A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

I ask myself every day…

By Jimmy Johnson

April 4, 2012

I purchased my first computer system in 1996. Cartoonists were just beginning to send their material to the syndicates by digital transmission. Before then, it was the USPS or courier. I wasn’t among the very first to make the transition, but I did get into the game pretty early. My first computer looked something like the one above. At the time, I lived in the boonies about 80 miles from Memphis. I drove the distance on a Friday afternoon, planning to have a bit of an evening out and visit a computer store Saturday morning. Overnight, Memphis was beset by a particularly virulent ice storm. The motel where I was staying did not lose power, but much of the city did, including the computer store. They were open, however, two young men sitting in semi-darkness when I arrived the next morning. An hour or so later, I departed with a CPU tower, a monitor that must have weighed 50 lbs. and a very solidly built scanner, all purchased from a computer outlet with no electricity.

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51 responses to “I ask myself every day…”

  1. Philippe/Symply Avatar

    Thought the ice would be gone by today, yesterday it was in the high 50s and I went out to a campground a group of us have in the woods of Maine(82 acres) It was so nice we stoked up the wood fire sauna and started to relax after doing a few hours of maintenance work on the site. Well it was getting Fargone hot in the sauna(140F by our inaccurate thermometer) and I thought since. We had filled the water tower it might be a good idea to take an water ambient temperature shower in the sauna(gravity fed from tower)….unfortunately there was a valve at the top of the hill from the sauna under the water tower that needed to be opened so guess who went running up the hill(it was brisk) to turn it on…and then we Symply turned on the shower and froze….ambient water from a dug well in Maine in first week of April is not warm…in any case that was a good day, today it is cold altering between rain and snow and sleet, the ice on the lake in Bryant Pond is till there..have a great day!

    1. Ghost Avatar

      A couple of buddies and I left college at the end of the semester the first week of June one year and drove to Biddeford Pool, Maine, where the family of one of them had a summer house. The weather reminded me a lot of late November/early December in my neck o’ the Deep South woods. Brrrrrr! But the area was absolutely beautiful.

      1. Philippe/Symply Avatar

        Biddeford Symply isn’t that Fargone far from here!

    2. Sideburns Avatar

      We’ve gone from winter storms to the mid to high 70s here in the daytime, and the high 40s most nights. May get colder again, but for now, it’s nice and sunny.

  2. TruckerRon Avatar

    There’s a reason “Never work with children or animals” is an old show business adage!

  3. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    The temperature was 78 today here in SE Ohio. An absolutely gorgeous day. Couple of days ago we had freezes!

    I have made comments that my name never changed in the comments area. I spoke too soon. Currently it says I am Rick in Shermantown, Ohio. At least it got the state right! After I change it, we’ll see if it stays.

  4. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    Seems OK for now…

  5. Galliglo from Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo from Ohio

    No, you moved to Oklahoma!

    Mine had stayed as me, Jackie Monies for days. I prematurely said Jimmy must have fixed the blog site yesterday.

  6. Kerry Avatar

    And now I’m Kerry, whoever that is. It was so warm today that I still have my window open at nearly 1030 pm. I don’t expect it to last this early in April. But I am very grateful for what we are getting. Got a call from my VA doctor’s office today. I was scheduled for annual checkup in June, but they’ve moved it up to a week from Friday. So up early Saturday morning to go get the labwork drawn. Glad they have reopened Saturday hours at the clinic. Labs have to be fasting so best done early, but with my work schedule Saturday morning is the best time for me to go in. Then have the appointment on the following Friday and Dr. Liebman has had time to look it all over thoroughly beforehand.

  7. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Doggone it. I posted before changing back to my own name. The VA post is not Kerry. It’s Mark.

  8. emb Avatar

    Still cranes in water & aloft. Expect many have left. Peace,


  9. Hayley Avatar

    I appreciate, cause I discovered exactly what I was having a look for.
    You’ve ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a
    great day. Bye