Given the drift of yesterday’s conversation, I couldn’t resist showing you this Sunday example of reality-bending from five years ago. Speaking of yesterday’s conversation, I would like to set the record straight about one thing. I do not draw my comic strip digitally. Far from it. In fact, I recently experimented with felt-tip pens, which most cartoonists—the decreasing number who do not draw digitally—have favored for years. I drew with felt-tip pens for several months, but I didn’t care for the results. I have gone back to pen nib and India ink on 100% rag Strathmore paper. In fact, they don’t make the pen points I use anymore. I have to watch for them on eBay, where they’re sold as antiques. I figure I have a two-year supply on hand right now. Only after I finish drawing an A&J strip do I enter the digital world by scanning the artwork and creating a file.

Fowl Story
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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153 responses to “Fowl Story”
He failed to mention that he is also trained to walk on a leash and to put down the toilet lid.
Mr. Ghost, do you spend your days searching out these gems or do you subscribe to a service? I can only surmise the male equivalent is a jock strap mask. 😉
No service involved, Loon. Every time I go on line, I stumble over some random, delightfully off-center item, story, fact or picture. The InterWebNet is crawling with them.
And the jock strap mask idea…nah, I don’t think so. Although, in a pinch, I wouldn’t at all object to sharing a bra mask with some well-endowed (and nice-smelling) lady.
eMb, Hakuna Matata! From the movie The Lion King. It means no worries for the rest of your days.
Ghost, yes, I am fluent in Southern. It’s a dialect of American. I can also speak South Dakotan, but not as well.
Good morning, it is ll a.m. and we are up around here. On Yahoo news there is a category called Weird News or Odd News or something like that. I used to wonder where Mike’s old sailing partner came up with some of HIS little goodies and I found out he read a news service like that.
Sometimes the news is so odd anyway you don’t have to try hard!
Daughter is all excited about Polar Vortex since she is going home for a visit to Illinois. Actually it will be that cool in Oklahoma as well.
National weather service said they were sorry they had used the term “second coming of Polar Vortex” and said people were calling them irate, as they are sensitive to that terminology. I thought they meant the part about the Second Coming.
Turns out it was the cold part!
Love, Jackie Monies
Oh for heaven’s sake, I broke the blog with that post back at 11 a.m. Have been trying to get onto A and J all day, computer wouldn’t go there and now I find no one else could either! I am sorry.
Love, Jackie Monies
Maybe Arlo and Janis closed down so the Day family could have a World Cup party.
Soccer? They haven’t finished playing that yet? There’s 186 or something like that countries in the world, right? So they have to play like 93 or more games, right? So that’s why it seems like they’ve been playing World Cup games for like forever, right?
When I tried to look in here a couple of hours ago, I said to myself, “Self, I’ll bet Jackie broke the blog.” 🙂
No worries Jackie. It is finally back up and that is the important thing.
GR6, no more games in the World Cup than there are in March Madness.
I wish the Polar Vortex would visit Utah this week. I’d like a break from the heat for a few days. And during the coldest part of the winter I’d like for a system to flow up from the Baja for a few days. Moderation!
Yep, the daughter said “Now is when we get to go to the Great Lakes and it will be cool!” Literally. They are complaining up there about lack of tourists, I replied. Wish Mike were well enough to go anywhere other than a doctor or hospital. Tomorrow we get the stint taken out of his kidney.
All day I have celebrated with whacking the dirty laundry on the rocks. Not really, I used a washer and dryer. Bonnie, my helper is always telling me how she spent her youth in the convent laundry but I think they used big pots and an oar to stir with. Things with an electric plug confound her.
Love, Jackie Monies
OMG, sand! That many games?! 🙂
Reference stumbling across odd, unusual or entertaining things on the InterWebNet, case in point…–/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTgwMDtweW9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz0xMTE2/
Something about “second-world prostate exams” or the inadvisability of mooning bulls comes to mind, but feel free to come up with your own caption.
