A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

It’s Pizza Man!

By Jimmy Johnson

Here’s a Saturday post in the way of an apology for being so haphazard the past few weeks. The pizza guy used to be a dependable wellhead of gags a few years back, but he largely has disappeared. I attribute this to me now living in an area not served by pizza delivery. “Pizza Man” sounds like a super hero, doesn’t he? Maybe I could create such a character and feature him in a comic book! I think these comic conventions are starting to affect me. Speaking of, today is Saturday, so this must be Burlington, Vermont! The “Vermont Comic Con” begins today, and Arlo and Janis are there!

Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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119 responses to “It’s Pizza Man!

  1. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Mark, you were correct. A single car hit a power pole and shut down I-44 both east and west. We hit the traffic jam outside St. Louis about 3.20 p.m. and it is now 9.30 p.m. and we emerged from detour and got back on interstate in time to hit a rain storm. Headed for first dog friendly motel we found.

    Talk about travel issues, my driver smokes, I do not, I have dog and like ground floor rooms. We usually end up on two floors or opposite ends of motel. I put Dickens with me. But I am grateful for help. I have learned tricks of traveling with the trailer, both in driving and parking it. It has been helpful to hear road tips from a truck and long distance hauler who has driven professionally for almost 40 years.

  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Note, driver is employee who retired from driving and doesn’t enjoy it so I lose him back to my patio, fencing and house and yard repairs. But I did get boat safely here and will make it home tomorrow. Trailer seems working well.

    Still need someone to travel with me to Puget Sound.

    Jerry, don’t tempt the wind and sea gods, be safe. All you Floridians evacuate if need be.

    Mindy, that was sweet getting your grandmother so much attention and love. That is what they need. You are a good woman and kind.

  3. Bob Avatar

    Dave from Brookline – I’d suggest that “Pizza Man” was more of a pet name for Cptn. Furillo than a nickname. I don’t think any of the uniforms could get away calling him that.

  4. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Mindy: Good to hear about your grandmother’s best gift – the bad news is that your privacy settings won’t let us see the picture. (Smart of you to be private about most things.)

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    That did it. The pic above is the one Mindy wanted you all to see.

  6. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Here’s my latest mystery song sent to me “Cold Hearted Woman.”


  7. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…

    Mark, thanks for the link. Indy Mindy is a great granddaughter…..I miss mine.

    Too tired to think….need more coffee. Put in 9 hours, going in for another. Look out payday.

    I need to look up why farm workers don’t get overtime. Another employee has planted a ‘seed’ in Ian’s head and he is fired up. I told him he knew this when he came to work.

    gotta go get more coffee

    Have a blessed Lord’s day.

  8. Debbe Avatar

    wish I could sleep like that for about 10 hour…..straight 🙂


  9. Debbe Avatar

    TR…your joke made me think of Bobby Knight 🙂 only he used chairs!!!!!

  10. emb Avatar

    From AWAD Mail 739:

    Said Dubya, “This summer I’ll estivate,
    Chop wood on my ranch, and holes excavate.
    It’s time to relax
    For Saddam got the axe.
    That’ll teach him to misunderestimate.”

    Steve Benko, New York, New York

  11. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    Uh, 911, uh, smirk , uh, international war on terrorism, uh, shrug, uh, wmd’s, uh (repeat)

  12. Smigz Avatar

    Mindy, that is pretty darn wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

    Debbe, you are amazing, girl!

  13. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Good morning all. Heading back on road for last leg of trip with big sailboat to get home. Next project immediately is to drive trailer to boat shop in coastal Texas to put the boat we are building there on trailer. I will leave boat there but it is sitting on a building frame and needs to come off.

    My cushions and bed for my new large boat are down there since that was where I was supposed to be, so I must get them as well. THEN I can leave for the show in Washington state.

    Great trip, through Kansas to Denver, into Wyoming, across Utah and Idaho into Washington going. I may have thrown in an extra state? Not sure I will return same route, may come back via more southern route?

  14. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Left out Oregon from route. But they also offered the z salt Lake City route which puts you through New Mexico. I have done all these routes in past and multiple versions there of. But not towing equivalent of Winnebago rv.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Me too, Steve. Has the Village been swept away? I am home in Oklahoma safely about one hour.

  16. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    We had some tornadoes and warnings during the past week. I got a generator two years ago and I have yet to use it. Power went out for 45 seconds Saturday. Just enough time to reset all of the clocks in the house and mess up the electronics. After 2 months without rain, we were told that we would need a record month of rain in August to reach normal. Well we are getting close! I will still have to re-plant some grass that has burned away.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    There is an old saying in the South…”I think I’d have to die to get to feelin’ better.”

    That pretty well sums up the way I’ve felt for the past several days. I pretty obviously picked up a respiratory bug at the hospital when I was there with my mom last week. Two of the meds I got at the Doc-in-the-Box last Sunday helped a lot with the sore throat, cough, and congestion and got me through the funeral. But the third one apparently did a number on my GI tract, and I’ve felt worse since Tuesday than I have in a long, long time. But today I can say my health level is back to 90%. (Yeah, I did the math.) So I hope this week will mark a return to what I laughingly refer to as normal.

    Again, thanks to everyone for the expressions of concern and caring.

  18. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Ghost: About 25 years ago I worked in an office that allowed smoking. I kept getting sinus infections and the Dr. would prescribe Amoxicillin about every 2-3 weeks for several months. I was just starting to feel better when i got hives. At first it was my arms, then my torso and then my legs. Eventually it hit my intestines and I spent about a week in the hospital. I lost 14 lbs at a time in my life that I did not need to lose weight.

    Prayers to you ans healing from the emotional stress along with the physical issues is quite a one two punch. Hang in there and try to keep your sense of humor, which you have.

  19. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Jackie: Glad you and your boat made it home safely. I’m guessing I’m not the only one here who wishes you would change your mind about hauling it to Washington.

  20. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Thank you Ruth Anne for the concern. I really just want company on the trip. The new trailer is performing well and truck is too. I have figured out a route from North of Dallas to Denver that avoids cities and freeways and only has one horrible pass in Washington which I have been over twice at 2 a.m. and will not do in dark again. In fact, I am calling a friend who hauls boats back and forth from Denver to Puget Sound and get advice.

    Obviously my timing is awful but friend works for boat company owned by Spydeco knives. Sure would be happy to nurse Ghost for the company and travel supervision. Plus someone to read maps and use a GPS and give me instructions on where to turn,

  21. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    My wife always says turn left right here and I tell her to make up her mind.

  22. Mailman Jack Avatar
    Mailman Jack

    Just wanted to take a second and complement your artwork on the 8-28-2016 strip on gocomics. Well played sir, well played…