I scanned this old Sunday this morning, just for you. I drew a lot bigger back then! It took two passes on my 11X17 flat-bed scanner to get it all. That is the very reason I began drawing smaller, shortly after this cartoon appeared in 1995. It was about that time I started scanning the daily cartoons and digitally transmitting them to my editors in New York. I started drawing smaller so I could scan a cartoon in one pass of the scanner. It was sometime later before I began transmitting the Sunday cartoons, because they simply were too big to transmit by dial-up modem. As it was, I remember it would take 12 to 15 minutes to transmit six daily cartoons. Now, it takes about three seconds.
Forward to the Past
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts
Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...
I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...
Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...
What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...
Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...
Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
314 responses to “Forward to the Past”
Wife hated Car Talk. I liked it, and listened when I could at the hospital gym where I work out. I have public radio on most of the time, the nearby MPR classical music station. They sometimes broadcast NPR programs, including brief news bites.
Frost advisory again tonight, then a warmer weekend, highs in 60s F. Rain on and off today, bit of sleet just after we’d entered a coffee house for lunch. Good paninis, good coffee.
I’m enjoying Car Talk the second time around. Listening to them is like sitting in a truck stop, minus the smoke and the bad coffee. And I also enjoy A Prairie Home Companion, except for the rare moments when Keillor gets too political.
When you’ve finished with JJ’s work today, check out today’s “B. C.” and “Chuckle Bros.” cartoons. Don’t believe I’ve seen either gag before. (Make your own jokes about “good taste”).
Good Morning Villagers…..
Heh…where’s the strips on Go Comics….comments are there, but no strips….hmmmm.
Miss Charlotte….thank you very much for the compliment and the “atta girl”…made my morning, lady. Never was the one who followed the old adage of when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping 🙂
Watched a classic movie yesterday, “The Long Hot Summer” with Newman and Woodward, they made a beautiful couple. Then saw a movie called “Mud” with Mathew McCaughnahy…good movie…. especially when he took his white shirt off 🙂 You there Jean…got to watch that movie.
Gotta go…big man coming in from the Corp to look at “problem” of “dirty” eggs….I’ll say one thing though….he’s nice to look at….heh, I’m 61, but not dead!!!!
So in the meantime to feed your addiction to comic strips, I’ll leave you with this good one:
Ya’ll have a blessed day….and it’s PAYDAY!!!
GR 😉
Where’s Mark been?
Pretty much, my life has become a rerun and far less interesting than Rob’s.
I was given the complete Dick Van Dyke Show DVD for my birthday last year and DW and I finally finished watching the run of shows last month. Still hilarious after 50 years and funnier than 95% of what airs today- all with no gratuitous sexual innuendo, crude language, mean-spirited put-downs that pass for “comedy” these days. Of course, Laura Petrie and her capri pants still look great!
Berk Breathed (sic) used to ride in the freight airplane that flew his comic to his publisher (Washington, I believe) drawing during the whole flight. On landing he handed the comic to a messenger at the airport and rode the plane back to Austin.
Debbe, I’ve been wondering if “Mud” was worth the watch. Thanks for the recommendation!
Neat info and video from the American Society of Mammalogists.
Peace, emb
Good moring, Villagers. Great run this morning, the cool is really invigorating. I did nine miles out of sheer lightheartedness, making me late for morning rounds. The Boss Of My Life was already dressed and patting her foot when I got home, so I had to run through the shower and air dry my hair on the way to the hospital, which results in its looking like a rat’s nest. I am going to re-wet it in the bathroom and re-dry it.
TruckerRon, there is nothing else out there like Prairie Home Companion, is there? It’s being snuggled up in your favorite sweatshirt on a cold winter night, with your feet up on the sofa, and just one light on to keep back the darkness.
Go here NOW.
Darkest OF eruption I’ve seen, mostly because the hole is shadowed by its own steam, I think.
About today’s rerun of Arlo on couch watching Dick Van Dyke:
it is the rerun of Arlo’s life that he is talking about, not just the tv show. Comment isn’t pertaining to reruns on tv but that Arlo is doing same thing over and over and his life isn’t the exciting events he thought it would be when he was a kid and dreaming.
Only had time to read everyone on today’s comments, so have no idea what else anyone has said. Jimmy Buffett’s “He Went to Paris” is not only a classic to us Buffett fans but also one of the saddest and most poignant songs ever written about life by any songwriter.
When our oldest daughter was in high school we sent her to France as a language exchange student for a summer. She lived on French breads, cheeses and high content ice cream. We did not recognize her at airport, as she had left Houston a skinny, hollow eyed waif whose clothes fell off her and returned round faced and “normal looking.”
Later we were on Main Street in Disney World that year when a young French tourist was asking where to buy the type film he needed for his camera. I understood him, clerk did not, I urged daughter to tell him to go to another shop where he would find it.
She could not tell him! So much for language exchange programs, I think I ended up telling him in Spanish which he also spoke.
Running late in life today, was supposed to be 50 miles away by now buying all the “distressed” perennials at Lowes nursery for $1 a pot by 9 a.m. this morning.
