A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!


By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"
Of course, in the turbulent corporate seas of today, Arlo and most of his shipmates would have been thrown overboard long ago to lighten the payload, and the ship would be crewed by foreign nationals who are willing to subsist on hardtack and won’t sue when they’re flogged. Actually, this sort of thing was happening to merchant mariners long before the rest of us ever saw it coming. Well, no one literally was thrown overboard that I’m aware. Anyway, that’s the good thing about a cartoon job.

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147 responses to “Daysailing”

  1. ursen Avatar

    and the ship would be crewed by foreign nationals ………….
    When I first read that I added an s to crewed and that is what happens when jobs go over seas.

  2. Debbe Avatar

    Jackie and GR….left you both a comment on yesterday’s blog….no time to catch up on the above……..

  3. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    As Jimmy Buffett says, “Mother, Mother Ocean, after all these years I’ve found, occupational hazard is my occupation’s just not around.”

    From memory! Reason so many of us had to keep changing and re-inventing ourselves to keep employed and earn money.

    Love, Jackie Monie

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sure hope I can get this link posted right, it is funny and explains a lot of the joke behind today’s retro strip. Which I think is hilarious, by the way.


    If this doesn’t get you there, Glen-L is a boat building company and it is filed under humor category. We sailors and builders laugh at ourselves a lot.

    This was sent to me by my chicken farmer friend in Louisiana who builds boats and has a mahogany and other fine woods retro power boat that my husband referred to as “like steering a grand piano” down the lake. So back to Chippendale furniture! It is that beautiful and so is he. In his 70’s he and wife adopted a daughter as an infant who is now a tween and I consider him a saint on the earth.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  5. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    It is truly a miracle! I got it to link. Thank you whomever watches over computer idiots.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  6. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Jackie, there are no idiots when it comes to computers, just ID10T’s!

  7. Lilyblack Avatar

    Jackie, I know a “boatie-person” that wears red tape around his right “Top-Sider,” and green around the left. Even I know that green is for right, red is for left (learned when making airplane models).

  8. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    All: FYI. Haven’t read any of this day’s posts yet. Peace, emb


  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    This is for Ghost and anyone interested in facial hair on men, no women. I have to confess I loved Sean Connery but don’t care much for these guys! Too hairy,


    I would link the other article but I have learned not to do that!

    Putting a pork roast on in oven and going for that nap!

    Love, Jackie Monies

  10. Village Loon Avatar
    Village Loon

    Ghost is into hairy men? OMG!

  11. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Posted this at the end of yesterday’s posts by mistake:

    emb 24 Jul 2014 6:22 pm # xx

    Speaking of giving out phone #s: Daughter was in NYC on business decades ago, and told me she was in a hotel across the street from new [ugh] Penn. station. I told her the number on her room’s phone was 736-5000. She was amazed.
    Lily, Ghost: re staff mtgs: ’90s [?] A&J cartoon, Arlo and male colleague and new black employee, female: Arlo asks her, how many ceiling tiles in the conf. rm. ’36’ [or some such]. Arlo: ‘She’s one of us.’

  12. emeritus minnesota biologist Avatar
    emeritus minnesota biologist

    Posted this at the end of yesterday’s posts by mistake:

    emb 24 Jul 2014 6:22 pm # xx

    Speaking of giving out phone #s: Daughter was in NYC on business decades ago, and told me she was in a hotel across the street from new [ugh] Penn. station. I told her the number on her room’s phone was 736-5000. She was amazed.

    Lily, Ghost: re staff mtgs: ’90s [?] A&J cartoon, Arlo and male colleague and new black employee, female: Arlo asks her, how many ceiling tiles in the conf. rm. ’36’ [or some such]. Arlo: ‘She’s one of us.’

  13. Lilyblack Avatar

    emb: How well I know the feeling. Of posting on the wrong day, I mean, not counting ceiling tiles.

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    No, Ghost is NOT into hairy men! I meant about the extreme beards and how ugly most of them are/were. The Sean Connery well trimmed look is sexy, the rest are weird!

