case. True, posts with certain words—use your imagination—automatically will be held for moderation, but this is seldom the problem with the rare posts that do, for unknown reasons, get sidetracked. I just dumped the moderation queue. There were only 65 comments that had accumulated over months and months. Not too bad, I’d say, but I will try to do a better job staying on top of the comments that, for whatever reason, wind up in moderation. If it happens to you, don’t take it personally. As I’ve said, I almost never nix a post for any reason.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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226 responses to “Coffee Fiend”

  1. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Negatory, good buddy. I was flying a black Ford Exporter last night. Catch you on the flip side.

    Thanks, R. A. I’ll try Channel 30 this Sunday when Bullet and I are out and about. Also, I’m thinking about getting the “streaming” feature added on so I can listen on my phone and tablet when not in the vehicle. Only about $4 a month extra, I believe.

    From the little “news” I’ve not been able to avoid on the way to check my emails, a former Miss Universe has now become a major US presidential campaign issue. Wut? I honestly can no longer decide who is worst, the candidates, a majority of the electorate, or the media. But if I had to guess, it would probably be for a three-way tie.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Should not confess but several states that I have been in have legal speed limits of 80 and 90. I do not use cruise. So I glanced down and I was doing over a 100 in Trigger with no sense of speed at all. These trucks Re deceptive.

  3. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I stopped by my mom’s apartment complex to speak to the manager and saw her next-apartment neighbor in front of his door with a trailer backed up. I stopped and found they are moving to a house they have found. He and his wife and his college-student daughter are all great people and were great neighbors to Ghostmother. I told him how much I appreciated that and thanked him for all the kindnesses they had shown her. On the way home, I stopped at the market and encountered her long-time pharmacist and also thanked him for looking after her prescription medicine needs, especially during her last years.

    When people do good, it deserves to be recognized and applauded.

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    First thing I noticed when test driving Bullet was that 65 MPH felt and sounded like 45 MPH in the Crown Vic. And since the speedometer is a different style, I’ll need to pay attention for a while when passing LEO vehicles.

  5. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Ghost, I was at about 110 on smooth roads with no sense of speed. On a rough pitted road you may notice. I try not to fly low so I am having to pay attention.

  6. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Catching up after two weeks in Kansas for Jim’s 60th high school reunion plus various family reunions while we were there. Was reminded that as someone (Jackie(?) said, it’s truly lovely in the fall and also in the spring. Unfortunately, it hadn’t quite managed to be fall most of the time we were there—95 degrees and 95 per cent humidity. Ah yes. Lovely in fall and spring, stinks (or less polite word) in summer and winter. Good place to be FROM. Glad to be back home and back in the village. Back to catching up now.

  7. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    According to the Verizon hum system installed in Bullet, my highest speed on the trip occurred while maneuvering through a section of urban Interstate with four lanes I have labeled Fast, Faster, Too Fast, and OMG.

    Welcome back to the Village, Nancy.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Jackie, many years ago a pilot I know was stopped for speeding. As was quite common in that era, the cop initiated the encounter with the sarcastic remark, “OK, buddy, let’s see your pilot’s license.” So my friend showed him his pilot’s license.

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    That is funny. I have actually never gotten a speeding ticket. I have gotten others.

  10. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Funny you should bring up Angus, Ghost. Thought I was shut of him, now I am beginning to wonder. No smoke alarms this time (Yahoo!), but just little things. Finding things not where I expected them to be, things falling over for no good reason. Not very often, but just often enough to make me question my sanity; does no good to question the kittos – they won’t answer.

    Work still sucks. Hopefully I will find the time to make a real attempt at a job search soon. Today was a thirteen hour day, and probably have another one tomorrow. Off to bed.

  11. TruckerRon Avatar

    Jackie, you’ve misquoted Mr Buffett, he believed there was no woman involved:

    1st refrain ends with:

    Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame,
    But I know it’s nobody’s fault.

    2nd refrain:

    Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame,
    Now I think, – hell it could be my fault.

