A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Conditioned Response

By Jimmy Johnson

Big players in the 1996 strips about the budding romance of Gene and Ruth were Ruth’s parents, especially her mother. Her name is “Jade.” Actually, her name was never mentioned; I just made the name “Jade” up. But I’m the cartoonist, so “Jade” it will be. Ruth’s father was, of course, the other parent. His role was there from the beginning, too, but as the ex-husband of Jade his was mostly an off-screen presence. Readers liked Ruth, and I did, too. Don’t you find it strange that with the ease and extent of social interaction these days she has never turned up? I do.
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93 responses to “Conditioned Response”

  1. Bonnie from Gloucester MA Avatar
    Bonnie from Gloucester MA

    Whoa!! Is JJ using the strip to invite us to suggest names for the farm stand??? Gene said, the name “will come to us.” What do you think, villagers?

  2.  Avatar

    In that case I nominate Poke Salad.

    Or Pokie.

  3.  Avatar

    Ghost you are right on all counts. The only way I have lost and kept it off was to write it down and exercise daily. No matter the program that is how it works.

    Funny one here, this crazy guy was jokingly hitting on me in a convenience store yesterday, half drunk I’d say. Bragging about how old he was and all he knew, asking if I were single. I said yes but I was too old for him at 72.

    That sobered him up enough he looked closer and said honey you have taken good care of yourself, you could teach me things I suspect.

    The sad part is I haven’t taken care of myself but it still made me laugh.

  4. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Since I had my lower teeth removed – and don’t yet have usable replacements – I have lost 15 lbs. Moreover, as of yesterday, my HbA1c = 5.5. Doc threatens to take me off my diabetes med on the grounds that I may not be diabetic!! I can stand that kind of “threat”.

  5.  Avatar

    He was 60 by the way with his girlfriend who really was in 40s probably but not in good shape.

  6. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I suspect that when Lou said “It’ll come”, Jimmy was having her be unintentionally ironic. I also suspect that he himself was being deliberately ironic, knowing that between the Village and TDS there will likely be no shortage of suggestions for the name of the stand. Look, here’s one now…”The Garden Spot”*.

    And so begins Meg’s climb to becoming the CEO of the multinational conglomerate “Meg’s Eggs”.

    * Those of you males of a certain age may recall what the word “spot” meant in reference to girl watching in high school and college. And yes, it is related to the infamous “peek”.

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    c ex-p good for you! Keyboard stuck. almost sent goo for you, which might be correct at the moment without lower teeth.

    Jackie, in that photo with the t-shirt, you don’t look anywhere close to your calendar age. Keep it up.

    How about JJ Kale?

    JJ could have them sell fresh seafood then they could call it Turf and Surf.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Sixty-five to seventy seem to be the ages at which many people look older than they are, and a considerable number look younger.

  9. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Found a great product for the rode side stand, spreadable beer marmalade. Nothing bespeakes tourism like tshirts, tomatoes, and beer marmalade.

  10. sandcastler™ Avatar

    RIP Merle Haggard. Checked out on his 79th birthday.

  11. Motly51 Rolling In Avatar
    Motly51 Rolling In

    I’m going to weigh in for the first time. a&j.com is like having reruns of the best episodes of a long-running hit show. The characters have changed over the years, and the current storylines and areas of humor are less wide-ranging without:
    1. Gene’s cluelessness growing up
    2. Gene’s awkward-for-everybody teen years
    Bringing Gene and his family back every so often is reassuring that the family is still whole, if not all in one geographic place. Of course, if the farm stand (soon to be named) were to fail, perhaps there could be short-term comedic gold if Gene’s family moved back in. But, if you decide to do that, make sure that first they get a dog named Beethoven.

    Got the book; guess it’s time to buy a tee shirt.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Yep, The Okie from Muskogee has left the building.

    “I’m proud to be an Okie from Muskogee,
    A place where even squares can have a ball
    We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse,
    And white lightnin’s still the biggest thrill of all”

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Beer marmalade on homemade cat-head biscuits, washed down with Bloody Marys. That’s what I call good drinkin’, I mean, good eatin’.

  14. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    I thought that he would make it until December. This has been a rough year and it’s only early April.

  15. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jerry in FL, you echo the comment of someone from the AL.com website, who said 2016 has been brutal for performers so far.

  16. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    On the road again, Jackie’s on the road again. Watch out, Texas!

  17.  Avatar

    Found my way to something not an interstate. Driving by compass, turned GPS off. Blue bonnets and wild flowers
    Lots of road conztruction.

    Guess Merle won’t be doing that show in Muskogee
    Flags should be at half mast in town.

  18. sandcastler™ Avatar

    We’re safe as long as Jackie stays around Round Rock. Should she start showing up near Round Top, then it is time to hunker down in place.

  19. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Happy tartan day! For those interested, today is a GREAT day for browsing the nets for fetching lads and lassies in their finest tartan. My third favorite holiday. 🙂

  20. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Decided to look for a beer marmalade recipe and found one even better! http://gardenandgun.com/article/recipe-tomato-grilled-cheese-beer-and-bacon-marmalade

  21. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    RA, I added a Bacon Marmalade recipe to my collection a couple of years ago, when it was a topic here, and I will definitely add the Beer and Bacon Marmalade one. Thanks.

  22. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    As long as she doesn’t end up at Rocky Top. Knoxville is a long way from where she is now! But you know why a compass is better than GPS? A compass doesn’t talk back.

  23. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Ghost: I’ve made bacon marmalade and I think I used your recipe. It was really good, but I want to try this one too.