[Hey, that link is almost as long as the one Debbe posted one time. Wish I could get hyperlinks to work reliably.]
The “point” of what was going on in the photo above is even more ridiculous than the picture; to wit, annoying bulls until they chase you; then jumping into the sea so that the bull jumps in after you; and then using small boats to fish the bulls out of the water. (I can only imagine that fishing a wet, mad bull out of the water must be even more interesting than getting him to jump into the water in the first place.) Granted, this seems like something Navy SEALs might do for fun, but it’s pretty obvious these people are not Navy SEALs. Or even as bright as real seals.
The Navy Seals I have met are so serious and straight I am not sure they have fun? And polite! I think they audition them and they are same height, build, good looking, a real positive advertisement for our Navy.
But they may have been being nice to an old lady, too. They all call me “Ma’am” and make sure I don’t fall on my face or other parts!
Some of them have fun sailing small boats or paddling kayaks, trimarans, in “adventure” boating events. I don’t think they would annoy bulls. Or sharks or any other critters.
Love, Jackie Monies
Ghost, I meant to ask. How did you get to be a notary public? I got the position by default, no one wanted to do it and I think we drew straws or something and I lost.
All I ever did was notarize government documents and copies of people’s birth certificates, wedding papers, that sort of thing and then returned original to them.
Not exciting.
Love, Jackie Monies
Good. I was hoping it was the site and not my new laptop.
If one thinks of it, for any single-elimination tournament involving N teams, no matter how they are matched up, it requires exactly N-1 games to determine the champion. In the distant past, I had been known to wonder about such things until I realized that each game eliminated 1 team, and N-1 teams needed to be eliminated.
Tacitly, one is assuming that each game is played to a decision; no ties allowed.
Jackie, I had two former employers that had to occasionally file suit in small claims court for debt recovery. In both cases, the employer paid the costs involved. In the first case, I performed all the separate steps required to become a Notary myself. By the time I again had need to be a Notary, there were services that would handle it on a turn-key basis. And as I said, being one was a lot less glamorous than I had imagined when I was young.
As for SEALs, I suspect their behavior among their peers would make them seem a good bit less choirboy-ish than their public personas might. 🙂
Good morning Villagers….
GR 😉 our dust masks don’t even compare to the “emergency” mask….well, you knew someone had too much time on their ‘hands’ 🙂
Good girl Loon….mine is always down for me, in both bathrooms. In modular homes, commodes are smaller and lower than the standard commode. And I live with three men.
But, Andrew has met a very nice young lady…..and Brooklynne Rose approves. Unfortunately, she lives in Vincennes which is about an hour’s drive west of here. So……who knows. Take baby steps, I say (her two year old son had endless energy last night)…..but, he’s not leaving until he gets his projects completed at work 🙂 I’m happy for him and Brooklynne. Now to find a woman for my son who fits his MO 🙂 Hey, the Boss man’s soon to be ex son-in-law has a new woman, rebounds sometimes just don’t work out like everyone wishes.
Raining here…..
Watched “The Hurt Locker” last night….Sundance Channel is not the same since they started with commercials.
later…ya’ll have a blessed day.
just for grins….
looks like my male cat, Buddee, only without the pollen.
and tomorrow the high 72 degrees
Ah Monday. It is not yet 8am and I have cleaned up 120oz (yes, one hundred and twenty ounces) of crappy beer (twice), AND stepped in cold cat barf. (And PSA for the day: strawberry-scented room odor neutralizer does nothing to neutralize beer. You just get a strawberry-scented stale beer smell to endure.)
In other news, there seems to be an all-new set of maintenance guys refurbishing the apartments. I’ve quite lost count of them all.
I’m going to sit very still, eat my breakfast, hope I don’t drown in the shower, and go to bed!
Still trying to figure out why you had to clean up all that beer, Lady Mindy. (The cat barf I think I understand.) Best I’ve come up with is that you threw a kegger for a bunch of friends who all have very poor hand-eye coordination.
Debbe, three men! This is a family site. 😉
Mindy, safety first, skip the shower.