A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

It’s French for ‘gooey!’

By Jimmy Johnson

It’s been a few years since we’ve seen this A&J from 1993. Have you ever noticed how many of those quickie casserole recipes on Facebook include potatoes, cheese, ham or bacon, corn, sour cream and a variable ingredient or two? Of course they’ll be good! Most of the Kickstarter rewards that were scheduled for delivery in October have been sent. The T shirts did not go out until Monday, the last day of the month, so if you’re expecting a T, it might not have arrived yet. It should soon. However! The original sketches have not gone out yet. They will be sent by this time next week. I apologize for the delay; I’m sure you won’t have much trouble speculating about its cause.

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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173 responses to “It’s French for ‘gooey!’”

  1. emb Avatar

    Livecam highlights. Rainbow, now orcas. Close expl ore. Peace,

    http://expl ore.org/live-cams/player/orcalab-base

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Sand you just happen to be a favorite of many of us. We must all be of the age we lose too many we love.

    Remember when Denise vanished? Jerry is still upset. And now Jerry is in hiatus himself. And so Debbe and Smigs worry. It is a domino effect.

  3. Smigz Avatar

    I’m aware of one regular poster who suffered from severe depression and became abruptly non-functional for several months, then didn’t know if they could face returning. We can only hope the best for each other.

  4. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    True totally. We often do not fully or even partially reveal the hells we may walk through daily. Or the courage it takes to walk at all. Some of you I know. I will say without reservation the admiration I have for each and every one of you here in the Village.

    Wish I could meet all of you personally. Those I have met or that I have had personal exchanges with have not only brought me joy but taught me life lessons. Thank you.

  5. Lost in A**2 Avatar
    Lost in A**2

    And some of us just can’t keep up. We respond when we’ve something relevant to say.

  6. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Sure GR6 and others remember Mindy and John. I occasionally wonder if they still live on their mountain, battle kudzu, and what became of the preacher.

  7. Sideburns Avatar

    I’m a regular reader here, but don’t contribute that much because I only write something when I feel I have something worth saying here. However, I would like to say that I’m glad that this year’s campaign is ending tomorrow, although I’m sure that millions of Americans will be shocked and horrified by the outcome.

  8. Smigz Avatar

    Lost in A**2, that’s so true…many of us drop in from time to time and share views on what catches our eye or our mind.

    sand, I remember Mindy and John fondly, too. I’ve read the blog for quite awhile.

  9. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Smigz, glad you recall them. Somedays I need validation that my mind is not dreaming away the years in a self delusional fantasy.

  10. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    From what I remember of John and Mindy, they were too far north (somewhere in western Virginia) for kudzu; their battle was with bamboo. Anyone who has ever tried to get rid of the stuff would be totally justified in fearing that the bamboo won the battle!

    Symply, if you’re lurking, didn’t you have contact with them?

  11. Rusty Avatar

    Same here… I pretty much read daily (but, living in OZ, am now 14 hours out of sync with Central time…), but I only post occasionally. No drama, as they say down here… 🙂

  12. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio

    Speaking of casseroles, I found the following on my Shakespearean Insult a Day calendar for Dec. 3 & 4:

    Money-Saving Tip: The next time you make a casserole, double up and make an extra to put in the freezer for an easy meal later.

    I doubt that Arlo and Gene would like this tip.

  13. sandcastler™ Avatar

    Ruth Anne, I stand corrected, twas bamboo. Just saw so much kudzu in Mississippi it scared me for life. I first battled bamboo in Vietnam and years later on our property outside of Memphis.


    Lawdy lawdy, y’all have inspired me! The drunken stew was good at lunch and big container in fridge for more meals. The other two r oasis are c in fridge and the apple cranberry pork roast in crock pot cooking.

    Just found good herb basting mix for turkey breastfeeding and two pork loin recipes, one wi t h sweet potatoes and another with garlic gravy.

  15. domaucan1 Avatar

    Sorry to be so late. Busy day and a bit of a sinus problem due to a cool front that passed through BR. Not much to say except:
    God bless us every one. God bless the USA.


    Hal has had a field day. HE and tablet are preparing to be part of election chaos. I wrote that after lunch and have just eaten part of the pork and apples for dinner. Everything is turning out tender and juicy and delicious but it won’t win any presentation award for looks. I need to put apple pork away and cook whole big pork roast next.

    May have to freeze stuff soon. Ran out of fridge.

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Have turkey breast in one crock pot and half a huge pork loin that I swear weighed 10 pounds. Looked in trash, it did. It looks like thanksgiving already here. Put sweet potatoes with one. Stuck third one back in fridge. Overfill ed dishwasher.

    Tomorrow I must go vote for a candidate I do not want elected and go to dentist. The dentist out scores the candidates by a long shot. He is a Native American who serves weeks each year as a medical missionary and has done so for the 22 years I have gone to him. He is direct line descendent of one of the founding chiefs of the Five Civilized Tribes. I admire him a great deal, plus I have beautiful teeth.

    Wish I could vote for him.

  18. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Thank you, Smigz, for posting that list. I have that list taped to the wall here, but rarely see it since I don’t turn on the above light. It is titled rightly, ‘important list’.

    This cold front is going to be a factor in cleaning…. brrrr….

    Speaking of missing people, where has Indy Mindy been??

    May the Lord have mercy on us today…..Amen.

  19. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Mindy is fine, over on Facebook today. Miss Charlotte is too, replying to a post Mindy made about finding a missing ancestor in a genealogy search. Galligo is there on Mindy’s page liking something, as is Mark (and others perhaps?)

    Sand is right, we need a like button here.

    My alarm which I had NOT set went off mysteriously and loudly at 7.30 a.m Someone is controlling Hal and is NOT me. George Orwell, where art Thou? Big Brother arrived a long time ago.

  20. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I went to a wedding 5 years ago for my niece and unfortunately the marriage did not last. I became friends with my niece’s in-laws and decided to stay friends on Facebook. I posted today’s Blondie’s cartoon on her Facebook wall as it was about Pickle-ball, which is one of her passions.

    She thanked me for staying friends even though it would have been easy to have dropped each other. Both she and her husband are classy people and I saw no reason to drop them. I guess that is a message that needs to get out on this particular day. Stay classy. Stay friends even when there are differences.

  21. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    One of my friends, a retired attorney with the nickname Lawless, posted a similar essay which I just shared too. Not political but human, he asked us to be kind to each other.

    Guess I will get dressed and go vote.

  22. TruckerRon Avatar

    And Jimmy has started a new post: Dinner Theater