Love, Jackie Monies
Heh, run, Jackie, run. That distressed nasturtium isn’t gonna wait all day 😀
Since I speak Spanish, I am often called on to be the “Office Translator”, though my Spanish classes didn’t include medical terms, I have a little dictionary that helps. What was fun, though, was standing next to a French tourist at NorthPark Nieman’s and getting to translate for her to the clerk about make-up items. We went and had a drink afterwards, and she was chattering away in colloquial French which was hard to follow. But I remember what she said when I ordered a Margarita instead of wine. “Mon Dieu, vous serez tous en état d’ébriété!” I laughed and said “Il faut beaucoup plus d’une Margarita pour me faire ivre.” She ,made a face and said “Les cocktails je les déteste.” Same planet, different worlds!
Since everyone seems to be gone, I have to invite you all to watch ESPN College Game Day from downtown Fargo tomorrow at 8-11 central time. GO BISON
I’m not gone. Here is a site about the solar storm and consequents auroras; the first several photos are Sol through various filters, the rest auroras. A 1853 CDT, before[?] sunset here, it’s mostly cloudy. The mgmt. is not responsible for the weather.
Actually, I plant my nasturtiums from seed, one of my favorite flowers.
I did, however, score $1,800 plus/more or less perennials and grasses from Lowes for $81 and held up a lot of annoyed customers who I kept apologizing to. They sold me all the carts, with three shelves of perennials I wanted for $15 each and the pampas grasses for $1 each and all the one gallon rudbeckia’s that were left for $1 each, which were about 18 of each plant.
And I got to pick the ones I wanted and reject any I didn’t, had a customer service rep helping me, then four other customer service reps to help shove them in truck. And the rep kept calling me “Miss Jackie” which is fine with me!
Front yard will no longer have grass, just the rock walls and ditches and some built in rock beds. Whole thing will be reseeding wildflowers, low care hardy perennials in drifts, ornamental grasses, daylilies, iris, herbs spilling over walls, etc.
Then when the neighbors weeds and grasses make it into my yard and flowers, they won’t be as obvious and the Johnson grass will just look like part of the native/natural grass look! It likes my yard and gets 6 feet tall, what with the fertilizer.
Next summer I will have hummingbirds, butterflies and birds back in force enjoying it all, which I in turn will enjoy. My wildlife garden used to be the one I look out of from office but that one is going to be roses, hydrangeas, daylilies and iris now, plus another wooden deck to replace grass and dirt.
Janis looks like a wimpy gardener compared to my insanity.
Love, Jackie Monies
Go here now!
Well, this has certainly been a fun and exciting couple of days. (Where did I leave that damn “sarcasm” emoticon?) My Mom (following the needle biopsy of her lung I mentioned last month) is about a quarter of the way through a course of radiation beam therapy for a lung nodule that turned out to be adenocarcinoma, but localized (thankfully), and with no evidence it is metastatic either to or from any other location. She is doing so well with her treatments that her attitude can best be summed up as “What’s the big deal?” Which phrase she actually uttered to the radiation onc guy during his last weekly check of her progress.
However, she does have to go in each day, Monday through Friday, for her treatments, and she no longer drives. My brother-in-law and I have been trading off carrying her to the oncology clinic for them…until he slipped in the tub and had a run-in (literally) with a glass shower door the other evening. One might say he won the confrontation, as the door was shattered, but only if one overlooked the total of 20 skin staples it took to close the lacerations on his head and right arm, and the not-insignificant number of square inches of epidermis that were shaved off this left arm as a parting shot from the shower door. Oh, and the concussion he suffered as an extra special bonus prize when he sailed out of the tub and executed a tile-floor face-plant, apparently performed without any loss of style points.
The concussion appeared to be serious enough that as soon as the doc finished stapling him back together, the ever-zany ER crew packaged and shipped him by ambulance to the nearest facility with a neurosurgeon on staff, where he was held overnight for observation. To say that my schedule the last couple of days has suffered greatly from on-the-fly-ism would be significantly understating the situation. The good news revolves around the fact that his concussion appears to not be as serious as initially feared; his out-of-state daughter and son-in-law arrived, picked him up from the hospital and delivered him home a short while ago, saving me a pretty good drive to retrieve him; and that it’s Friday. Where did I leave that damn bourbon bottle?
It just struck me that the above sounded much like something Lady Mindy would post. Except with rum at the end, rather than bourbon. 🙂
Don’t touch my rum Ghost. 🙂 Wow, what a week for you! Glad everyone is doing okay-ish. I’ve met shower doors like that, but without the bloodthirsty streak though. My grandparent’s glass shower doors often played the delightful double prank of dropping their handles AND coming off track at the same time. Wonderful fun. Really glad your mom’s treatment and prognosis is so positive.
Early morning wake up – night all!
That was a pretty good OF blow, I’m guessing with the webcam unsupervised, because it never angled up above the crowd to get the tops of the higher jets.
/ my “1853” mention above, Sol is still up here, lighting up cumulus clouds to the south. Frost advisories around I Falls tonight. MN is mostly west of the 90th parallel, so sunset on 22 Sept. w/b 5-15 min. or so after 1900 hrs.
Best wishes and a prayer for your Mom, Ghost
Nobody here at our casa will let me forget that at a party shortly after I came to work here, I was carrying a tray of hors d’oeuvres to the back yard which was full of people and forgot about the glass door to the deck (which has now been changed for French doors for entirely unrelated reasons) and ran into the darned thing, spilling hors d’oeuvres all over the floor. And I was drunk. Very.
Glad your mom is handling everything OK. Guess that is where you get your intestinal fortitude, which you have sorely needed! And… glad that your BIL didn’t suffer worse consequences. Hang in there, good buddy…