A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Habitual Offender

By Jimmy Johnson

I apologize for missing a few days, but I am traveling this week; this morning I am in Demopolis, “the City of the People.” For your perusal, I have pulled from the files an old A&J from 1989. There was a lot of this sort of interaction in the early years of Arlo & Janis. Janis’ self-image was not very strong, to say the least. She matured considerably over the years and, as a result, began to be drawn better.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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90 responses to “Habitual Offender”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    JJ, I haven’t written much fiction, but I have experienced surprise at how the characters develop themselves in my unconscious, how even their accents that I hear in my head change.

  2. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    I am happy to see that Our Fearless Cartoonist has opened the gates of the Village and we Orphans can come back and visit with our friends!

    Good morning to Debbe, I have really missed you. Ghost, are you out there? Emb, please post the link to the Eagles’ nests again, I want to see them too. And the Giraffe; hope the cameras are correct now.

  3. JBDaphne Avatar

    Demopolis founded by the Vine & Olive Colony. Nice town.

  4. emb Avatar

    Here’s the Decorah N site:


    Park has stopped that live giraffe stream. Emailed a query / mom.


  5. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Such a habit that I have enjoyed over the past 25 years.

  6. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Oops 35 years. I don’t want to shortchange my wife!!!

  7. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Well, I have had the chance to revive the habit of being kissed after four decades of not being kissed. I found meaningless or meaningful kisses to be equally enjoyable.

    And I seem to have rid myself of any insecurities I may have harbored. Apparently I am good at kissing.

    Must be like riding a bicycle? Maybe I should try riding a bike again? Maybe I could ride one even of I couldn’t before.

  8. Symply Fargone Avatar
    Symply Fargone

    Symply could not watch the giraffe video; got upset!


    Funny Janis and I had something in common in our chronological adolescence; bad self image. glad we have both cleared that up.

    Hellos to all Villagers past, present and lurking….

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good Afternoon Villagers…

    What happened??? Came back later in the evening and the Village Door was shut….oh well, it’s opened now….Amen

    Finally got my email account opened…..

    Ian, in his infinite wisdom shut off antivirus per Window’s request when upgrading….he forgot to enable it…….so deeply embedded was this virus….laptop went to doc. πŸ™‚

    And happy belated birthday Miss Charlotte.

    Has that giraffe given birth yet??

    Dad is doing fine, just shuffling alone. He rolled out of bed the other morning and hit the corner of the night stand….bruising a couple of ribs. So he’s not been sleeping well, so for now he’s sleeping in the recliner.

    Some sixty degrees here…and snow on Saturday…..hahahahaha….in like a lion and out like a lamb.


  10. Debbe Avatar

    Hey SF, saw that on the news the other day….we’ve bred a generation of voyeurs.

  11. Debbe Avatar


    ….so much has changed on the above website….sigh….

  12. Debbe Avatar

    Thank you GR for the Eva link….this is excellently done…


    …I have really missed my music this past 60 some days…..lots to catch up on….I promise I won’t over link ya’ll πŸ™‚

  13. Smigz Avatar

    Jackie, it sounds like you have been having some fun!

  14. Debbe Avatar

    It does at that, doesn’t it Smigz πŸ™‚

    Can’t remember my first kiss, but I can tell you who and when ‘that’ first happened πŸ™‚

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Best trip, best vacation in my life. And had been everywhere before. Company was great. That makes a difference doesn’t it?

  16. Debbe Avatar

    Jerry, how’s Elvis and the kitten? Have you been following Breaking Cat News?

    \Guess where I get my news? Missed you too. Hope and pray all is well with you and yours


  17. emb Avatar

    Wind has died down. The chirps you hear [still?] are probably House Sparrows near the apartments downstairs.


    No reply / a newborn giraffe yet. First ‘live’ video was from a news story. There’s no money to make by replying to an email from halfway across the nation. They may not understand value of PR.


  18. Smigz Avatar

    Debbe brought back the music!

  19. Dennis Ewing Avatar
    Dennis Ewing

    On the subject of critters, my daughter went and got a cat about 8 years ago from one of the organizations similar to the Humane Society. She was spayed. So here we are 8 years later and she is dropping kittens. What the heck? Is there a time limit on spaying?

  20. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Strip of 03.08.17:

    Some years ago, I decided that, if a job is worth doing right, it’s worth paying a pro to do it for you.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here is my gift to the Village, time in a bottle. Don’t wait until there’s no time. Do what makes you happy and do it now my friends.


  22. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    And another gift, remember these are the days. There’s only here and now. Don’t wait to live.
