Another balloon-free classic featuring teenage angst from 1999. Sometimes, when you’re a cartoonist, you just have to laugh. Laugh ruefully, I mean. This cartoon reminds me of another I drew a few years back. Arlo is working a crossword puzzle and is groping for a four-letter word that means Hawaiian folk dance. Through four panels, he’s stumped, and oblivious to Janis gyrating in the background, similar to Arlo in the second panel above. After the cartoon appears in newspapers, I get a snippy email from someone who writes, “I don’t know what that woman in the background is supposed to be doing, but it sure isn’t the hula.” As Steve Martin might have said at one time, “Well, excuuuuse me!” What is about comic strips that make some people so serious?

Comforting Thought
By Jimmy Johnson
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153 responses to “Comforting Thought”
Really, Lily? Intense? Here? I would have probably answered you except I likely didn’t know anything about the subject on which you posted, as I am a simple man and don’t know much about anything. Well, in any case, consider your wheels greased. 😉
Mindy, did Shelly mention how many pokies she had invited to her pokie party?
I guess instead of intense I should have said “intimate”. You all seemed to know eachh other so well, with in-jokes and such.
OK, Mark, now you’re just showing off. 😀
And if there is anything else by that author you are looking for, here is a link to real books:*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr*&destination=us¤cy=USD&mode=basic&st=sr&ac=qr
Left out a w
Nah, Lily, it doesn’t take long to catch up here. And it appears you already have. Besides, if you can follow music, food and pokies discussions, you’ve pretty well got it.
If I’d have wanted to specify “up where,” Ghost, I’d have either done so or told you what kind of medical professional would be needed.
Exactly what I suspected, sideburns. 🙂
Ghost, th Only pokie I know about is the Hokie-Pokie. That’s what it’s all about, you know 😀
Thanks, Mark, but my point was that you can’t read them electronically. My boss/landlady has both of them in her library.
Not the right pokies, Lily, but that doesn’t matter. Everything will fall into place. How many pokies, Ghost? More than a handful.
I’m outta here. 😀
‘More than a handful.’? That’s wasteful.
She’s talking pokies, emb, not hills or mountains. The Evil Twin Sister made me say that.
If a “handful” of pokies is defined as “five”, I certainly hope there is “more than a handful” at Shelly’s party.
This looked awfully familiar when I ran across it. I hope that’s not because someone else posted it here recently.
“The Hokey Pokey” (if written by Shakespeare)
“O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke — banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, ’tis what it’s all about.”
Last time wife and I were taught the Hokey-Pokey, it was by a female pastor at a UMC lay speakers’ workshop. Fun.
Lilyblack, my point is that the links to the books on Open Library are ebook versions. The site lets you specify if you want ebook only versions, which I did for you.
You aren’t an SCA member, are you? That looks like their kind of reading.
Good morning Villagers….
Couldn’t log into Go Comics yesterday morning, I could log in on other sites though….oh, well.
Lily…glad you got over the intimidation…enjoy your posting.
GR 😉 thanks for the Lolcat….yup, I work every Saturday….have to, I have expensive habits 🙂
later….we have Brooklyn again this weekend, she came into work with her Dad yesterday…..she asked me “how come you work so hard?” And yes, it will be a job that some day will be replaced by automation.
Good morning, Villiagers. I am off to do wind sprints. Happy Palm SundayQ
Debbe 😉 I don’t know, hon. Someone once explained to me that building a robot that can break an egg is easy. It’s building one that won’t break an egg that’s difficult.
You do wind sprints, too, Lily? I just did one crossing my living room. 🙂
Ghost dear, I’m flattered that you did think of me!
Wind sprints?? Is that anything like passing gas?
GR 😉 yup, they have built a “better moustrap” when it comes to automation in the poultry business…..we are (are you ready for a $50 word) an antiquated, sole proprietorship business, and right now rumors are flying around about the Corp. wanting to eliminate the small man! But I don’t think they have a machine that will pull out the dead hens….may have to Bing that.
Spiritus Ascensorem VI, just Googled it….my two years of high school Latin got my curiosity… I had a nice white dress for my confirmation……ya never counted on me, counted on your rosary.
Great…think it might be a Billy Joel Day while making griddle cakes………….remember Brenda and Eddie had that kind of life…..there we are waving Brenda and Eddie goodbye…..
Debbe 😉 Awww, I bet you were adorable in your confirmation dress.