Island Fantasy
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
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52 responses to “Island Fantasy”
Nice early surprise – have a good drive
The moral of this story is, don’t let a booboo mar your humorous headline:
Did you ever see the ’40s’50s NY Daily News [I think] headline re the end of the subway strike?
These poems that we all call limericks
Are seldom much more than just gimmricks.
With serious thought
They seldom are fraught.
But Jimmy’s are always good whim tricks.
“Sick Transit’s Glorious Monday”, NY Daily News 1980 headline after negotiations ended a long subway walkout, on a weekend.
I have thought of being on a deserted island. Maybe it started with Gilligan and then CastAway brought it out even more. The biggest thing is water but shelter and food are right behind it. Plus unless you at least had a radio, it might get kind of boring.
Caution Janis! Those island dreams are fraught with problems. Plans, permits, delays, and utility re routing add months to an innocent idea.
Old joke about three women asked with whom they would want to be stranded on the proverbial deserted island. One wanted interesting conversation, another a good provider of food and shelter. The last said, “Personally I’d settle for a good obstetrician.”
JJ, I love desert island cartoons, the sillier the better. They make my day.
… But I’m not “Anonymous”. My name has always just been there already. I haven’t had to type it in since I got this laptop.
“Wolf spiders are not poisonous but they are venomous. Though a wolf spider bite can look pretty bad and even be fairly painful, this spider’s venom is not very dangerous for humans.”
…while sitting on a human’s fingers.
Good one! Impressive!
Was puzzled by the distinction in your quote, so searched “venomous vs. poisonous”. Turns out that, if you eat it and you get sick or die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you get sick or die, it’s venomous. I’ve learned something.
It’s thunder-boomies out, has been since late am, but we’ve had only light rain. Our mostly sandy glacial outwash soil could use more rain.
Thanks, Rick!
A couple of months ago, we purchased magnetic signs reading “Steals and Deals” for “True Grit”, Jackie’s Ford F150. Today I finally got around to trying to put them on the truck. No luck. I knew the bed was aluminum, which is why Jackie’s former truck, Trigger, was totaled out after the drunk hit-an-run driver hit it from the rear. It never occurred to me that the entire body of the truck…cabin, doors, hood, roof, and side panels…were ALL made from “military grade” aluminum, as Ford calls it.
That belated realization occasioned a good bit of military grade cursing on my part. I told Jackie we should consider changing the truck’s name to “Beer Can”.
Did someone say “limericks”?
JJ, that link at the top of the page is 404 Compliant.
crossover time: https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32745209_1804515782919992_3962093255952171008_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&_nc_eui2=AeHBcUkI3j-RsdWfX5Vh32YkPCVROE4qlMbgmpvRSjaiPTaxrL_AG8cxAi48QIf2z5gNgGoyXyxvJ_uz2CVLWOihXCW-YmqPJc4kqRYrLa03Tw&oh=19873c3c2cc85f882cebcf34c6f0ab84&oe=5B98C519
From the “learn something new department”: We went to the zoo and noticed that the tusks of the rhinoceros were cut off. A co-worker hung up a picture of a rhinoceros in his office as he had recently gone to Africa. I mentioned seeing the tuskless rhino and he said that in some cultures the tusk is an aphrodisiac and people when kill the rhinos and sell the tusks. So zoos have taken the tusks off so that they will not be harmed by someone sneaking in and killing them.
BTW, my spell check was not working on Chrome as I wrote this. I will have to check with my IT department as to why. Maybe that seeting was taken off by accident.
Found the setting on Chrome and spell check was disabled. Since I am at work, I am not allowed to change that setting.
Don’t know if the runt is alive or not. Detected no motion over 3-4 minutes.
Scroll down to see other bird live cams and some “highlights.” Two Canada geese on the once red-tailed hawk nest again. Believe 4 goose eggs disappeared from that nest many days ago.
Likely more than you wanted to know about rhino horn. Got to know one Indian and one African rhino rather well as an asst. keeper at the Bronx Zoo summers of ’49 and ’50. Not friendly beasts.
11:37 a.m. CDT: All four peregrine chicks showed motion. Yay!
Decorah north eagle nest has a new hatchling as of a few hours ago. This was the place where the sole egg remaining of the first batch was broken too soon. We now know that bald eagles, faced with a loss of potential offspring during the springtime, can and will lay more and carry through to hatching.
I hate it when I see an old person and then realize that we went to high school together.
I think the Villagers must have been stranded on a deserted island. Say hi to Gilligan for me.