    I have a friend at Texas A and M who has beautiful handlebar mustache which he keeps impeccable. He is so famous for it that there are cartoon drawings of him with nothing more than the mustache and he is recognizable to many of us in the industry. Professor at university.

    Anyway, he and I once taught a Christmas design class together in my showroom and he ended up at the end of two weeks of this frivolity with glitter all in the mustache, his ears, his bald head and gained 5# from my cooking I fed him and class.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  15. Lilyblack Avatar

    Headline: “Haris Suleman, teen attempting world flight record, killed in plane crash” 😮

    I told you those things are death traps!

  16. Lilyblack Avatar

    Oh, and Jackie: Lady Astor once told Winston Churchill “Winston, I like neither your politics nor your mustache.”
    “That’s all right, Nancy, you are unlikely to come into contact with either.” 😀

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I am emphatically against children and/or teens attempting to set world records in airplanes or yachts while sailing/flying around the world. I think their parents are insane and should be prosecuted. But I feel same way about reality shows, children in beauty contests and similar insanity.

    One of my favorite soap boxes. Unfortunately I get to stand on it far too often.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  18. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    I was never really scared on a large jet, but when I had to fly on a commuter plane that was an oversized Cessna I got more than a little worried.

    Looking forward to September. Going to take a cross-country trip on Amtrak. That has been on my bucket list for ages, managed to get a coach ticket for $144 from Chicago to LA during a special. I have flown from Alabama to California and back, but never managed to ride the train. Have to fly to Chicago to catch it, but Southwest was cheap too. Haven’t flown since before 9/11, but last flight was Southwest and it was great.

  19. Lilyblack Avatar

    I got an invite to take the Amtrak to San Antonio, but none of my household would go so I declined. It would have been interesting. The Man In My Life has some great stories about taking one of the last Texas Chiefs from Ft. Worth to New Orleans in 1967. I wish I could have gone along with him. 🙁 I think I was born thirty years too late

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    You know, I am not sure if I have flown since 9/11? We used to hop on Southwest like it was a bus and I went everywhere constantly because I did florist shows and shipped everything on Southwest cheap! Cheap! Cheap! And there was always another flight if you missed one usually.

    But I was on one flight I think Aeromexico where the pilot aborted so many times everyone was silently praying. Finally got down and someone in back said, “You all thought we were all going to die too, didn’t you?”

    Plane broke into applause.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Used to ride the Pennsy back in the 1950’s because you couldn’t fly, Allegheny Airlines was always iced in. Think they flew DC-3’s then? The Pennsy was pretty nice with club cars, dining rooms, lounges, lots of upscale touches in those days. I remember they chained the silver sugar bowls to the walls in dining room to save them but I think I swiped an ash tray.

    I was pretty, dressed well and never looked my age, so I always rode in the “good cars” and talked to businessmen who seemed to have limitless expense accounts. Then you got to Grand Central and told them goodbye.

    Love, Jackie Monies

  22. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Hey! I’ve got thousands of hours in Cessna aircraft, many of which had only one engine (when I took off, not just when I landed), and I survived every one of them. I even had a flight student who was a Cessna, which I thought was kind of cool.

    I’ve already expressed my opinion of parents unnecessarily endangering their children, one obvious not shared by everyone here, so I’ll not repeat myself.

    Lily, you wouldn’t have been afraid to fly with me. You’d have felt as safe as if you were in the arms of an angel.

  23. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Never flew Tree Top Airlines, Jackie? 🙂

  24. Lilyblack Avatar

    Ghos, I wouldn’t feel safe in a darned airplane if Jimmy Doolittle was flying it

  25. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Well, this one is called the Southwest Chief. Goes from Chicago to Los Angeles by way of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. By the time I get there, I will definitely have seen parts of the USA I have only flown over before.
    Wish I could have gotten a sleeper, but it was priced out of reach. But according to the postings online from people who ride the trains, the coach seats are nearly as good as your recliner at home. And I can sleep in one of those!