Today we have a very old A&J cartoon, from August of 1987. They don’t get much older than that. There were a lot of sequels and knock-offs inspired by the 1982 movie “Porky’s” about the time this was drawn. I don’t have much time this morning. I have to draw new cartoons! I will try to post something Friday. Did you enjoy the material from the “wild art” file last week? If you did, there might be a few more lurking about.

“I’ve seen that movie!”
By Jimmy Johnson
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54 responses to ““I’ve seen that movie!””
Indeed, the ‘wild art’ was most enjoyable!
Good morning, Villagers. A nice cool and overcast morning with a spectacular sunrise. Another eight miles and I am already over forty for the week. Mark, I already have a very old tee that says “It’s a Cheerleader thing, you wouldn’t understand.” I wear it when I assist the sponsor of the girls (yes, they are all girls) up at the High School.
If there are more of those, yes, please un-lurk them.
I love the smell of bacon in the morning.
Loved all the wild art. I still say you have your tee shirt designs already drawn and ready.
Janis has truly improved with age. Wish I had!
Love, Jackie Monies
Bacon in the morning along with fresh air, preferably from pine trees, log cabin somewhere in mountains.
Not asking much.
Love, Jackie
Everybody has their morning rituals and loves. Mine is my puppy woofing and gamboling about. And the smell of strawberries and bananas when I make my smoothie. And the surge of energy I get when I pass my second mile of my run. I love the idea of a cabin in the mountains, but I don’t really want to be in one.
JJ, I liked the “Wild Art,” sure, especially the last one. I copied the way you drew Janis. But I am not gonna get enthusiastic about tees till I hear there is gonna be an XS.
Cleaning out purse and found this fortune, “It is better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.”
That reminds me of my favorite saying from my favorite baseball player from my second favorite sports team. (Auburn is #1.)
“You better be careful if you don’t know where you’re going because you might not get there!” Yogi Berra
JJ: If you read the last several days’ posts, you will know how well received those were, esp. “Arlo at the Tiller.” Maybe you’ve done that already.
Peace, emb
Yes, Robert Duval was in “To Kill a Mockingbird” with Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch.
Debbe, His performance in “The Apostle” was unbelievable.
I have friend I consider young (younger than me!) who is just now publishing his first book, “Jagular- Adventures in a $300 Boat”. He is excellent writer and funny, self deprecating and charmingly humble. Anyway, his favorite saying and mantra is “You don’t have to be prepared as long as you are willing to accept the consequences.”
Sort of upscaled Yogi!
Love, Jackie
Jackie that reminds me of two friends who were exchanging banter about a third’s upcoming airplane ride in the first’s airplane. The second pointed out that Tres (the first) often looks to the side when he is talking to his passenger. Tres pointed out that at that point, the airplane was on automatic pilot. The second riposted, ” you! If you were flying me, I would want you looking out front all of the time!.” That’s me. If I went in somebody’s boat (per impossibile) I would want them prepared for anything! I’m not a strong swimmer. :p
Lilyblack, I have been thinking of you this morning. I have a big pot of lima beans on stove with BOTH bacon and a big old ham bone with meat still on it. You would enjoy the fresh beets from garden perhaps or the creamed corn (fresh) or the multi-colored green beans (purples, yellows, greens, mottled, etc) or maybe the fresh greens. But it all has bacon in it!
I keep saying I have no idea how anyone could be Jewish in the south, much less keep Kosher. I have a friend in NC who told me the last time she bought a Kosher roasting chicken it cost $15 and I believe her. Heck, you couldn’t even be a vegan, there’d be a bone poking out just as you swallowed the black eyed peas!
Rest of y’all come visit for dinner.
Love, Jackie
Actually, Munchkin, in Visual Flight Rules conditions you would want your pilot to keep his/her head on a swivel. If something bad is going to come your way while flying, it may well be coming from your 8 o’clock through 4 o’clock position, not just your 12 o’clock.
Of course, it’s possible something bad could be coming from your 5 o’clock through your 7 o’clock, but that’s when you have to trust that the other pilot has his/her head on a swivel.
Interesting, Ghost, but the only plane I would get on right now would be the one helping me to escape from ISIS. I have no idea what VFR means. 😛
Breakfast: black coffee, grits and biscuits.
For those of you who are not familiar with how an automatic pilot works…
That WAS a funny movie or so we thought at the time. If I could have unmuted my sound I might think so still.
I forgot the sticks of butter in the corn. Goody, the local grocery has them on sale for $2.98 per lb., a good price. Real unsalted butter from real cows.
Gave up sorting the greens and threw in some of it all, which is how mom picked them. She’d be out there right now except it is raining slowly here.
The garden has been amazing actually and entertains mom. It has produced lots of beans, gallons and gallons, snow peas, cucumbers, squash, beets, mustard, turnips, chard, spinach and a few potatoes. More than that, it is visually beautiful and has already inspired a few people to copy it. That is all you can ask.
Love, Jackie
Seen on Facebook today, from my daughter Amy; she and her husband were at a conference in Kentucky, now driving to Atlanta to see their two boys at Emory — “Bacon at every meal and gas under $3 … I must be in the South!”
Lily, VFR= Visual Flight Rules. flying by eye rather than instruments, like driving a car.
Jackie: Regarding “creamed corn (fresh)”…
“M*A*S*H: A War for All Seasons (#9.6)” (1980)
Capt. B.J. Hunnicut: In a few minutes we’re going to be decobbing corn, thanks to you and your khaki thumb.
Father Mulcahy: Don’t I know it. All week I’ve been dreaming of getting butter on my cheeks, juice on my shirt, and a niblet wedged between two molars.
[walks up to the table]
Father Mulcahy: Where is the corn?
Cpl. Igor Straminsky: You’re looking at it. The mushy stuff.
Father Mulcahy: You… You creamed it!
[on the verge of tears]
Father Mulcahy: You… you ninny!
Cpl. Igor Straminsky: [everybody yells at Igor] I was just trying to be helpful. Next Fourth of July you can eat it on the cob for all I care.
Re gasoline prices: A quick look at my GasBuddy app shows a station about two miles from here selling Regular for $2.709 per gallon.
Remember the bad old days, when any one of about six of today’s news headlines would have had it selling for more than twice that? And still rising?
Yes, and our energy stocks are probably falling like a rock down a drilling hole! I won’t even look.
Thinking about VFR, I remember flying planes in the 1960’s where we went down roads just like following a map in a car. I know I never took/passed the instruments courses, although it was hard to escape using some! In fact, landing on a blacktop road was considered a good plan for engine failure and I had more than one plane do that out in remote swamps, better than the other choices.
Not me landing on blacktop, other people in front of me! I was in car watching them and hoping they had brakes.
Love, Jackie
Heh, a part of that conversation was that when the pilot had flown his Cessna 210 to Oregon he had put the autopilot on and taken a nap in the cockpit. The only time I have slept on airplanes is when I had a full load of alprazolam and alcohol on board. Mostly I stay awake to hold the airplane up by grabbing my seat arms 😛