    3rd refrain:

    Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame,
    But I know, it’s my own damn fault.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Lady Mindy, I attempted to check on the whereabouts of Angus, but he doesn’t answer my emails or PMs. And he’s been banned from Twatter, Falsebook, YouTub, Clinked-In, Goastale+, Unstagram, Ruddit, Flackr, and all the other ghostly social media networks. (Why am I not surprised?) But Angus being Angus, I’m pretty sure if he were still there, he’d be pranking you with the smoke alarm to watch you jump out of the shower naked. 🙂

    I would suggest leaving out some rum to see if it mysteriously disappears, but probably you should just drink it yourself and cut out the middle haint.

  13. GalliglI in Ohio Avatar
    GalliglI in Ohio

    Glad you are feeling better, Mr Ghost.

  14. Gary Avatar

    The older I get, the less I am concerned with other cars passing me. I don’t really mind being a bit slower. I depend on cruise-control to keep me in a reasonable range. It is easy in newer vehicles to creep up much too fast.
    Jackie, I am glad you made it back home safely. I am sorry you are stressed by the OK sail. You can always message us (me) if you want to bend someone’s ear. Unfortunately I am too far away to give you anything more than a virtual hug.

  15. sandcastler™ Avatar

    TR, Friday night JB https://youtu.be/NdvJYlnTd14

  16. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Another JB, just because it’s Firday night and time to unwind.

  17. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Wrong post, duplicate.

    This one was suppose to be #2


  18. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Gloria 🙂

    I guess tonight can be Sports Night. I have a new(er) UHD TV, and two Top 10 college football teams are playing. I need to rest up a bit, anyway.

    I also need to find a way to play on a college women’s volleyball team…all the players are about my height; they dress skimpily; and after every point, win or lose, they group hug.

  19. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Jackie, so glad you drove through the Kansas Flint Hills. Yes, Ghost, they are hills, they are in Kansas, they are very beautiful, and they are the last remnant of the tallgrass prairie that once covered the whole middle third of this country. My parents both were born and raised in the Flint Hills, different regions, and I had the pleasure of reunions with both sets of cousins this past week.

    Hmmm. I had been going to mention that we had not heard from the Village Orphans Society for ages, and here are two posts!! Short ones, to be sure, but posts nonetheless.

  20. sandcastler™ Avatar


    For those with conections or an interest in the Flint Hills this is the book. Covers the story of one county, Chase County Kansas.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    First off (as we say in south) we had a small group of my boating friends here so no big parties. Since no one can camp in yard they are at camp ground down road. I had a LOT of wine accumulated from my various trips. I loaded about two cases assorted, cheese, crackers, chips, summer sausage, vegetables, dips, etc. In truck and we sat around Pavillion, drank wine and ate snacks. I don’t think anyone drank beer but we had some.

    I just kept opening bottles. It turned out to be fun. Didn’t unload truck, think I will pick up some meat and easy food, get a grilling session at house of meat and vegs, drink .ore wine out on patio or decks. No, it wasn’t the same but I had fun.. that is probably the answer, no it will never be the same but it can be fun, especially with more wine.

  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    The Flint Hills were amazing . I kept looking for buffalo and wagons.

  23. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, thevwagon tracks are still there in some locations. During the winter and early spring months before the grass is up, if you fly low you can spot the Santa Fe trail. In places it can be very wide.

  24. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I drove in so many uninhabited spots in America where I felt the past was still there swirling around like so many wisps of fleeting images, not there but still faintly visible.

    Overall I kept thinking of the hundreds of thousands who crossed those huge spaces and how long the trip was. And so unsupported.

  25. Nancy Kirk in AZ Avatar
    Nancy Kirk in AZ

    Jackie, Sand, (and any others interested), Chase County of “PrairyErth” is the county my mother grew up in, and we had our reunion at a restaurant in Cottonwood Falls and then continued out to the home farm outside town. Google Cottonwood Falls courthouse for some beautiful images. Our lunch was in the restaurant in the old hotel, on the right side of the street facing the courthouse.

    Re buffalo and wagons, you can in fact sign up for a wagon trip there, or to help with a cattle drive.